Sunday, January 31, 2010

Charles and Ann Stock

Charles and Ann Stock are the Senior Pastors of Life Center in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Charles and Anne are river guides in the natural and in the spirit. Loving the journey, they invite and include everyone they meet, while sharing everything they have. They camp on the shores of honest friendship, run the rapids of spiritual warfare, and turn the sharp corners of God’s movement and revelation.
They will be speaking at:

NewDay Ministries; Friday, Feb 5th 7pm ; Saturday, Feb 6th 7pm
46 Kelvin Grove Road Brisbane

New Earth Tribe : Sunday Feb 7; 4pm ; Byron Bay Primary School Hall 


Supressa Sitole Evening Session.

Maria and the NET band brought a bliss worship time.
Technical problems early but Maria said the night would be a great time.
She was right; plenty of Joy.
Here is Supressa’s message as best as I remember:

The truth spoken early is helpful but late can be harmful.
Tell people you are a Christian so they don’t include you in their incense prayers.
My mother was the type to forbid me to laugh today
because I would cry tomorrow if i laugh today……
but Jesus changes everything…….cheka cheka, cheka
My old church would read bible then get us all to face the wall until we cried over what we just heard…..
but I laugh: ca ca ca ca …….
i was in trouble with the preacher… why do you laugh?……cos He makes me happy…….

The daughter of the king was sick….he makes a decree
“the man who heals his princess will marry her”.
Two doves were in a tree at night ….talking…”our blood will heal her”….
A sojourner heard this and caught the doves…
and they cried out isyou, isyou, isyou….
“Yes what I heard in the dark I now proclaim in the light.”
We are the daughter of the King healed by the blood of The Dove.

Mystery of the New Covenant :
why needed when abrahamic was based on faith.
What new ministry does it release…
Gen17:2  abraham was the best accountant because
God said if he could count the stars he would know the number of his seeds… ca ca….
Egypt & Israel are the hardest places on earth to preach.
Ministry of Abr. covenant is to circumcise….
can be mis-used…sons of Jacob circumcised village then killed them!!!
The Abr. Covenamt joined by pain…
But the New Covenant joined by GRACE.
Heb.8:6 Jesus is a more excellent ministry because the Old did not accommodate ALL People.
I was born into a witchdoctor family…
at that time, witches were being slaughtered everywhere….
the killers religion was not accommodating to ALL.
Jer.32:40 Everlasting covenant described…
GOODNESS never stops…He just POURS it in more & more…..
Jer.6:17…restore and heal wounds.
What a deal…
His son gets wounded and you get healed..... NEW and so GOOD
In the OLD you wounded yourself and God healed….
Now Jesus takes the wound; and YOU do the healing…..

In village there were girls who weren’t married
because they needed special “make up” anointing……..cheka cheka cheka….
They asked for this anointing and they woke up beautiful…ca ca ca…
That year there were many marriages.

A woman in Korea was very poor so she asked for anointing to be rich…
She started a t-shirt industry and sold out. And kept selling out…
she became a millionaire in the GFC last year….
you know what was on the t-shirt?...
my face and the face of a lion …… ca ca ca.

The suckling goat gave Peace all the days of summer….

The New Covenant IS the party covenant……
Don’t do your guilt in front of Me.
Take the Joy of the New Testament…
Come on EAT My Body; Drink My Blood……its Joy.

I had a dream….
I came on a funeral and I could see the dead person in the cask and his face was FULL of LAUGHTER.
I see this same dead face the next day in a casket….
I realise that Jesus will raise him so that’s what I do and he is raised from the dead.
As he becomes conscious he evacuates his bowels…such a BAD ca ca…
He said when he was dead he was fighting darkness;
he was being pushed towards deep darkness when a very Bright LIGHT snatched him back to Life.

More rejoicing in worship. A blessed time.

Andrew Hoyes

Sunday 31-01-10 : 6pm : Nexus Church Brisbane : Andrew is from Generation Church, Gold Coast

I was able to get with Nexus church for their uplifting worship in song last Sunday.

Some people indicated need for healing;
Andrew got people close to those people to pray over those people.

Andrew talked about living loud and large for Jesus. (he was dressed rather loud! cheka.. cheka)
Through a few standard type of jokes he brought home the energy needed in a Christian life.
e.g. negative people need to be left in a dark room to develop!!
the lame preacher ; the maniacal cab driver :
the cab driver got a bigger house in heaven because he drove more people to pray.

Some of his words from my memory are:

We've all got our own spiritual assignments.
You'll burn out if you are fulfilling other people's assignments.
I'm an opportunist and an optimist. (kiss and slap in the dark joke)
People who land on their feet aren't lucky they had plans.
Live expansively smallness comes from within you 2Cor6:1and13
The MESS of the past becomes the MESSAGE for now.
Don't use that MESS for an excuse not to follow Jesus.
I was from a broken home; subject to child abuse and dysfunctional.
I went after Jesus; kept in there putting my hand up to be chosen until i was chosen because there was no one else for the church to use; then Jesus worked through me.
Do not be afraid to fail.
Australia likes the culture of failure they party in it.
Our church should be known for "having a go".
Develop a church culture of no matter what the outcome of having a go;
we will party in that and have another go.
1. live passionate; 2. live consistent; 3. live purposely; 4. live with perspective.
Blind dad and footballing son yarn?
Andrew asked for indication of people who wanted to know Jesus.
Approx 10 people responded.

I hope this report blesses you,
be of good cheer,

a few beliefs of Generation Church :
  • We believe that in order to live holy and fruitful lives, we need to be baptised in water and be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, which enables us to use spiritual gifts, including speaking in tongues which is the initial evidence of baptism in the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe that God wants to heal and transform us so that we can live healthy and prosperous lives.
  • We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back again as He promised, having prepared a place in Heaven for every believer.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Supresa Sitole

Supresa is Director of Pastors for IRIS Ministries where he helps oversee the rapidly spreading revival in southern Africa which has witnessed close to 7,000 new churches being birthed since 2000. He is so full of the joy of God. 

Last Saturday, New Earth Tribe Byron Bay (Maria and Phil pictured above) sponsored Supresa for two joyful sessions.

Katherine and Tom of New Day Ministries, Brisbane, brought about the introductions.

Session 1:
Wonderful worship time with Maria & Dan & Phil and NET band – a bliss time.

Supresa brings the message to us; 
sort of like these words below, but being there was important! : 

My 1st time in Europe we had a certain time for our talks. I get up & we start laughing…cheka cheka cheka….by the time we stopped laughing my session was over….but we all enjoyed the good laugh.

An African owl attracts its prey (the rat) by casting a fluttering shadow over its hole. The rat thinks it is a butterfly (it eats burtterflies)…it comes out to eat and is eaten! (aaaw said the group)  It’s enemy got between the light and the rat and made a distraction for the rat. Our life is under The Light of Christ. Don’t get caught up by the little shadows in your life…. Are you all right…Let’s have fun….. cheka cheka

I met Heidi in 1985. All she said was look after these kids here, pray with them.

I went with Roland Baker to see some tribes. 3 hour walk to the big river, it was above our heads but we walk not on the water but stay waist deep above the river bottom! That’s still Good tho, eh cheka cheka…We still got leeches tho… most people were trying to rip them off but Roland takes out his camera and calmly gets the images; then he uses the fire to get them to leave. You ok ?.. cheka cheka.

The purpose of an anointing is to go to that purpose – then that level will lead to another anointing – we go higher by allowing each anointing – be hungry and ask – so that you can go from glory to glory – 5 times, 10 times, 15 times, ask for more to get from place to place.

Its all about friendly – thanks for the good worship – praise and dance – praise while exercisement – better than running on a belt !! cheka cheka…

1Sam.16:13 Samuel anoints David as a boy The Holy Spirit stays on him from that day. The Holy Ghost takes David through the lion, the bear and the Goliath incidents.

2Sam.2:4 David anointed again by the men of Judah to be King of Judah. Why does he need another anointing? His first anointing was a prophet’s anointing with deliverance and strategy i.e. what to say and what to do at the right times. This Judah anointing is for the next level – Judah means praise – the next level is to PRAISE and to build the House of PRAISE.

GOD IS SMART…where God goes the people get blessed. Where (Adophus??) was born… that area has a big suicide problem – we spoke against that suicide spirit in that area and now there is no more suicides in that area. (cheers of praise for Jesus!!)

The 2nd anointing gives David the level of praise.. & dance (he dances out of his clothes)… and it brings with it ....Overcoming.

When I was 17, Reinhard Bonke came to Malawi. We sing 1 song for the first hour..the same for the 2nd hour…the 3rd…the fourth…then one crippled person gets up out of the wheel chair and waddles off !! by the time Reinhard turns up there are 25 wheel chairs in a heap….ONE song brought the atmosphere of God to that place.

Judah = Praise, and David was going to be the King of Praise.

2Sam.5:3 A 3rd anointing; this time the elders anointed David the King of Israel; the elders are for counselling not leading.

George & I went to a village which was a furnace of witchcraft; lots of people were dying there….we rented a house there and later we walk through the village praying…..enjoyable time…then back to house to sleep…now that night 7 witches get together to go to our house to put a case…they always do this naked!!...they come to our house and see that it is burning up…they think that’s good we’ll wake up the village….the villagers come out with machetes, the fire is no more and the witches are naked….the witches like the leeches were driven off by The Holy Ghost Fire!!!

He wants us to overcome and expand; we want the Spirit of Expansion on us…....getting and receiving more in 2010 – more new people for NET  ............don’t block the Light…..never enough, we always need another touch……David gets the anointing from the elders = counsellors = The Holy Ghost.

Those that want expansion into the schools; into the medias; into the community come forward for anointing prayer now ……………………………… .
”I don’t know why you all aren’t up here!!"
(with that encouragement, we all move forward for a blessed time of prayer).

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

weekend with worshiping women - wonderful

I'll post items as i get the notes into the computer. Lisa, Maria, Katherine, Rachel & Danielle all enjoying their relationship with The Holy Ghost.

Last Friday night with Lisa Bevere was one of good energy.

Lisa is promoting powerful things in Cambodia.
She is in the face of pimps who keep young girls in the sex trade there.
Ps.10:12-18  Break their arms prayer! Pimp must die!

But You have seen,
for You observe trouble and grief,
To repay it by Your hand.
The helpless commits himself to You;
You are the helper of the fatherless.

Break the arm of the wicked and the evil man;
Seek out his wickedness
until You find none.

The rule of the gang lords will be ended.

When one goes to dangerous places, be rightly related to Jesus.
Partners of the Bevere’s are flying 80 orphans out of Haiti to USA where parents, wanting to adopt, have been fast tracked to receive them.

Lisa brings a message of what image do you have of yourself
And His Church.
Lisa has been likened to Sarah Conner “Terminator”.
She liked this image. (the following is not word for word but as I heard it):

“I ride a motorbike, I’m buff, I’m dangerous when I’m stretched.
So I decide to show up at the gym to show my strengths.
Robert assesses me with some exercises which I think will be a breeze.
He is not nice; he shows me up in push ups, bell bar etc & then machine tests my body fat (she looks lean) where Robert says i suffer from having skinny fat muscles!!! He says I need to do more WEIGHT BEARING exercises.


But they do not know the thoughts of the LORD,
Nor do they understand His counsel;
For He will gather them like sheaves to the threshing floor.
“ Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion;
For I will make your horn iron,
And I will make your hooves bronze;
You shall beat in pieces many peoples;
I will consecrate their gain to the LORD,
And their substance to the Lord of the whole earth.”

When God blesses, no one can curse you.
Israel needed to see itself as the Lion.
When one has the arousal to be the lion,
then beware the distractions and
be aware that the enemy can send in the moabite sex priestesses to divert & satiate that arousal.
I am a lamb towards God but a Lion towards the enemy.

For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

My sons are fascinated with swords (even as young adults).
Swords under the toilet door sweeping back & forth!!
The Word has strength & awe, not their swords.

The need to get real;
I was a competitive swimmer; turned up casually to training but I could still win races when required.
At one carnival my team cheered against me for another “lesser” team mate.
“WHY did you do that?”
“ Because she takes this swimming seriously”

You are He Who gives salvation to kings,
Who rescues David His servant from the hurtful sword [of evil]….
When our sons shall be as plants grown large in their youth
and our daughters as sculptured corner pillars hewn like those of a palace;…..
Happy & blessed are the people whose God is the Lord!

Holy Ghost led Women are gathering to amaze.
Sculptured Pillars = Spiritual Women.
Spiritual Women need to intercede and birth new things.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


RESIST the devil and he will flee from you.

Stand firm in (know) Jesus' Word - show resistance the way Jesus showed resistance:
He directed, He corrected, He remained silent before, or He silenced, the spirit of accusation;
(its not about inflicting the same pain on that spirit that he has inflicted on you).

it does not mean:
dispute his existence,
ignore him,
under-estimate or over-estimate the devil's power.

Keep a cool head. 
Stay alert.
Keep a firm grip on His Faith.....................Boyd

Banning Sunday 100117

Last Sunday was a day to be ministered to by,
Banning Leibscher from JesusCulture/Bethel Church.
Jesus Culture worship concert, Sunday evening, at the Dream Centre, Carrara
Sponsored by Revolution Church, Mermaid Waters.

More than 1 thousand turned up to worship and so did the Holy Spirit.
We prayed for each other to have a Jesus encounter & there definitely was a big up lift from The Holy Ghost as we joined the band in worship.
People were coming forward to tell of the healings they received that night as Banning was speaking.

The people with examples of healing going up to front stage to rejoice as I remember were:
Young woman’s hip realigned.
Young man’s pain relief from a poorly healed broken toe.
Young woman’s eczema healed immediately and her skin normalized.
A man’s healing from dyslexia, (he had just read the Bible for the first time without letter blurring and extra letters).
A woman’s hearing was restored from partial deafness (She was emotional).
Young man feels his back straightened from scoliosis. 
A woman felt she was healed of acid reflux (she was calling for coffee to confirm it!)

I prayed for a young woman with a severed thumb; there was a bit of bliss there;
and a young woman with an Achilles problem (she said she would have to go for a long run before she knew she was healed).

Tweets from Banning:

Great healings last night.
Acid Reflux, Asthma, Dyslexia, Broken Bones, Scoliosis, Partial Deafness,

Last night was incredible in the GC.
So much hunger here for God.
A generation is awakening to holiness who will declare Jesus with power.

Last night Nexus revivalists released a cry, so powerful,
completely consumed with seeking God for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Banning's morning talk @ Nexus 17-01-10; that i took notes for, is below:

I have been with ~1000 young people at Nexus – JesusCulture Conference.
A thousand young Elijahs who will influence their world.
BL tweeted : Last night Nexus revivalists released a cry, so powerful, completely consumed with seeking God for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

I love biographies; how the power of 1 can change history.
Leadership IS influence.
Our great commission to Nations, city, campus, workplace, family, friends.
These are our realms of influence.
We are the Head not the Tail – we are not following, we are leading:
I am influential.
Christians aren’t along for a ride – i should lead the ride.
Pollies don’t set the direction, God does, thru us as intercessors.
Elisha salted Bad water and it became Good.
So with me : Qld barren, we show saltiness then Qld fruitful.
7 realms of Society – Bill Bright - eg Finance, Media, Education…
Salt the water, the water healed > the land healed.
We are called to be a leaders in these realms.
Embrace a life to Lead, say yes to;
Hard work –
this will always stretch my faith;
it can be discouraging;
i will feel in over my head
but God will always make sure my head bobs up.
Many are called but few are chosen.
“I want to be chosen”
The context is accepting the invite to the wedding.
The ones chosen are the ones that say “Yes”.
Its like saying “who wants to help me move house”.
No eye contact, no enthusiasm; it’s a test for real friendship!
Then one outsider says yes to help me; so i say: “well I’ll choose you!!”
Am I refusing eye contact with Jesus;
blessed in His friendship but I don’t say "Yes, choose me!"
2009 was the most stretching year of my life but I do feel rewarded.
Personal breakthrough will give corporate break through.
Paul and Silas did the singing and the praying but the whole jail got released.
Rahab did the faith but her whole family survived the wall fall.
Exod.20 :  leaders get breakthrough; every one was frightened but Moses pressed in.
I will Refuse to stop growing.
“Law of the Lid” – John Maxwell
Joshua raised the lid every where he was.
Feedback reads like CONSTRAINT but I might have to be influenced by it.
If I am not nurturing,
I will become nurturing even if the feedback gives me the impression that I’m working with babies!!
“I will impart Life”
I will be in community – Isolation is a killer for Leaders/influencers.
I need feedback to Grow – Banning, the lovable steamroller.
God wants me to trust the people giving me the feedback.
They will identify my blind spots about myself – I can’t see them!
Community gives me access to strengths I don’t have.
I must be in community with the wider community.
I am not to point score against the community,
or just to plant a short term spiritual flag there,
just to boast that : i said i could get into that circle;
I will enter community to serve.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Draw me...

to add to OSChambers.............

As I ask the wonderful Holy Ghost to show me how much Jesus loves me, obedience is a delight, yes!

..................... ..............Boyd

Draw me,
we will run after You:
the King hath brought me into His chambers:
we will be glad and rejoice in You,
we will remember Your Love more than wine:              S o Solomon 1:4
chaplains have led 5 ppl to the Lord in our hospital today. God is moving even in the desperation that surrounds.............i saw this twitter from SamaitansPurse from BaptistHaitiMission

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Oswald Chambers 1

If we are in love with our Lord, obedience does not cost us anything— it is a delight!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

100107 Friends of Jesus

Happy 2010 to you all.
Felice Navidad, Prospero Ano y Felicidad
Happy Nativity, Prosperous year with happiness.
We sang this a bit over Christmas (spanish, remember Jose Feliciano!!).
Hope your holiday was good.
We enjoyed plenty of family time, books, dvd s, singing and talks.
If you like worship music, get “Here is Love” by BethelMusic CD+DVD
from Koorong – It is a gem.
I’ve got a blog on the web now so go to :
and also make friends with me on facebook,
I’d enjoy that.
I’m now into the world of Twitter (its ok tho, ha he ha),
so search for Boyd McNamara there.
I’ve got more inspiration and great links in those three places.
Do some communicating to me though!
“These people come near to Me with their mouth
And honour me with their lips,
But their hearts are far from me.
Their worship of Me is made up only of rules taught by men.” (Is.29:13)
“the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth
to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.” (2Chron.16:9)

Below are some relevant quotes I have collected.

Prayers that don't move you, won't move Him. -- Bill Johnson.

After the death of Jesus,
the men’s hands smelled like fish the women’s like anointing. - TF Tenney

Never allow Pharisees to intimidate you from reaching the people
for whom Christ shed his saving blood on the Cross. - Rick Warren


Jason Hamlin prophet and evangelist to Mid East, talks on “loving your enemy”.

I recently (15-11-09) heard Jason, a man of great energy for delivering God’s Word.
Below is what I wanted to put on paper.
He opened up with “shall men give into your bosom” Luke 6:37.

It is not a call to give your tithes or offerings to a work so you can be blessed later.
Its about the result of loving your enemy.
When you are being beaten up by the unsaved (this person is really the one in the hopeless position).
Who needs to show the mercy;
who needs to operate in The Spirit rather than the flesh?

He gave several examples:
He staged one as he is being kicked to the ground by a big burly kickboxer;
another real one - when the side of his car was totalled by a drunken woman driver –
fleshly anger and then sue at law – or say –
“please go home;
God loves you –
God has a plan for your life,
please take heed of it,
Go be blessed”.
Jason did this and later much more was “given into his bosom by men”.

Luke 6:46 …..why say Lord Lord and do not…..
Verses 44 :….. every one is known by their fruit (integrity).
………………Bare fruit by building on the rock (that’s what hearers look like) –
………………it is when, not if the floods come.

Luke 6:37 ….acquit don’t judge; release don’t condemn; forgive don’t begrudge.

Lu 6:27 …….love your enemies, and move into the favour of God.
v32 to 35 …..God is kind to the ungrateful, selfish, unthankful, and the wicked. ……
………..He was that to Me and He wants me to be kind, too.

For more on Jason go to:

For the sceptic in me....

If i want to have doubt, i will doubt any doubt about Jesus;
for unbelief, i will not believe that fear i am not loved by Father God;
for distrust, i will not trust five sense opinions against The Comforter.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

like a flood the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.

Great message at Metro Newfarm from Sunjay.
Move a comma and get the true understanding of one's powerful position in Jesus.

"When the enemy shall come in like a flood,
the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him." Is.59:19 KJV

Compare the change of authority by the change of position of the comma (supported by translators):

"When the enemy shall come in,
like a flood the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him." a pent-up flood that the breath of the LORD drives along. NIV

even better!!

small section of Metro Church beliefs:

We believe that in order to live the holy and fruitful lives that God intends for us, we need to be baptised in water and be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit enables us to use spiritual gifts, including speaking in tongues which is the initial evidence of baptism in the Holy Spirit.
We believe that God has individually equipped us so that we can successfully achieve His purpose for our lives which is to worship God, fulfill our role in the Church and serve the community in which we live.
We believe that God wants to heal and transform us so that we can live healthy and prosperous lives in order to help others more effectively.

Their worship of Me is made up only of rules taught by men.

“Miracle Workers…………….” by John Crowder.

begin at p222

“Soaking prayer” to shut down interior turbulence and then to drink deeply from the Living Streams

“…Drink, yes drink deeply, O beloved ones! “ (Songs o S.5:1)

The world wants results – productivity.

God just wants to get us plastered in His Love.

Prayer is much more about listening and basking in God’s Presence,

Than it is about talking and asking.

“These people come near to Me with their mouth

And honour me with their lips, but

Their hearts are far from me.

Their worship of Me is made up only of rules taught by men.” (Is.29:13)


“the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth

to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.” (2Chron.16:9)

There is no form. No methodology to the practice of His Presence.

It relies heavily on silence – on listening –

but the only DNA which separates it from other systems,

is that it is not a system…

it is a relationship.

"You will be delivered by returning and resting;
your strength will lie in quiet confidence.
But you are not willing." (Is.30:15)

My inner man must first learn to:

“be still and know that I am God” (Ps.46:10)

It feels unproductive.

What will it take for me to just lie down and trust God?

“The Lord will fight for you;

You need only to be still.” (Ex.14:14)

“Let us then make every effort to enter that rest,” (Heb.4:11)

Soaking in His Love will naturally propel us forward

into supernatural Christian service.

to be continued...........

I will not de-power the spiritual and empower the natural.


The world might get The Principles but they need The Prince.

Don’t mix temporal values with eternal destiny; its not about the dress;
God would want to have you happy in what you like but it is not eternal.

Stop making permanent decisions (solutions) for short term problems.
Problems that would pass if you allowed the patience of God to exercise in your life
rather than making laws (rules) against your latest tidy up.

Jesus took 3 to the transfiguration,
12 to disciple closely,
70 to defeat the works of the devil;
5000 soon turned up.

Jesus had The Father and 3-12 confidants,
then the rest were constituents.

Confidants you can open up to, and are rare in your life.
Constituents want to go to the same place as you.

I will not naturalise the spiritual and spirtualise the natural.

--- TD Jakes speaking to Benny Hinn
