Sunday, June 16, 2013

Iesous didn't come to make you a competent judge of other people's motives and actions. In fact, that is exactly what he came to set you free from. - stati and affirmations to mid June

From the most
emphatic podium ever devised,
Brave Jesus fulfilled da law,
and spoke out
"it is finished"! [completed] .

Never again
will I pick thru da NT
like a religious lawyer ..

..... NO law 4 me 2 fulfill .....
..... YAY ! .....

sun, sand, sea ....
what a creation
we've been given ....


World Ocean Day ....

Contrary to popular belief, 
'falling away from grace' 
is Not when you fail in being perfect through your deeds - 
"You who are trying to be justified by law 
have been alienated from Christ; 
you have fallen away from grace." 
.. about time king hit crap
taken out o League ..
toughness is shown by
strong hitups & heavy tackles ..

“When others demand that we become the people they want us to be, 
they force us to destroy the person we really are. 
It's a subtle kind of murder ... 
the most loving parents and relatives 
commit this murder with smiles on their faces.”
― Jim Morrison
.... walkin with J now,
n little Z
doin a marsupial thing
on his chest ....
“Your whole idea about yourself is borrowed - 
borrowed from those who have no idea of who they are themselves.”
― Osho
Jesus didn't come to make you a competent judge of other people's motives and actions. 
In fact, that is exactly what he came to set you free from.
“All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, 
and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. 
It works the same way in any country.” 
-Hermann Goering (Nazi leader)
.... woke up, singing ....

.. I don't wanna ..
.. join ya doctrine do ..
.. I just wanna ..
.. Be friends ..
.. with you ..
.. Yeh, friends ..
.. With you .....

tee hee .. that's true .....

... we are to forgive,
a little like we are forgiven 

freely and absolutely by Jesus;
.. not seek sufficient retribution ...

..... the only un-forgiveable sin
is the 1
WE DECIDE not to forgive;
it isn't sin, that fouls our enJOYment,
but UN-forgiveness .....
.... the dentist
patted my chest,
"you got healthy gums,
now, to clean the calculus " ....

mmm .... calculus clean teeth ....
... wow ....
those wct guys are making cloudbreak look so fun ....
..... The Spirit is always juggling the misconceptions of humans to bring each one, 
to an understanding of their Graced position .....
..... Pneuma .....
brings Peter to speak to Jerusalem and Cornelius,
then, Paul to rescue communities from lawyers,
then, the writers of three accounts of His Earth life,
then, John to add an intriguing account,
and add to the charis that Paul had expounded .....
.. religiosity ..
internalises itself in the growing child;
most leave childhood with less self-worth
than we had, on entering it;
and school insists on it ..

.. watchin "Soul Surfer"
sure beats
the anxiety, fear, hate
dished up elsewhere ..


“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal.

"Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does."

They are normal not in what may be called the absolutesense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness.

These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.” — Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited (1958)

Unless you understand how reality is manifested, your destiny and the destiny of the planet will be in the hands of the ruling elite who do:
- Knowledge of Today


The mystery of "Christ The All and In All" 

makes both revivalism and conversionism irrelevant 

and proves to be the satisfier of both desires.
-Benjamin Dunn
I'm going to Chartwell today, which is where Winston Churchhill grew up and I'll stand on the balcony where at the age of eleven he had an open vision and God told him he would save Britain someday.
..... the 4 accounts from Mathew, Mark, Luke & John 
could be viewed as written for the sake of the letters; 
not the other way round .....
.... walked early thru town,
"chance" speak
to a cafe ownin friend,
who I see only occasionally;
such a nice exchange ....
..... ekklesia
were reading Paul's letters
long before they were reading
the 4 accounts written later
by Mathew, Mark, Luke and John .....
..there are all sorts of teachings & doctrines..
..... but the heart is only established in Charis .....
.... love this time o year
when the parrots fly thru ....

-Art The System
.... SoO 1 ....
.. the angry hype is so sub-ordinary ..
.... the contest is so extra-ordinary ....
..... go the toads .... V8 sounds great ....
good reason for king hitting - not ..
This lady testified to an amazing healing on her eye. Doctors thought she had a cataract and took tests. She received prayer at one of our meetings last year in Sydney and when she went back to the doctor, tests revealed that she had an aggressive malignant tumour in her eye and was likely to lose her eye, but when they checked again, the tumour had disappeared! Thank you Jesus! This lady recently had an operation on her shoulder and was in pain so she came to our meeting last weekend. After prayer, all pain left and she had more movement.
..... amazing Grace to humans .....
..... Jeshoa is how Theoites looks to a human .....
..... Jeshoa is how humans look to Theoites .....
.... that's pea and ham soup I smell,
a joy of winter ....
.... such a pleasant day
at the dump,
even the attendant
offered to cleanup after me ....
“Grace is the celebration of life, relentlessly hounding all the non-celebrants in the world. It is a floating, cosmic bash shouting its way through the streets of the universe, flinging the sweetness of its cassations to every window, pounding at every door in a hilarity beyond all liking and happening, until the prodigals come out at last and dance, and the elder brothers finally take their fingers out of their ears.” - Robert Farrar Capon


Jesus’ love for you is a torrent of passion that will not be turned aside because you fail Him. 
Nothing can separate you from His yearning love. 
It is impossible to be valued more than you are.

I long to bring you
To my innermost chamber—
This holy sanctuary You have formed within me.
O, that I might carry You Completely within me.
I would give You there
The spiced wine of my love
This full cup of bliss which we share.

Song of Songs 8:2 The Passion Translation

..... inspiring man .....
* Mandawuy Yunupingu *
... resting in the Peace .....

..... hahehe .....
.. P found our legal document of marriage ..
couldn't locate it for so many years;
P thought we wasn't registered with da gummut ....
Theoites Loves every single person in all of Earth .....
.. I understand that this life may not be easy for the proud ..
.... it becomes overcast,
I hear sprinkling on the roof;
Rain? .... It's the fall o leaves ....

- Raw for Beauty


Sin is an illusion that only exists in the mind. 
Separation is an illusion that only exists in the mind. 
Jesus came to reveal to us our reality. 
We are ALL sons and daughters of the Father.

As He is, so also are we on this world. 
♥ ♥ ♥ Jesus came to reveal our identity. 
He took away the sin (misjudgment) of the world). 
He said to the adulterous woman, 'Go and misjudge no more!' ♥ 
See yourself as Papa sees you! 
You are complete! You are righteous! You are loved completely! 
Thank you Father! ♥
- K.Hinkle

- posted by my wife !

..... first day of winter .....
happy anniversary ... baby,
got you on my mind .....

a water romance .....
xoxox .....
- posted by me .... 

- Knowledge of Today

... nice to see a rich person (Gates) encourage the rich to give funds into community ....
.. scoffing ..
is a proud "aussie" refuge,
that needs stamping down ..
pulled down ..
the love n forgiveness,
that is in
Theoites' Charis .....
The New #Pentagon Law: 
talking to a journalist = talking to the public 
= talking to Al-Qaeda = Communicating with the enemy = death penalty
- Wikileaks
"He creates [and re-creates]
on an eternal whim:
He is,
in the old phrase,
Deus Ludens,
the God who plays." .....
.... n play defines our relationships .....
.... it is so enjoyable
when lumps of water
form up on a sand bank ....
.... seen the 3
Joe Camilleri the entertainer;
gotta love some1
who crosses himself
n then says to the audience:
get your inner peter pan on ....
ha .. while in my phone's settings page, the phone slipped thru my hands, i caught it before it fell but it had selected very huge icons and a screen that could not be traversed !! i couldn't even turn it off .. had to use the desk top to reset everything .. those programmers mustn't have thought of that one ..
You can't box up God in theology
You can't box up Jesus in Christianity
You can't box up church in a building
You can't box up truth in a belief system
You can't box up grace in conditions
- J.Palmer

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