Monday, April 1, 2013

tweets to end March ....

""Faith is a gift from God 
to enable us to see 
what He sees."" 
Unless we experience and soak-up His Presence,
our relationship is cerebral, rather than actual.
We know about it, but we can't live in it.
.. when the sociopaths call the next war, 
let's just send these war-mongers
off with boxing gloves; .. 
so we all can party with their latest "enemy" 
through the King of Peace and Grace .....
Jesus made a friend of me;
His friendship is before any group indoctrination;
- friends are friends;
it's not based on submitting to a group, first.
Jesus was/is my friend forever;
He always made me Wonder;
- friends told me of a JesusSpirit experience,
but they were in a religious group;
- i have left the religious group
- are those friends still friends?
..... read the parables again 
with none too-fascial familiarity ..... 
there are actually non-religious interpretations spoken here .....
Baptism into the resurrected Jesus 
rescues us,
not the cleaned up carnality,
it is the desire to joyfully co-see our baptism in Him ..
You masculine,
with intelligent understanding,
honour the feminine 
as you would a fragile precious vessel,
being co-heirs of Grace-Life ..... 
.... and your pre-prayers (=proseuche(grk)) 
will not originate out of wailings and grief.  
humans need vision, 
preferably with light from sun or moon, 
to stop progressing in circles ..... 
nice analogy ay .....
to focus on healing, tongues, and the prophetic,
is just as vain as focusing on sin; 
focus in the Joy and Love and Charis of the Lamb; 
and Gifts just arrive .....
.. the division 
Kurios is referring to 
is between those who are religious to rule,
and those who know they are graced to just BE .....
..... I'm a "made man" ..... 
He made me a son of Theiotes 
..... can't be un-made .....
.. the lake of fire, of oblivion, 
is reserved only for satan and his angels
and maybe those who insist on being included, 
even after seeing their own Glory in Kurios ..
..... by His being put to death in the flesh,
entering into Hades
and rising; 
He has preached to ALL spirits in that death prison, hades,
they too are released .....
.. keep it simple ..
the future was hades (grave),
then Jesus (man/god) 
brought sozo (new Life) 
to ALL ..
.. will we avail ourselves of this new Life 
in this Earth-life ..
the "after this Earth life" 
is accomplished in Kurios ..... 
i, too, have read the last paragraph 
..... it ends so well ..... 
..... Grace is with you .....
..... faith is trust ..... 
.. what concepts are you trusting .. 
in this life ? .....
.. "I wouldn't belong to a club that had rules to allow me as a member" .. 
..... but spontaneous joyous love gatherings identified in I Am .....
.... now, there's a possibility ....
'You are altogether beautiful my love; 
there's no flaw in you." 

..... Kurios, the Re-Creator ..... 
has unflawed me 
in His Sacrifice of Love .....
..... i would have difficulty organising even a chook raffle, 
but i know my whole being is Loved .....
..... Robert F Capon in "Kingdom, Grace, Judgment" 
brings a new joy and understanding 
to the parables of Jesus .....
..... parables of Kurios .....
aren't mere stories;
many aren't agreeable;
most are complex;
and produce more confusion 
than understanding
.. read them with none too facile familiarity ..
.. exceptions and paradox ..
should be seen as releases 
from religionists' rules, theories, hypotheses and doctrines .. 
be only opinionated for His Love for ALL .....
Lamb of God,
HAS delivered us ALL 
to Heaven in our "after this life".
Rest in the Peace of this 
and allow Kurios 
bring Heaven to this earthly life.
O region of dark ignorance where is your stinging, O hades where is your vanquishing ......
.. The stinging of dark ignorance is missing our true reality, 
and the enabling, of missing our true identity, 
are the rules we use.  
The law reveals what happened to man in Adam; 
grace reveals what happened to the same man in Christ. 
(Francois Du Toit)
The spirit of competition will destroy creativity 
while the spirit of celebration will foster it. 
(Sean Feucht)
.. listeners, sermon tasters, choir critics, 
leader assessors and spiritual gourmets;
can still point to the Grace that is Jesus ....
but to describe "church" as "canteen for workers"
is elitist!
.. the ekklesia is not in the morals business. 
The world is in the morals business ..
(and how very moralistic they are !! )
Love and Power from one's immersion in Holy Spirit ..... 
..... sweet wonder .....
A cynic is a habitual doubter.
It takes but a moment to experience Grace ..... 
It takes more than a life time to understand Charis .....
.. ha .. 
when will the New Testament 
stop being used as a book of transactions and laws 
by mercenaries and sociopaths .. 
..... we are ALL priestly kings .....
Humans and justice doesn't seem to do it - 
..... Jesus and Justice does .....
.. funny how people want to label 
others by their thoughts and activities .. 
.. use those labels for libel, scoffing and control ..
conscience (kjv) = Suneidesis (grk) = joint seeing,
seeing as one, co-seeing ..
seeing as One with God;
which de-emphasises human knowledge of the subject ..

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