Wednesday, March 14, 2012

... as I have loved you .....

I saw a wall photo on facebook that made me laugh out loud.

A lot of the "Jesus" cartoons seem a bit smug to be worthwhile.

This one brings an important aspect of :
I'm a christian,
I understand His Love,
I understand His Grace,

ahh .... except in this case,
where it should be outlawed !!

It shows a "Jesus character" on a rock
speaking to a group of "disciple characters".
The artist has the scene quite sharp and a little surreal.


The "Jesus character" says :

"OK, Here's the new thing,
I have Loved you;
now, you can go and Love others 
as I have Loved you.
Make sure you take care of them,
and don't judge them."

A "disciple character" replies :

"But what if they are gay,
or worship other gods?"

The "Jesus character" apologises :

"Did I - f@#$%!) - stutter."


Of course there was a lot of discussion being distracted by
the "Jesus character" swearing, so missing the central understanding.

There were also those disputing that gays would be loved!

The second idea is so much more repugnant than the first.


Now here is a brief discussion.

I live in a democracy (so much better than a dictatorship).
If I feel strongly about something that will be good, or bad for society,
I can vote or influence that something into our governance.
If it gets up well and good.
If it doesn't, it is still, well and good.
That is because I believe Jesus is always
doing a better thing for fallen mankind,
i.e. Us !

Jesus is always doing a better thing for :
the gay man or woman,
the white collar criminal,
the man or woman in adultery,
the tax cheat,
the violent criminal,
the self-righteous preacher,
the multiple partner guru,
the fornicating youth,
the pederast,
the serial killer,
the backbiter, ......

can I stop now ?
we have the idea ?

Do we find lasting happiness in :
more money,
more sexual gratification,
more power,
more cleverness,
being the parent figure,
being married (gay or straight), ......

can I stop now ?
we have the idea ?

Jesus is always showing us :
how Loved and Beautiful we are to Him.
(He has fully paid the Eternal consequence of our failures.
Horrifically ..... on the cross.)

True Love is our central search.

Until we start seeking to understand
how Loved and Graced,
we are by Daddy God,
we will not be happy.

The Godhead sings over us with Joy.
(right now, this second, minute, hour ..... )


for those wanting to view the image,
you will find the image on this spacey site !


Settled righteous and saved by Jesus in His Grace for ALL the world,
(that was said quickly but it is Powerful and True),
our attention is now drawn to the consequences of sin on Earth,
not on the consequences of sin on our salvation.

If we want healthy, happy, joyful, fruitful, lovely, peaceful, fulfilled, long lives
on Earth, there are joy ways that lead there, and ways that lead to a lesser life.
We know this is true for eating and exercise.
It is also true of other parts of our lifestyles.

Not retaining the knowledge of the Love of Jesus (a blissing)
leads to other  activities that can have negative consequences,
after an initial joy.
Most of these activities are blessed when in context, (e.g. sex; alcohol)
but lead to oppression, brought by the accuser, when not.

Of course the religious have more patience with murderers than homosexuals!
Homosexuals that believe are saved. Murderers that believe are saved.
Our sin is not carried to Heaven.
Let's look at what Romans 1 actually says.

It seemed like God abandoned mankind to be swept along by the lusts
of their own hearts to abuse and defile themselves.              [only "seemed" ... & ALL mankind]

Instead of embracing their Maker as their true identity
they preferred the deception of a warped identity,             [=consequence] 
religiously giving it their affection and devotion.

By being confused about their Maker
they became confused about themselves;  
[=consequence of lost identity]
women became snared in a passion for one another.
[=a manifestation of consequence]

Likewise the men became inflamed with an unnatural attraction to men;
even their personalities changed in consequence to
[making their bodies female genitalia for each other].

And since [all mankind] no longer honored or acknowledged God in their thoughts,
[all mankind] failed to see anything wrong with what they were doing.

................... [long list of what they were doing] ...................

It just doesn't make any sense,
they started off knowing the righteousness of God,   [believers] 
yet by their deeds they clearly prefer death;             [consequence=shorter life]
it is almost as if sin has become a fashionable contest.

A presumed knowledge of that which is right or wrong does not qualify you to judge anyone.

No man is another man’s judge.

No-one can afford to get the wrong idea about God’s goodness;
he hates sin but loves man!
The wealth of his benevolence and his resolute refusal to let go of us
in his patient passion is to shepherd everyone into a radical change of mind.

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