Sunday, March 11, 2012

Worship induced envisioning .....

During song worship today, Holy Spirit had some fun with me.

The song leader and band played "His train filled the Temple".
He invited us to close our eyes and envision this.
I couldn't get a picture of it so I just let my mind envision what it wanted to.

Soon, I saw a cliffed hill silhouetted from behind by a golden red glow.
I thought it might be the sun rising.
To the the darker left and right of the cliff I saw two unlit crosses.
The top of the hill started becoming intensely bright.
An intensely white cross materialised from that brightness.
I enjoyed this a lot.

As I looked, a magnificent lion's head with mane
appeared below the right arm of the cross.
He was happy, his mane was so full and long.
It streamed across to below the left arm of the cross.

I was then, above, behind and to the left of him.
He was laughing as he walked on the clouds.
I did not see them, but I sensed many, many people were following him.

Then, I was looking straight at the lion's face.
The darker parts of his nose and brow produced a cross.

Then he was on a raised stage with golden light behind him.
He was truly regal as he paced across the stage.
He was happy and speaking.
As he spoke, distorted rings came from his mouth.
Rings of mellow fire, that started caressing the audience.
The audience caught fire with a warm glow that became more intense.

A fiery lion's face and mane then appeared right in front of me.
He had a very happy, but a cheeky look about him.
He spun his head clockwise but his right eye remained stationary,
which distorted everything.
My reaction was to think he was being just too weird !
Then his eye caught up with his face,
but his face, now, was distorted, as well !
It spun and disappeared then reformed.
He kept distorting, spinning, disappearing, and reappearing,
until I was laughing with him.

The song stopped but the Joy remained with me.

Hahahe ...
I'm glad this happened to me because the speaker was very religious !

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