Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Theoites put into effect the rescue plan of ALL the world. Theoites never fails. ..So why follow religionists who put people into their hell - tweets to mid January .....

.... the foundation IS Iesous Christos ..... He has reconciled ALL the world ! Thank Goodness ! (cont.)
no 1 can lay another foundatn.. !relief! when 1 sees all the religious crap that gets built; thank Goodness for the final fire of Refining.
.. the saying "once a catholic always a catholic" has the "always" right .. "once graced always graced" this revelation is the key .....
.. re-iterating .. I do not care how the old testament or any religious list, DOES IT .. my earthlife journey brought with it my righteousness .....
when I attend a group, my motivation for being there, isn't that this might be where I will fulfill my destiny for leadership or followship
..... I am amazed, at the work of Iesous ..... He has deemed everyone right; there is no competition for more rightness, anymore ..... YAY !
Spirit on all flesh; ..... the day of pentecost ..... as a sacrament of the poured out nature of Holy Spirit ..... (A2)
Pater gives Iesous exousia (authoritative power) over all flesh to bestow fullness o life (zoe) 4 an age (age eternal) as was given Him. (J17)

All sarx ((grk) = sensuous nature of man) shall see (behold) the soterion (He who embodies soteria, safety&enlivening) of Theos. (Lu3)

as I live (Zao) says Kurios, every knee will bend to worship; every tongue shall acknowledge openly and joyfully (exomologeo) to Theos. (R14)
.. some people say, "I love ya" like a mafia boss would use "I love ya" ..
.... who can I LIKE today .... ( 1st faltering step into heaven on earth ) .....
hilasterion (grk) = mercy seat wrongly rendered propitiat'n = wrath satisfaction, in kjv; expiat'n = sin removal, irsv; atonement = either, in NIV
.... ha ! .. hafta say, a friendship isn't developing, if nothing about you is "liked" ..
.... I can't treat my loving big bro, like the family black sheep; like the elephant in the corner; who no-one likes talking about ....
..... by Charis Theos I am who I am .....
..... earthlife, no one gets out of it alive; ..... ya gotta be dead, to be raised ..... ..... the basics are all sorted !
.. bible "study" reverts to law & unbelief ..
.. in the presence of 
the loquacious ..


..... in the absence of revelation in
Peace .....
Kharece Theos eimi hos eimi (grk)
..... (by) Grace God, I am who I am .....
Paul in 1C15:10
..... Khane shawfak Khane (heb) .....
Grace pours out Grace ..... ..... Kharece eis Kharece (grk) .....
Grace upon Grace .....
..... Thankfully ..... there is always a better understanding of the gospel than the grind our religious indoctrinators spoke to us ..
.. O.T. .. "IF I have found grace" Khane (heb) = precious,merciful,pleasant,favour n acceptance .....
..... N.T. ..... "Charis IS with YOU"
.. some people say they love ya, when it's code for "control ya" ..
.. people say they love ya, then easily think the worst of ya ! ..... not my Theoites, tho .....

.... poor theology impoverishes earth life .... (n everyone has a theology)
.. IF .. when used accusatively, to demand performance, (usually instantly) is a devil trump card.. "IF is the biggest if-ing liar" (Pate)
glossalia is a God sign/gift, for sure; go after it, be blissed n blessed! steer away from pentecostalism, tho, glossalia, isn't the saviour.
..... I so enjoy glossalia ..... what a happy way to pray and I am the one strengthened; an empowering gift/sign for sure; go after it ...
.. 1 in 5 aussies have lost their religion .. *thank goodness* finally ... 
we might find how Loved we ALL ARE by the Mysterion of Life .....
.. power and money trippers, always seem to regress, to the old testament law ..
.... Felice Navidad .... merry times to immerse ourselves in wave after wave of His Charis - ..... Enjoy .....
.... women are enlivened n restored through the birth of this Child ..... not "saved in childbearing" (1T2)
.."finite time period" Latin: "aetumus" changed 2 "forever" by retributive Tertullian so "time of (purifying) fire" not "eternal hellfire"..
.... I think Jeshoa has an interest to out-manoeuvre the religious spirit ..
- to have life; and to have hyper-life - we might have experienced life; but this hyper-life, do we even have an inkling of abundant life?
.... everyone has spiritual thoughts; so why are people so afraid to write or talk, personally, on those thoughts .. (cont.)
(cont.) .. is it so they don't get out of step 
with their religious club peer group ..
.. what man do you see in the mirror .. law and standards man, or grace and love man .....

.. forgetful hearers revert to religion .. .. forgetting what manner of Man they saw in the mirror .....

..... Theoites is the burden lifter ..... .. not a burden imposer ..
"where 2 or 3 r gathered.. I am in the midst"
That's 4 us 2 know His position 2 all, when we r gathered;
mayb not His "showing up" 2 a group.
.. humans are weird when they think they have the law on their side .. .. for example .. .. road rage ..
even mildly angry on the road ..
Theoites is not into hardship and anxiety. ..diablos and those that believe devil are, tho.. .. .... just a small 
change of mind, changes it .....
..... stand firm and watch Elohim do His work. .... (E14) ..... that's always the way It's done .....
I am spirit, I have a soul (mind), I live in a body. ... All 3 gifted from the Creator. ... I take bliss in each wonder of my tri-partite unity.
.. it could be, we are most influenced when singing the prophetic words of (any) songs over ourselves; .. religious .. ..... or releasing .....

.. Paul uses O.T. examples 
to get law-based advocates 
into their Freedom in Christos .. .. today the opposite happens ..
Israelites told,
keep ur brick quota,
as well as,
collect da required straw,
by pharaoh. Moses to God: "Does this look like rescue to you?" (E5)
.. burning humans forever has never entered the mind of God. .. .. that is an aspiration of the devil & those that believe devil .. (Jer.7)
enlivened live in the fire o God (Is.33) .. lost world consumed,
to realise His love (Neh.3) .. everlasting and consuming fire IS Theoites
..... Nelson Mandela ..... Resting in The Peace ..... .. ..... a sacrament of charis .. in an era messed up by religious rightwingers ..
aionios kolasis (grk) translated "eternal punishment" is actually "continual pruning" i.e. 
gets rid of dead wood; to promote new growth, IN YOU .....
Fire burns up the rubbish that degrades humans; integrated in sozo (to make whole) .....
Theoites is a consuming Fire, of Love; Unquenchable Hell Fire Worms salt (make right) humans, and that is so, so, so good .....
"I don't have a ministry - I have a life." (Will D. Campbell) ..
..... me too, I'm a liberated life celebrationist !
.... just cos most people do it, doesn't make it right, or the truth ....
[Korios] brings u out o the nothing o ur death as easily as he brought u out o the nothing b4 ur birth. Da Party,that's Jesus, is urs NOW
.... Hey, those religious-club people might loosen up, then enjoy this life-freedom that has been Won and Given to us .....
I enjoy all th@ The Mystery o Life is 4 me. As I go I talk w any o Grace,Love,Freedom. Where 1,2etc enjoy Mysterion =express'n o ekklesia
.. the blood offering, was for man's assurance of life; never for Theoites' "problem with sin"
"The feeling remains, that Theoites is on the journey, too." - Teresa of Avila .. (I feel I need to put "a journey, too." in there) .....
.... the most beautiful part of my intriguing earth-life, is the Mysterion of Christos .....
.. In war, there are no unwounded soldiers. - Jose Narosky .. or, is it, at any time ??
.... Ha ! .... so over the word "passion" (or derivative) to justify obnoxious attitudes & actions ....
.... the life of already includedness .....
I'm not interested in religion; I'm interested in you .....
... If depression is Living in the past; and anxiety is living in the future; why not try Living in the present, and be happy .....
.... to cull or not to cull, that is the question, whether it is nobler of mind ....
+ suffer the criticism n ignores of unusual facebook blog Or by delete button, end them ..... (apologies to shakespeare)

.... I wonder, if historians will call these centuries, the age of self-justification by clubs ....
.. leaders smeeders .. to call urself"leader" is self-reward; like the big prayer; it's not ur destiny.. Be a blissed one for charis & rest.
.. the thief of joy is comparison .. we are ALL equally Loved, to eternity and back, by the One Love .....
(grk)daimon=distrib o fortune; governors o 1's lot in earth-life; n trans. demon. Jesus openly shows their destruct on X; stop living them!
.. it seems a full calendar is the sign of success; a mindset that puts off relevant things, because one is so damn busy .. .... funny ....
.. war .. .. what a waste of Earth life, arranged by the "ruling elite", infected by the virus of greed ..
"His will" is a beautiful will, never forced, but lovingly attractive; it is Heaven on Earth .....
Live a lover's life, (not sentimentality), enjoy attractive soul fruits that emanate from Jesus to everyone .... (Ph1)
..... a free expression of love not a military invasion; an association of hope not a pack for doom ..
.... when does one know that one is living more for rewards, rather than for love n revelation ..
.. tell me you spoke well of me, to the one who trashed me .. .. don't tell me who accused, say who defended me ..
.. I like going through social media on free wi-fi, it takes a lot of data to find something not of the religious ruling spirit ..

.. I'm not born in original sin; I'm born in original righteousness; Jeshoa guarantees this .....

.. weird how"family"revered, and disloyalty condemned; yet it continues bad attitudes, th@ have nothing in common with Abba's Family o Charis.
John the Baptist wasn't too cluey on eschatology, but at least he recognised the Son of Man .....
+ the flesh.. ..arm of flesh.. ..carnal mind.. is re-instating the law as the power to justify humans.. ..... celebrate His Earth-life for you
..... parousia ..... grk word means: immediate presence In Korios from para = closest proximity; Eimi = I Am .. Not"waiting for 2nd coming"!
if you are positive n friendly, just to get me into ya "club" rules, .. push off ..
.. you followed the rules, you broke the rules, you wrote the rules, .. .. it was never enough ..... (Jim Palmer)
..just gotta get the talk in parliament away from the hawkish economists,moralists&militarists; let's end the farcical 2 party con; (cont.)
.... to talk of the unlimited possibilities on this Given Earth .... change your talk in "talkament" pollies! .. we, the people, lead you

brave Word Incarnate, The Ultimate Reconciler; I'm alright NOW; ..... right forever ..... ..... Human life is to be enjoyed .....


brave Word Incarnate by "lefthandedness" bringing our rescue n enlivening out of the violence of the religious; He is the Ultimate Reconciler.

brave Word Incarnate, I love Him He is SO different to the wisdom of the world (Its wisdom of law&retribution) He is the Ultimate Reconciler
if ya can't change ya mind to understand that Word Incarnate finished the works of every1's rescue n enlivening, It will be about your works!

.. Ekklesia ain't revamped Synagogue ..

Jesus is the One who adds to his ekklesia. He graces and loves them into Daddy Abba's family name. Jesus is the One, not "church-club" and u ..

I'm not th@ interested in various n plenteous opinions; ha! espec',from ppl gettin'money n position 4 em; accept: U R HEWN from UN-CREATED LOVE

Theoites put into effect the rescue plan of ALL the world. Theoites never fails. ..So why follow religionists who put people into their hell
..... as you go in the world bring understanding for the nations, that everyone IS loved, favoured, and enlivened .....
The previous grp(cult) I attended organised"meetings" th@ had: mostly songs about law; opening prayers 2 be seen of men; (2 more twts below)
..testimonies of prescription speakers who emphasised glossalia; spiritual gifts th@ ticked the feasible; commun'n excluding unbelievers;..
prayer lines with little action; emphasis on tithes&offerings; leaders involved in gossip & ingratiation; to organise the next"activity"..
.. the first rule about religious-club; there is no such thing as religious-club ..
.. the 2nd rule of religious-club; yeh sure, there are no binding rules, here!! ..
Ya can't tell me th@ religious-club want to know Christos (get revelation)
and Him crucified; religious-club becomes a motivational meeting..
"salvation" such a misappropriated word; it's a Love Rescue and Enlivening; it can occur in 1's Earth-life; or 4 ALL @ the GRACE judgement.
.. others, including yourself, might try to prove where you are a failure;.. ..... Jeshoa only sees you Completely Loved .....
.. the binding of Competitiveness, condemning all nations and people .. ..... trying supportiveness, might surprise us all .....
+ In amazement of his good opinion of ALL that comes from His grace, by which He made us ALL accepted in the Beloved. (E1)
.... bring the nations into learning the good news of everyone's total inclusion in His Love ....
cultic,creedic and liturgic practices 
developed within"church-club"
during the last couple of centuries,
with its hell wars,
isn't the ekklesia..
.. in elitism, particularly, In theology, "ALL" becomes "some" ..
u can proof-text until da end o da universe, but unless it's expressed in a heart o Love from the good news o Charis, it's vain and religious
.... your "pastoring" is in your encouraging and relevant words; we don't need to be paid for it ....
.. "fighting the good fight" Is nothing to do with keeping religious principles, rather, 
keeping away from them ..
..... there is no fear and trembling in being Loved and Enlivened, (salvation), 
only in the religious spirit ..

What ignites His faith? Your fails revealed by the laws; or, what God believes to be true about u, Revealed in the Gospel of Grace.. (G2)
.. It is an insult to the grace of God, to prefer Moses to Jesus .. (G2)
.. on the other-side of pain, there is always Grace and Love ..... the only "holiness movement" to be in ..
.."in the flesh" is no problem to God; He made it, called it good, dwelt in it, died in it, resurrected in it, & ascended in it .. ..... celebrate !!!!!
..... I was born anew when Jesus was raised from the dead. (1P1) I am in it, now .....
.. lovers will love, haters will hate; includers include, excluders exclude; forgivers forgive, punishers punish; .. and so on
..... the person that loves, we know, is born of God, experiencing a relationship, with God ..... God is Love .....
..... you are born from above, (anouthen) otherwise you would have no desire or access for heavenly ideas .....
Pneuma gifts, fruit and signs, are Pneuma's comfort and help, not rungs of personal greatness, it's not followship o "leader"; It's fellowship of Pneuma .....
.. I'm thrown off this land and they will kill me .. (G4) .. daughters of men attracted sons from Eden.. (G6) luv loose ends in the Mystery.
Elohim: "Let us make humans In our image, make them reflecting our nature"
G1) God created humans, godlike, nature alike, and ALL blessed.
to september

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