Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Left-handedness - generalities .....

science believes the brain to be to dual natured;
right brain creative; 
left brain linear;

then strangely,
right brain controls left hand;
left brain controls right hand;


right hand is the fighting hand;
left hand is the nurturing hand.

God will never allow Himself to be put in a box,
so the following is to be taken as supportive
but not definitive of some good symbology.

Left-handedness is the way Jesus operates.

where people wanted a warring King,
Jesus came as a loving and healing Apostle.
And He has given us the power to be the same.

Justified by law is right-handed
Justified by faith is left-handed.

Proud- right-handed;
humble - left-handed

Abram (believed God) travelled and claimed the land to the left.
Jacob crossed his hands when delivering the blessing.
The priest cupped the Oil in his left hand.
Honour is in the left hand.
The Shepherd King supports the head
of His Shulamite Bride with His left hand.

The "call down destruction" lads, James and John,
had sorted out that one of them was going to be
on the right hand of Jesus, or the left.
Jesus couldn't be bothered.

If your right hand offend you cut it off.
Don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing
when it is being loving and charitable.

So i see John the baptist as right-handed,
"repent then get baptised to remit your sins"
Jesus as left-handed,
"because i have forgiven and released your sins.
change your mind"

John looking for a "take Earthly control" Messiah
Jesus reveals Himself as Messiah
by healing, delivering and raising people.

Grace is left handed
Religion (re-binding) is right handed.

and so on

What is valued by the world is not by God.

the idea is to have a way of thinking, 
that doesn't have you dotting the i s 
and crossing the t s with Jesus, 
thus going back under law and performance.


1 comment:

  1. Appreciate your comment, Jayson.
    Will check your website.
