Sunday, March 27, 2011

Killing some sacred cows of Eschatology : (Destiny, End Time, Final Events, Judgement Day)

It is one judgment day, -  not the last days. They constitute 2 seasons.
God reveals His Judgment (both good and bad) for mankind on THAT day.
We are in the last days which is Glorious and the Spirit is being poured out on all flesh.

The New Testament role of the prophet is only to reconcile the Father's heart to the son and the son's heart to the Father.
This role results in the oppressed and devil degraded being reconciled into the liberty of the Father.
The Old Testament prophet brought judgement, fear and punishment for sin.
In the NT people who bring fear and punishment are called false prophets.

True NT prophets are characterised by Love and Encouragement in the Church. (eg 1Jo.4)
Fearful and judgmental words are always wrong for the church and the nations.

The church is not a body to call down wrath on the disobedient.
God is not angry and He has no need to kill everybody to bring repentance.

Disaster does not bring revival, only The Holy Ghost can do that.
Responses based on fear last only for a short time until the oppression brings erroneous doctrine.

Life and death are in the tongue which can be spoken into being.
Words that steal, destroy and kill are always of the devil.

Are you seen as a lover of rules, law and process or a lover for the oppressed to be free?

Some paraphrased points from Kris Vallotton to understand about the last days, which are not the one last day:

1/. Recognise our highly favoured position in Christ in these last days. That is, do not re-empower the devil, (who was completely defeated at the Cross of Jesus), with your lack of trust in Jesus' Love, Words and Provision for you.

2/. There is always a Hope and a Future for our children on this Earth.

3/. We, in His Abilities, can restore Hope to all nations and cities.

4/. All nations will know the Glory of Jesus and Earth will be like Heaven.

5/. God is always Good and His Love never gives up.

6/. Bad news should not be celebrated as evidence of the soon return of Christ.
Only the devil desires chaos.

7/. We are in the last days where The Holy Spirit will unleash dreams and visions in believers, not judgment and wrath on unbelievers. The judgment day is a separate event where only God, the Judge, is responsible.

8/. Kingdom realities and values should not be pushed into a future time period, so deadening our Joy in the Spirit, now.


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