Wednesday, April 3, 2013

my stati & some other posts .....

- +
".. when the sociopaths next get people to kill for them,

let's just send these war-mongers

off with boxing gloves; ..
so we all can party with their latest "enemy"
with the king of peace and grace ....."
I've (Jeff Turner) said this on many, many different occasions, but I feel it necessary to say it once more:

America is not a covenant nation! What I mean, is that America, the good old United States of America (which I am blessed to call my home), is not a nation that is in covenant with God. Now, trust me, I understand that various groups throughout history, from the Pilgrims to modern intercessors, have attempted to make national, contractual agreements with God, but the fact is, such covenants do not hold any weight in the realm of eternity. 

The only divine covenant in existence in that which exists between the Father and the Son, and this is a covenant which has existed throughout eternity. The covenant was in Christ's blood (LK 22:20), and since, in the mind of the Godhead, Christ's sacrifice occurred outside of time (REV 13:8), it is a covenant that predates man's existence. Therefore, from the very beginning, the only covenant that really matters is one that does not depend upon human performance, but upon a divine promise. This covenant flared up in the life of Abraham, and was even spoken of by David, but did not firmly embed itself into the human timeline until the "fullness of time" had come, and Christ's work manifested in this sphere we call reality.

The Old Covenant is actually newer than the New Covenant, as it exists only in time, and came only to show us the futility of trying to appease and please God by our own strength and efforts. (GAL 3:22-25, ROM 3:20) This covenant *WAS* a covenant that existed between God and an exclusive nation of people. It was an "I will if you will" covenant, or, a conditional covenant. (EX 19:5-6) However, in Hebrews we are told that this Covenant was flawed, and therefore had to be set aside. The problem was not with the Law, for the Law was "holy, righteous, and good" (ROM 7:12), the problem was with the people (HEB 8:8). 

What I mean when I say that the problem was with the people, is that the fact that the covenant existed between a perfect God, and an imperfect people made the covenant flawed. *IF* there was ever a nation capable of bearing up under it's burden, and keeping it's dictates, then it would have been all fine and dandy. However, the people were flawed, and unable to keep up their end of the bargain. Since this covenant was conditional, God was therefore not obliged to keep up His end of the bargain, proving that the whole system was flawed, and that it could not possibly work.

Therefore, the conditional, "I will if you will", covenant of Mt. Sinai was discarded, and put to bed once for all when Jerusalem was razed and destroyed. Without a Temple, Priesthood, and sacrificial system, Old Covenant Judaism is literally impossible to observe, proving that the covenant is beyond obsolete, but that it has expired and passed away (HEB 8:13). Therefore, now, the only covenant standing is that which predates man's involvement, and existed exclusively between the Father and the Son!

This covenant is perfect, for it's waters CANNOT be muddied by human error! It exists between two UNCHANGEABLE THINGS (HEB 6:18), those things being God the Father, and God the Son! Since neither One will ever be unfaithful to the Other, the covenant stands firm forever, and can never be broken! It is not a covenant made with nations by pilgrims, or prayer warriors, but a covenant made between a perfectly faithful Father, and a perfectly faithful Son!

This covenant does not lose it's power when men disobey, or pass laws that are immoral. Human governments cannot "kink the hose" of the Covenantal blessings which flow from the union of the Father and the Son! No man sitting in a swivel chair in an oval office can do a thing to hinder this Covenant's efficacy. Only the union of a Father and Son, enthroned above the circle of the Earth matters!

We often talk of how America's (or, insert your nation's name here) sins will be her demise, or of how our governments abandonment of our Godly foundations will be our undoing. We speak as though the covenant existed between God and the founding fathers who, while I'm eternally grateful for what they accomplished, in the realm of religion, were mostly Deists, and not Biblical Christians! We think that it was the strength of their devotion and covenant that ensured the blessings of God upon our nation, but we could not be more wrong! 

God's blessings flow from the Glories of the Eternal Covenant; a Covenant that we call "new" since, in the realm of time, it came after the Mosaic Covenant. However, this covenant predates us all, and was in operation prior to us being given the opportunity to fail or to succeed. Therefore, rest assured that God's blessings, His protection, and His goodness towards you has nothing to do with the decisions made by governments, politicians, or lawmakers, but has everything to do with the Godhead's faithfulness to one another!

Since they are never unfaithful to each other, we can be sure that this New Covenant will never falter or fail! It stands firm forever, and will never be shaken! Regardless of the "Harbingers" spoken of by the doomsayers, or the apocalyptic prophecies of our gloomy brethren, rest assured that God has not changed His mind about His covenant with you! For He does not have a covenant with you, but with Himself! 

Jeff Turner

".. sociopaths and warmongers, too, need Release from the hell they participate in, or the hell they construct for themselves, by experiencing that they are Loved .."


"... as it happens, i'm watchin the results of these war-mongers on "foreign correspondent" right now"


"..... liberte seu espirito .....
noticed it on a brazilian's board, y'day
..... release your spirit ....."


"then "ascend the hill" .... these guys talked, at the end, about communal radical generosity ...."


"What does "The finished work of Christ" mean? 
Your deadness is over, 
your new holy life has just begun. 
Welcome to endless passion and joy."
".... on the band walk,
might get to hear metal in a stone building ...."
.. "Tetelestai" ..
.. the law is completed ..
.. the temple of performance is finished ..
.. the body is taken down ..

"..... the sun turned into darkness,
and the moon into blood;
between noon and three ....."
".... art and songs @ the grid,
hung with electric bicyclers ...."
"Iceland's president explained how his country recovered so quickly from the recession: 
“The government bailed out the people and imprisoned the banksters; the opposite of what America and the rest of Europe did.”
"..... He has healed us
and is co-carrying our cross;
right now ....."
"... wining, dining,
gethsemane .....
tortured night .....
absolutely amazing ....."
.. the bible isn't the "word of god"..
..... Jesus IS the Word of Theiotes .....
.. the bible is a sample
of word pictures pointing to Jeshua ..
Jeshua IS Word Incarnate - Logos Sarx
..... totally permeated with Charis and Truth .....
".. a cynic is an habitual doubter .."
"You can't help but fulfill you destiny because you are your destiny. 
- Wendy Backlund"
""His all sufficient sacrifice ..."
.... nice ice coffee "ground-up", & noticed

acoustic sets 3:30 & 5:00 there, tomoz,
Kerri O 1:30 Saturday.

United Pursuit 1:20 Sat. St Stephens

Tigertown Fri 9am Bon Amici
".... yeh, heaven (not hell) on earth is the prayer .... His Charis is the lead ....."
".... organic coffee with organic easteregg ...."
".... blues and gospel, near here ...."
.. Forget
the shadow dispensation,
that was law and prophets;

fix your vision on Jeshoa,
the fountainhead
and conclusion
of faithfulness .....
"..... "christians" too quick on division ....."
.. the only thing
that old-order
religious peddling has done,
is turn new-order
good news
of universal Charis
into the
bad news
of exclusivity and sad divisions ..

".... amazing light show
to travel in, last night ...."
".... onshore peaks amongst the nippers .... sunday joy ....."
".... fish taco
and ice cream sandwich ...."
".... that bank looks refreshing ...."
".... Sunshiney, light breeze,
lookin gud for a baby shower,
1st one, do males go to em !?"
".... hahe
every time P goes thru the door,
I hear K say "aaw daaw" ...."
".... the most wondrous things
in life are free ...."
"..... sunset selah ....."
"..... Love this from Paul ....."
.. the performance driven mindset
triggers the lawsystem into action
and distorts the picture,
the deceit of a fleeting moment
of "performance pleasure"
seems more attractive than Grace .....
".. the religionists dealing with their evil ..
.. rip the babies off the unmarried mothers ..
.. has much changed ..
..... start with a heart-felt national apology ....."
The great divide
is not between good and evil,
as such,
but between two
diametrically opposed ways
of dealing with good and evil .....
hadeha ..
justice dept could not not find evidence to convict
even 1 high priest of banking in the GFC meltdown;
but a local film maker had no trouble !

a fella, duckin for cover, said
greed is not a crime !!

(4Corners ABC)
".... Ecstatic magazine and Capon books ....
... got some readin to do ....."
".... this final loving covenant of grace & peace, we have ; 
is So out of realms of our total comprehension ....."
".... bumping into friends, again ... luv it ....."
"Wild zinnias .... Irish fiddle"
..... Abolition of evil
by mass destruction;
God tried with the flood;
He changed His mind
On that course of action,
with a Rainbow
that says
This won't happen again .....
".... southerly change through,
no rain tho,
coolio ...."
"..... Charis & Peace ..... makes me wonder anew ....."
".... stroked a goanna on the tail
then it looked back
from the bush ...."
.. more education,
more religion,
more alpha-type leaders,
more weapons,
more laws,
more systems,
& we will still ..

NOT have
Paradise on Earth ..
".... sunshinie day
people moving slowly,
and kickin back ...."
"....roadhouse whiskey bar lunch,
then in at the pocket ...."
".... beautiful lumps
of ene groundie ...."
".... a restored v8 SS torana,
he asked me to push start it;
now i'm anaerobic ...."
".... 'Flower curry nice tonight ...."
"Willpower is the language of the law, 
and it never brings permanent change, 
only more condemnation and separation;
love is the language of grace 
and it ignites faith that leads to romance; 
nothing beats falling in love with 
the One who first loved us!"
- Francis du Toit
".... time to get out of those institutional lines 
.... love and grace is here ....."
".. the party / celebrity / institutional failure .."
".... watchin a lively ocean
from the flat white deck ...."
"No need to have it all figured out. 
Just rest and suckle. (JCrowder)
"Beware, then, of drinking wine while you are still a suckling infant. 
There is a proper limit, time, and age for every doctrine." 
Martin Luther"

..... exceptions and paradox
should keep religionists
from enforcing
their doctrines/hypotheses .....

".... drifted down
the magnificent mile,
got 4; nothin broke;
a bit of stoke ...."


".... K and P checkin
the rhythm of new life;
sweet ...."


Everything He does:

crying in a manger,
teaching lawyers at age 12,
drinking and eating with scammers and prostitutes,
healing in compassion,
dying for Love,
rising, ascending, and presencing;

draws ALL .....


".. liturgy (pattern of service) excused ..
.. ha .."

"Jesus did not come to save us from the Father, 
God was never the enemy of the OT people. 
He always loved us and therefore he gave His son to end the LAW MAN."
Bertie Brits
".... and He is happier with us 
than we are with us ....."
"Hebrews 12:27
The phrase "one last shaking" 
means a thorough housecleaning, 
getting rid of all the historical and religious junk 
so that the unshakable essentials stand clear and uncluttered."
- Amanda Lamborn
".... ahem, 
 move S then SE, 
perfecto ...."
 .... ha ... yes it obeyed .....
"Essays on Eschatology " by Samuel G Dawson
recommended by Jeff Turner
.... need reform from dispensational mythology
".. funny 
to hear those guys that used to drop in on me 
whinging about people dropping in on them .."
".... haheha .... 
if i was 30yrs younger and 30kgs lighter
 i would surf like Joel ...."
".... the creeks and gullies are flowing clear
in the mellow afternoon sun;
i heard the calls of bellbirds where i photographed.
rode home before a darkening cloud ....
..... blessed ....."
".... time to turn over V-twin ...."
"..... i get the impression,
people who say
"grace is not a license to sin, but .."
are actually lawmakers, de-powering
its mind-blowing relevance to everyone ....."
"God will not countenance 
[permit or tolerate] religion as a club.
HIS doors are wide open, 
found and welcomed by God in Jesus."
- Amanda Lamborn
"There is no gospel in Rom 3:23
It's in the next verse!
The law reveals what happened to man in Adam; 
grace reveals what happened to the same man in Christ."
- F.du Toit
What we believe about Theos
does not define Him;
Theiotes' faith defines us.
".... full rail cutty .... tops .... any era ...."
..... Kurios has defined us ALL innocent in Him, 
He has completed, perfected, finished, this defining 
in His faith to endure and kill our fails in the cross sacrifice 
..... amazing ....."
The message of Grace
is the most appropriate
and attractive response
to season every situation .....
""Greasy grace" is a term used by some who say that grace is a slippery slope toward just doing whatever we want to do. They miss the point that authentic grace *does indeed* allow us to do what we want to do. (see 1 Cor 10:23) The secret is that authentic grace changes our wants! (see 1 John 5:3)"
- Steve McVey
hadeha .....
"I've noticed a strange phenomenon over the years. If a Christian author or speaker makes a splash by edging his or her way more towards a Grace focused message, more often than not, they cause a huge controversy, and are labeled 'heretics' by other members of the pastoral fraternity. They have books published against their books, sermons preached correcting their sermons, .....
- Jeff Turner
".... ahh,
so they want to add more rocks to kirra groin,
wonder if they have considered
large geotextile sand bags as an extension/surf break ....
""Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up."
--Pablo Picasso"
Humans try to handle good and evil by control,
manhandling good into what
we think are improvements of it ..

Ours is the "same old same old" war choice since Eve,
... trying to elbow evil out of the picture, entirely.
Our power is plausible and right handed;
Theiotes' is mysterious and left handed .....
"..... the violent force of humans ..... the unconditional Love of Theiotes ....."
The tree
of the knowledge of good and evil
isn't a choice between them,
and not an obedience test,
but a knowing of them as states of being,
[previously unknown to Adam].

God's moving is a "strange work"
that leaves creation
free to do anything it likes.
".. a fella, protesting against child abuse,
dressed as a cardinal,
near got into their voting conclave;
but didn't quite get all the dress code right ..
* vote for marriage at the same time guys ! *"
Galatians 5:6
For in Christ, 
neither our most conscientious religion 
nor disregard of religion amounts to anything. 
What matters is something far more interior:
[His] faithfulness expressed in [His} love."
".... freedom of choice beings 
that essentially love being loved ....."
""There is no place to get to: 
you are already there. 
All we are learning is 
how to abide in, 
explore and 
all that God is for us.""
- G.Cooke
It is an absolute truth and horribly sad 
that "the world" does forgiveness and reconciliation 
far better than the church."
- Caleb Miller
".... just had a fly in visit
from Bruce of the West,
he brought his brother's homemade fetta ....
nice time ....."
".... hmmm
wet windy wittle;
will wait ....
".... mmm
songs over turkish food,
should be gud ...."
".... nice rainy night roast
and fine catch-up
at our fun bluesfest friends place
last night ...."
..... Theiotes is certain that Creation
will be for free creatures,
particularly free human creatures,
bizarrely, even to His own hurt .....
"..... Grace Loves All ....."
".... Israeli PM reckons
it is Mossad and their military
that produces their "tranquility" ....

(big doubt)"
Indulge .....
in the benefits of charis
not transactionalism .....
".... watchin "my sea, my soul"
under an open sky ...."
"..... rest ..... in Life complete ....."
".... P & I caught up with a bloke
we haven't seen
for ~35 years ....
Loving this .....
Now for another surf
In the rain on my bank ....."
".... might not go out there,
too many surf stars ...."
".... a big rock,
(I don't remember it before)
exposed by the seas
from under the sand.
It was covered
in long dead barnacles."
".... light onshore & lumpy,
that will do ...."
"The POWER OF SIN is the LAW. 
Get rid of the law, 
see yourself as a person under Grace 
and sin has lost its power over you.

Reckon yourself as 
-Bertie Brits
"Unity of heart 
is better than unity of mind because united hearts can look past differences."
- free believers network
"..... my thirst is not for Moses,
the one drawn from water,
but for the One
who is the Water of Life given freely ....."
".... watching "foreign correspondent" on Sandy Hook;
brave mother to speak out
about registering guns and rifles ...."
".... somedays
it takes a long time to catchup on facebook ....
other days
it takes a few minutes ...."
".... enjoyed
"Silver Linings Playbook" ;
liked soundtrack too ...."
".. the real cause [of joyous laughter]
we know not !
It is of itself disgusting,
and a direct insult
to the realism, dignity
and austerity of hell .. "
- Screwtape

(a CSLewis character)
"I watched an episode of American Greed recently where several victims of a scammer were interviewed who made similar comments of never forgiving the offender and hoping he "rotted in prison for life".

Sadly they all displayed the turned down mouth and hollowing eyes of a bitter spirit. No one had showed them that their apparent virtuous attempts at justice were already destroying their lives while the perpetrator was getting on with his life.

Make no mistake a decision to never forgive is a decision to end your own possibility of freedom. YOUR prison is much worse than any man made building."
- forgiveness guy
gozleme (turkish)
2nd time i've enjoyed it
1nce in sydney,
P made a spinach & cheese goz-lay-may.
the dough is so soft,
like a pan fried stuffed bread,
... el dente ....
the parable,
where the fellow buys the whole field;
that's not me, throwing everything into it,
that's Kurios laying it ALL down to get ALL .....
He is the master risk-taker.
".... i put my bet on no.1 ... and He comes up every time ....."
apparently ..
the universe comes from nothing..
this nothing is nothing like the nothing
that humans can think about ..
.. expert said so ..

.. so .. that will stand ..
".... throwing out years of my filed papers
and magazine stuff ....
it's got an unbinding feeling in it ...."
PK Langley
Truth is to be shared..

Not sold..
Not used to control..
Not designed to build man's ego or his kingdoms..
Not hidden..
Not secretly dispatched to the elite..
Not to make money..
Not as a tool or a weapon..
Not to manipulate..
Not to make a name or a title..
Not to puff up..
Not to separate..
Not to make a point.,

"Freely give" 
means just that..
".... a walk in the park
to throw the aerobie pro ...."
""There is a condition
where people have imaginary friends,
it's called facebook."
(Rob Brydon)

hahe ...."
"Neither Jesus nor Paul told people to “get born again”! 
You couldn’t even get yourself born the first time, 
how are you going to get it right a second time?
Jesus did say to Nicodemus unless you’re born from above 
(meaning unless you realize that you originate from above) 
you would have no interest or appetite for heavenly things! 
John 3:13
God is not man’s idea; 
mankind is God’s idea. 
Man began in God, 
not in his mother’s womb. 
God says to Jeremiah, 
“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb” 
Jer 1:5 
Mankind is by design the god-kind. 
- F.duToit
"..... already there ; already named ..... Yay !"
".... "The Other Guys" movie is funny,
the commander at the hotshots funeral says :
".. let's pray that god makes a special case,
so these heroes can take their guns into heaven..""
..... from first day to last,
He makes ALL things NEW -
ekklesia is a sacrament,
a sign, to the world,
even in its estrangement,
that they are just as NEW .....
.. scientific papers
make one think of
laborious, incessant,
almost rational economic activity
of a banker !

...but species do silly, fun, stuff ..
pretty sure .....
Kurios wants ALL of Earth Loved
into the Tree of Life .....
i think He understood
that if force works to get the right outcome,
He could have called angel bombers ..
".... talked to a bloke at a shopping centre
who reminded me of the uncle
in "A Moody Christmas" ....
... still giggling .."
"“Problems that remain persistently insoluble should always be suspected as questions asked in the wrong way.”

― Alan Wilson Watts"
..... do any stupid thing,
or any brilliant thing,
under the freedom in grace,
but don't think it's worth a damn
in His rescue of us.
"... all day dough prove,
now, fresh baked
seed&nut bread ...."
.... quidity ....

Experience each offering of life
for what it is;
look for the fun in it,
there might be an adventure
of unexpected and neglected delight.
".... sitting on cardboard stools,
drinking water out of jars,
sipping toby coffee,
in a tagged laneway ...."
"Perfect love casts out fear... and a lot of fearful doctrines too
- free believers network
"Act of Indigenous Recognition
as a lead to
Constitutional Inclusion
- yay !!! -
bipartisan support ....."
"The gospel is "good news" (what He’s done), not “good prophecy” (what He’s going to do)! The good “news” of the gospel is that God has already forgiven, healed, delivered & prospered you!"
- A.Wommack
Yahwey sent Me
to announce the age of
His grace, pleasure, delight,
favour, goodwill, acceptance,
and desire .....
"..... way more ... yay ! .... than "acceptable year" ....."
"“The greatest crimes in the world 
are not committed by people breaking the rules 
but by people following the rules."
— Banksy"
".... Magnolia blossom, park ... Figs from bob's renter ...."
".... sweet, sweet thing ...."
".... sulphur-crested cockatoos
doin their loud thing ...."
"God’s grace is the same towards everybody 
because it’s not based on, or tied to, what you do. 
God, by grace, has already brought salvation to every person on the face of this earth."
"Whatever we thought we were 
could never match 
what God always knew we are
1 Cor13:12"
".... mmm
nectarine buttermilk cake
with lemon/orange zest
fresh baked by P ....
... photos soon .... mmm"
Life of Christ,
sanctifies me .....

Blood of Christ,
inebriates me .....
(Ignatius of Loyola)
Whenever one
rejoices and laughs
from the bottom of one's heart,
Theos loves it ! .....

transported to Trogg days
& ba bababa ba ba - ing round the house :

"Well love is all around me,
and so the feeling grows.
It´s written on the wind,
it´s everywhere I go ..... "
(RIP - Presley (the Troggy 1))
.... (our truths)
should appeal more to our sense of humor,
than to our sense of our (own) importance.
..... yet those who embrace Charis,
as God's original intent,
hit the bull's eye every time .....
".... euaggelion (grk) = good news; 
a reward for good news"

".... yeh, Peter would party .... 
and the rest would, at least, 
love discussions over the table of lamb, bread and wine ....."

"God's declaration of your innocence 
is his most urgent invitation 
to you(manity) to encounter intimate oneness!"
You were never called to be a "world changer", or a "history maker". 
You are called to be a son of God, accepted in the Beloved! 
Oh, sure, when you truly grasp all of the implications of sonship, 
you will, no doubt, impact your sphere of influence. 
However, when God dreamed His dream of your life, 
you changing the world was not the first thing on His mind, or in His heart.
- Jeff Turner
Jesus loves ALL
nations & races .....
His self sacrifice
is permanently POTENT
for everyone .....
Grace is Risen
to endorse
everyone's innocence .....
".... post party lasagne
overlooking bangalow palms
... operated a big
Espresso machine too ....."
"..... a near-private peak,
big feel, in the middle of da bay ....."
".... spinning turns on a ride-on mower, drifting down slopes while cutting grass ...."
That first miracle,
that pre-celebration of the Marriage;
Here was heady wine
and swooning love
from the cellar of His heart.
".... hahe .... i'm thinkin swoon love and heady wine right now ... i'll ponder ur ? later ....."
".. Django : Pulp Fiction with horses !
some funny moments; aussie scene too;
darwinian justifications in mid 1800s;
"eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" stuff .."
".. Not on my watch .. "
gets used so much
by the self-righteous,
giving themselves "cause"
in religion or politics.

Ours is a grace walk,
and it is outside cause .....

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