Thursday, April 4, 2013

ekklesia (grk) translated church; primary meaning from ek=origin and kaleo=to surname, i.e. the individuals have identity in the surname of "I Am"..... not in the "club"... stati and posts .....

.. teehee ..

.. i actually met a bloke
who thinks that if 
a white person and a black person
have a child, it is interbreeding;
like 1 species with another ..

i tried to explain that humans are one species,
and that skin colour is but one expression
in the amazing gene pool we have in natural selection;
..... so anyone can partner for love .....

.. he said we would have to agree to disagree in this ..

"Nothing in all the world is more dangerous 
than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." 
- Martin Luther King Jr ..
.... word up ....

"suneidesis" from the old greek
was translated "conscience" in the 1600s
and means "joint seeing", "seeing as one", "co-seeing",
"seeing as One in Theiotes",
which de-emphasises the modern meaning
of "an human internal voice of morals or knowledge".

.. just sayin ..



".. “your cruel god makes a cruel man.” ― Thomas Paine .."

"Language is insufficient to communicate His incommunicable nature. 

Yet His Word was breathed through human lips."

- JCrowder


Paul and Barnabas persuaded
the Jews and the religious proselytes
to get over the law
and remain positioned in
Charis Theos .....


Play (fun, joy, non-derisive laughter)
is a way to humanise
those who would be tyrants
or even experts .....

"When I think about Kurios,
my heart is so full of joy
that notes dance and leap
from my pen."

- ( FJ Hadyn )

( hahe -composer )


"I have given to them the glory and honor which You have given Me, that they may be one [even] as We are one." 
-Jesus in John 17:22"
".... just enough time
for some outdoor cookin
.... tasted yuom ...."

".... i saw a magpie,
wetter than a shag,
on the ground in the rain,
sing the most whole-hearted song ....

luved it !"
".... soaking rain o'night,
the avocado trees really needed this ...."
"I am not a survivalist with hidden guns and grain, 
hiding until the anti-christ kills me or a hoped-for rapture rescues me. 
I've chosen to be a triumphalist because of two words:

Resurrection Power!"
- B.Simmons

enjoy 'stray' day .....
looks like a sleep-in or water activities
is da go round here !

hadeha ..
that codified judgement :
"that's unaustralian"
got used on the weather by a newsreader ?!!
.. what next, a pissing koala ..
.... " discover that the rhinoceros does exist
and then take pleasure
in the fact that he looks as if he shouldn't. "

- GKChesterton

( wonder world at one's feet
even before the imagination kicks in ! )
"Remember: the enemy uses false images and illusions to deceive and ultimately destroy you. Jesus is the TRUE image and reality of humanity; and He destroyed the false image of man on the cross and the enemy was broken. Just as Jesus is the substance and evidence of the nature of man as the image and likeness of God, even so are you.
- Jeff Pate
".... finska victory to Amanda ....
.. Peter had a kombi in the early '70s,
& introduced me to Noosa surf culture ..
... so gud to see him again ...."

"..... 1sts, 3rds, 4ths, 18ths, 30ths, 50ths, and 60ths,
pretty versatile in my cake eating lately ....."
".... crowd here listenin to hottest 100 ...."

Esau could not get Isaac to change his mind ......
but God's mind is made up about our new life .....


( SO favoured )"
".... floods to the north
fires to the south
cyclone to the west
hot in the centre ....
this is an edgey island !"

"ah .... and o'cast flat ocean to east ..."
""A scientist is a mimosa when he himself has made a mistake, and a roaring lion when he discovers a mistake of others." -Albert Einstein"
".... hahe .... the bluff and bluster of "starched shirts""

.... I've come a long way since starched shirts ....
( literally and figuratively )
..... so uncomfortable .....
.... Instead of your shame
you will receive a double portion,
and instead of dis-grace
you will rejoice in your inheritance (in Grace).
And so you will inherit a double portion in your land,
and everlasting joy will be yours.

".... "The Other Guys" movie is funny,
the commander at the hotshots funeral says :
".. let's pray that god makes a special case,
so these heroes can take their guns into heaven..""
Arise My darling!
Come quickly my Beloved.
Come and be the graceful gazelle with Me
Come be like a dancing deer with me.
We will dance in the high place of the sky
Yes, on the mountains of fragrant spice!
Forever we shall be
United As One!

Song of Songs 8:14 TPT
- BSimmons
"images like play and dance for the highest things
is a stumbling block to you ..
but ..
Joy is the serious business of Heaven."
- (CSLewis)
"Jesus is the source of grace, the epitome of grace, the manifestation of grace. Jesus is grace, and grace is Jesus."
- Judah Smith

"Grace is not a movement. He's the Alpha and Omega."
- JCrowder
".... "where are we now?"....
the inquiry of a
whimsical (resigned) David Bowie
in a music vid ....."
..... i hear :
the sports use it,
the economists use it,
the sentimentalists use it,
the media use it;
the religious use it,
the courts use it,

so, so, so glad,
my Kurios NEVER uses it,

".. dis-graced .."

never possible in His world !
"..... but we had to be merry
and rejoice ..... "

..... Prodigious Dad

"... an old friend, who i re-found this year,
travelled through our way, yesterday,
he brought his new family;
the two children, Ebony & Flynn,
climbed our big tree;
i haven't seen that done for a while.
Delightful ....."
"Scripture divorced from the living God of the scripture becomes impotent and deadly. Even the infallibility of the text is a dependent infallibility."
- JCrowder
"The need for another revival dwindles in the light of the revelation of man revived in Christ.
If people can see and believe this truth about what happened in Christ, the 2000 year old, never ending revival, will manifest in them."
- B Britts
..... David Bowie
on 1 knee @ Wembley Stadium
speaking the Father's Mystery,
during Freddie Mercury's
memorial concert.

1st time I've seen the images,
Loved it .....
".... from sandbank
to bloodbank,
Life is in the Blood ....."
"Grace AND truth is what came by Jesus!! Unfortunately the AND TRUTH part can easily be used to slip in some law if truth is not understood. Some think the LAW is the TRUTH and Jesus is the GRACE. It is not so..."
- BBritts

..... up to mine,
change to the paradigm,
now is the time .....
".... likin' the look of olive treelings
in front of the thick shade grass ...."
"“God is vague about organization structure, but profound about life and relationships. Get together, support one another, and create! Give each other freedom to love and relate! Be significant and develop your own relational order to facilitate further exploration and discovery.”"
12 Things It's Not:

God is not a belief system.
The Bible is not a book of theology.
Church is not a place you go.
Love is not a theory.
Grace has no exceptions.
Jesus did not start a religion.
Your humanity is not the enemy.
Being you is not bad.
Being a woman is not inferior.
The abundant life is not a checklist.
Transformation is not behavior modification.
Ministry is not measured in numbers.
- J.Palmer
"Col 2:14 ...The hands of fallen man struck the body of Jesus with the blows of their religious hatred and fury when they nailed his bloodied body to the tree; they did not realize that in the mystery of God’s economy Jesus was the scapegoat of the entire human race! [Isa 53:4, 5] Mirror Bible"
Obedience to law principles to have a good life is disobedience to God for it is called FORNICATION by HIM . We cannot be MADE PERFECT by observing the commandments of the LAW. 
... just got my camera back, ah, post-holiday ... quidity ... i got phone camera experience !"
"... That S change
doesn't want to come thru
but the NE waves
are standing up more, now ...."
This equality
in faith given to us
lets us begin to know ourselves
the way Jesus
has always known us,
be engulfed in
the Grace and Peace
that amps within us.

..... (2P1)
"... goin into gotham,
to black coffee lyric;
need guides ...."
... NE blew all night,
it is more a sea than swell,
& has stirred in
some cooler water;
small fish, i am guessing,
are eating the broken pepper
of blue bottle stinging cells;
gulls land near me
to try for the small fry .....
pleasant beach day.
"..... yay ..... for pleasure & play ....."
".... carporting with E and P;
& da livin is easy ...."
""We have long known that many early followers of Christ 
were condemned by other Christians as heretics, 
but nearly all we knew about them 
came from what their opponents wrote attacking them." 
- Elaine Pagels"
"".. thinking about
other people's faults:
and in the proper sense
of the word "morbid",
that is the most
morbid pleasure in the world."
.. "the problem
for devils, pharisees and ascetics
is that it is
God who created
pleasure and play,

[and they are at their
most pleasurable,]

as good things."
"“Previously, my old way of thinking was always pushing to control, regulate, contain, protect, tame and systematize spiritual realities. God was defined by a creed, Church was squeezed into a 501c3, and unconditional love…well…had conditions. I talked a lot about “becoming like Christ” and asked “What would Jesus do?” but it never occurred to me back then that the answer might involve an entirely different way of thinking and living that would necessitate breaking from with my religious tradition, even if it was “Christian” one.”

- Jim Palmer

Surprised by joy,
as the wind
I turned
to share the transport.

".... surf, coffee, conversation, walk, see, eat, drink, read, sleep .... a pattern emerging ...."
"... those men in lycra
are a chatty bunch;
i might have been cycled over
if they weren't tho ...."
".... i like my coffee shop start,
it's the people
as much as da caffeine ...."

A participator
is mesmerized
by what one sees,
a logic that Frees one
from the restrictions
of self-effort and self-will power;

one is a mirror
of His perfect liberty,
by which one lives the life
of His original intent: 
practical .....

""In a sense, 
as we are creative beings, 
our lives become our work of art." 
- Julia Cameron"
"... golden late light this arvo,
paddled out to small waves,
jellyfish were magnified in them
& green-backed fish jumped close - 
now off for a walk with me P, 
beside the sea ...."
"... I am married to the Mystery kneaded into the whole world ..... 
not to an insular "club" .."
A spectator
hears and sees his true origin,
but decides Grace
is too good to be true
and returns to his usual way
of seeing himself .....

"... windy whitehorse wednesday ...."
"How terribly unfortunate we are that faith has become a prerequisite to knowing Him instead of a fruit of it.

This is a system I'll no longer be a part of.

My faith is a fruit of my union with the godhead, not a method of obtaining their presence."
- Caleb Evans
"“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.”

― Norman Cousins"

eklesia (grk)
translated church;
primary meaning from
ek=origin and
kaleo=to surname,

i.e. the individuals have identity
in the surname of "I Am".....

not in the "club".
".... the ocean
is my best personal trainer,
she gets me to do things
I hadn't thought of doing,
at the most surprising times ...."

.... reading a book
on the comic world of
c.s.lewis ...
he must have inspired
monty python ...
hearing words like
dither; boorishness;
"a rum thing that" ....
".... dying swell;
sparkly this morn,
the fish makes for
late take-offs, bottom turns
and little else ..."
".. Not on my watch .. "
gets used so much
by the self-righteous,
giving themselves "cause"
in religion or politics.

Ours is a grace walk,
and it is outside cause ..... 

".. hahe .. while the things they are going to control on "their watch" just dig in and continue .."
".... force-handed humans vs. Love-handed Kurios ...."
"..... walking appears
to be a simple action,
but i'm fascinated
how individual it is .....

(from my carport)"
".... some greenies @ Greenie
never too meanie;
then met
my bro, mick & karissa
@ bambi deluxe ....

(another by "chance")"
".... experiencing
about 15 hours
of daylight, lately ...."
"Hahe ... my shark sighting story,
from yesterday,
had my new friend,
the lifesaver barista girl,
speeding away from my table
(ah, didn't expect that)
I think the coffee took longer !"
The ekklesia,
most emphatically,
is not a fellowship of
insiders versus outsiders .....

From 1st day to last,
He makes ALL things NEW 
- ekklesia is a sacrament,
a sign, to the world,
even in its estrangement,
that they are just as NEW.

".... not an insiders club with "superior" rules .. Hahe .."
".... nice paddle and a few waves, it felt like I was way out to sea ....."
".... so gud to just
meet people by "chance"...
has happened a few times
this week ....."
".... lotsa water movement,
It's a bit sectiony and wonky,
but a paddle is a surf ...."
"... the closer i get to the end
of "Genesis; the movie",
the slower I read ! ....."
"... Enjoyable time
and atmospheric dinner
at long time friends' home.
I heard about, and experienced,
"enthusiastic agreement" ....."
".... 20 degree air
on 25 degree lively water ....
it was yum !"
"“You have to die a few times before you can really live.”
― Charles Bukowski,
".... same patch of view,
always new,
gotta luv it ....."

"My Love has gone down
Into His gardens of delight
The place where His spices grow
To dwell with those pure in heart.
I know we shall find Him there.
He is within me—
I have Him fully and now He fully has me!

Song of Songs 6:2-3 The Passion Translation
".... full mobile reception, at last,
inside a cinema ?!
is pi rad*rad ?"
".... jumped in at the bar,
evaded the desperate,
enjoyed it there ...."
"... edgy and intriguing creation ....."
"Ha ... I know the guy next door,
we went to school together,
he just helped the girls
get their iPads linked to an
iPhone data stream .....
they look content now ..."
"... wow .. swell still hangin in,
the wind has sent the players
to the bar,
which looks a little desperate
for what's on offa ...."
That tension one feels,
"i can't put my finger on it",
is it not the soul's search
for Charis .....
".... the waves that were imploding on the shallow bank
are feeling the outer bank now,
the wind wonk made it hard
to paddle onto them tho ..."
.... now a dad & daughter
are involved in a dance
on the beach ....
she is directing,
he is enjoying,
it involves steps
after winning or losing
in paper-rock-scissors .....
.... "All things
are engaged in a
priestly Dance
of mutual offering." .....

"..... small fish swirled
by big fish,
birds looping,
water boiling,
another dance offering ....."
.... the sea has that
lumps of water
swell look today.....
time to check the point ?
and the crowd .."
"Look north, fireworks,
Look south, fireworks
Look east, band plays
"auld ang syne""

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