Wednesday, December 7, 2011

By this .....

Jesus said even the O.T. law was headed by 2 commandments to love;
with self effort Lev.19 commands Israel,
to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and strength;
and to love your neighbour as yourself.
Also, to do unto others as you would have them do to you.

But now Jesus wants us to find and experience how Loved we are in His Grace,
and then we can operate in and transmit this Love to ALL others. (J13)(1J3)
The prodigal Father welcomes us into His Life without reservation.

No self effort and assessment required, but only sweet surrender to the Love
that Holy Spirit has deposited in our hearts.
Holy Spirit convinces us of the amazing implications in the Grace that is Jesus.
Holy Spirit fruit and gifts, without effort, in all our relationships, with joy.

The law might judge the unbelievers of the Gospel of Grace,
but the NT only advises believers of what is beautiful for us in this life.
(all things are permissible but not beneficial ... (1Cor6 + 10)
One is absolutely redeemed by the effort of Jesus,
the believer can not achieve or nullify their salvation by any set of rules.

Nice advice:
I live to worship, in worship I live!
WORSHIP (Greek) can mean "to blow love kisses".
(the start of sweet surrender).

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