Friday, January 18, 2013

Parousia (grk) is the Presence of the Incarnate Word at EVERY moment of time..... tho some devalue it only as His final Presencing in the future .. mid December 2012

the rich man is the man under law .. 
lazarus is the man under grace .. 
the gulf is self-performance against fails .. 
..... eimi ..... charis ..... charis ..... eimi .....
.. I'm not lookin for leaders .. 
I am looking for friendly family, 
surnamed in the "I am" .....
always surprised by taking offense over compassion 
that offended feeling is such a short cheap"payoff" 
compared to the richness o love .....
"Santa Clause is coming 2 town"
i hear it everywhere lately.
Have u checked da lyrics?
It's as bad as religious groups i've known ! .. 
the only fail now, 
is not to get one's earthly boost life 
from the loving, joyful, helpful, comforting, partying 
Spirit of Jesus ..... Yep !
Adam hiding in the garden of Eden 
was man's first attempt at managing sin and failure 
(seeing himself different to how Yahweh does) 
1 never resolves 1's sin; 
"self-improvement" is an impossibility;
at best 1 might externally sublimate behavior thru restructure...
1 longs for the new life raised in us by Jesus
formula :
our right behaviour+less wrong behaviour = godliness??!
Godliness is in us, courtesy o da Ressurect'n 
- nice behavior 2ndary for Him
Parousia (grk) is the Presence 
of the Incarnate Word 
at EVERY moment of time..... 
tho some devalue it only as His final Presencing in the future ..
We're not saved from our fails, 
we're saved IN them. 
"You made us for yourself, 
and our hearts are restless till it rests in You" 
Every relat'nship starts with a "Hello"
and "a getting to kno u" interact'n. 
So why da urgent prescript'n 
for those getting to know the Loving One ?
i desire a day when groups 
are weaned off militarist conquest,
executive action,
clergic hierarchy,
to start eating da meat 
of Grace; Love, Joy, Peace .....
His Joy is to the world ..... 
our joy isn't from the worldly ..... 
(hint for happiness)
I used to sing "it is joy unspeakable" 
without thinking much on how that has no limits ..... 
Charis opens it up .....
Just got "de-friended" in fbk 
for saying that condemning people for fails 
is not our role ...... 
truly hope he gets over himself.
..... Keep it fun cos da supremo of fun is number 1 !!! .....
Tho we fail and fall 
we are NEVER separated as Adam was isolated. 
Raised by Jesus - 
this is Theotes doing. 
Yep !
"Not on my watch" 
gets used so much by self righteous 
giving themselves "cause" 
in religion or politics.
Ours is a grace walk- 
Kurios builds.
Paraklaytos = Comforter; 
Pneuma Alaythia = Spirit of Truth; 
Hagios Pneuma = Holy Spirit ..... 
3 characteristics of 3rd person of the Godhead
Paraklaytos is da best teacher 
I have ever known.
Pneuma Alaythia enjoys Reality.
Hagios Pneuma is so loving,
so timely, so patient, so much fun !
"per-is-siah khar-ah" greek for "overflowing joyfulness" 
some sad people think it is not on --- 
haheha ..... 
(eg 2C8)
Is "higher learning" about a "better" factory position ? ......
One can live in reaction to death or live life in Resurrection - 
always got a free choice .....
"A revelation of righteousness by grace 
opens up the scriptures as no other revelation does ..... " 
Co-dependency : 
is a blissing in the arms of Tri-une Love, 
but a cursing in the arms of a lost creation ......
"Late have I loved You 
(sero te amavi) ..... 
O Beauty so Old and yet so New." - 
(Augustine; the Romantic before Romanticism) .....
Happy fulfilled life is more than a weekly "drip feed" at a group - 
it is in His constant party !
Through what He did, 
we all are Eternal friends 
with DaddyGod and His Son 
in an unreserved union ..... 
tho it sounds liberal 
"we r soft on da sinner and hard on sin"; 
it still makes 1 a judge; 
1 only need point to 
The 1 Who killed our sin-nature.
... for me (Peter) 
His glorious appearance is not a future promise 
but fulfilled; 
this will happen soon 
on the horizon of your hearts .....
Be confident in those that have this revelation of grace, 
rather than resistant.
This revelation of righteousness by grace 
needs to be ingrained in your memory; 
the day will dawn in your own understanding about this ..... 
just cos some1 makes a living 
out of their "spiritual" orientation .. 
it doesn't mean they know 
what the Spirit is onto .. 
e.g. pharisees .. 
Do they reveal Grace?
it is o concern,
that ppl EXPECT 
2 b paid 4 their administration or projects. 
i understand that it is good to group; 
and paying the costs of grouping, 
and consensual projects, might be generous.
we group,
and experience the Joy o Theiotes, 
knowing He only knows us 
as exciting, happy, equally loved family, 
(eklesia=surnamed in Him) 
and not as a club with rules !
the good news o grace and peace 
is SO limited in this idea of "church" 
as a club with rules, 
where the "laity" 
pay the "clergy"
for  their "administration" !
I have no interest in making money from religion.
My desire is a life,
Free from religion (re-binding).
Follow Paul, he worked ..... 
Grace is the key to unconditional Love .....
..... my thirst is not for Moses, 
the 1 drawn from water, 
but for the One 
who is the Water of Life given freely .....
my addiction and reliance 
isn't in leaders, peer groups or disciplines;
it's in the Theios Phusis of Theiotes 
(grk for Divine Nature of Godhead)
Why would 1 want to be in a "peer" group 
that holds 1 to their limited experiences and rules ? 
Venture into fellowship thru love, joy, peace ....
NOT to leave behind a relationship of rest 
when we come together,
but to comfort and strengthen;
more willingly, cos the day [o bliss]
will be perceived so near at hand

(H10 isn't a big stick about "church" attendance 
but the "tone of Rest" there.) 
Capon ponders the 6 days (Gen1) 
as pre-plans in the mind of Creator Spiritus. 
Softens pointless pragmatic arguments. 
We exist;
let's enjoy da Mystery of existence.
'adham gave names to all the animals 
and we are still naming them 
and anything else we can sense ....
Resurrection is a Person 
who has known 
and held us, all along:
"I am the Resurrection and the Life".
He doesn't raise only co-operative souls !
Brave Jesus fulfilled the law 
and cried out 
"it is finished !" 
Never again will I pick through the N.T. 
like a religious lawyer;
there is NO law for me to fulfil.
..... YAY .....
of 3 "soul lifes" : 
anima vegetis (plant) and anima sensitiva (animal) 
have not the abstract thinking on life and death 
found in anima rationalis (man).
"soul of life"
is given to sea creatures, on day 5,
and 3 "soul" types identified :
"anima": vegetiva, sensitiva, rathionalis (Latin) 
i.e. plant, animal, man.
Augustine was a christian neo-platonist 
influencing Aquinos 
who then read Aristotle 
to influence christian philosophy.
Tri-une God has restored our participation 
in Fellowship with Them;
so we escape the distorted influence 
of the corrupt cosmic virus of greed.
his equality in faith 
given to us 
lets us begin to know ourselves 
the way Jesus has always known us
so be engulfed in the Grace and Peace 
that amps within us. ..... 
The powerful intervention of Jesus 
gifted us with ALL that it takes 
to live a full life on Earth ..... 
Danish study:
.. messed up people, 
signing up (for battle,uniform,"glory"),
leave the forces more messed up (
called PTSS) .... 
who woulda thunk ...
..... freedom to choose is a spiritual choice .....
I like the idea of conserving all the possibilities 
of the Mystery of the Gospel of Grace 
but I'm definitely not a religious conservative !
Ya know skandalon is kickin in 
when "work ethic" 
is used to define grace ..... 
(hahe .. it doesn't) .....
I want to know the One whose burden is light, 
Whose future is Peace, 
not join a club with expectations and prospects ....
God's faith 
sees everyone equally justified in Christ. 
His Righteousness in us 
validates our identity in Him ..... 
Fully engage yourself 
in the reality of one's Bought Innocence, 
move in this rock solid Logic of God 
that your origin is in Him .... 
Patriotism is a religion, 
and i can't shake that idea
"Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel".. 
Messiah intercedes and mediates for ALL .....
being determined and being aggressive 
are not the same ..... 
being joyfully determined 
will accomplish so much more 
than being aggressively determined .... 
I am in church 
with any1 who thinks they are surnamed "I Am", 
and I hope to encourage 
into Beauty and Love,
any1 who doesn't think they are surnamed "I Am"
If it's fun even the long way is short ...
Keeping science out of theology is as religious as keeping Theos out of science ....+
Messiah is Love 
who outlasts eternity;
Theos of death and life,
of paradox and clarity,
of darkness and light, 
losing yet winning, 
secret yet revealed .....
Jesus loves ALL nations and races ..... 
His self sacrifice is permanently POTENT for everyone - 
Grace is Risen to endorse everyone's innocence .....
.. Your wealth worries have given you ulcers 
that consume you like a fire within,
so, you rip off your workers;
but Supremo o Rest hears their cries .. 
Been abused by the religious ? ..... 
Remain passionate 
about the permanent and continuous presence 
of the Word Incarnate ..... 
The uncreated Light 
Who is the Father's Word 
embraces us into His Mansion .....
As Jesus said to the frightened 
as He walked past on water,
in a storm;
He says to us,
everyday of the world's existence,
"Cheer up - it's only Me!"
Parousia (grk) 
is a continuous available presence 
of the Incarnate Word 
in every moment of time. 
(i.e. it is not limited to the future)
Snuggle up to the warm embrace of God, 
experience His Closeness in you ..... 
One's tongue can be a fire, 
a lightning strike, 
to turn the harmony of your world into chaos ...... 
Your big talk can't disguise its superficiality ...... (Ja3)
I can be undisciplined and still be a disciple of Jesus ..... 
I'm a student in Grace not a stoic ....
Be bound to looking after the fatherless and widows 
who are in trouble
and keep 1's own life untroubled in the process.
DaddyGod, inspiring father o ALL.
Meaningless conversation is often disguised in religious eloquence; 
just cos it sounds sincere doesn't mean it is true ..... 
A participator is mesmerized by what one sees, 
a logic that Frees one 
from the restrictions of self-effort and self-will power
one is a mirror of His perfect liberty,
by which one lives the life of His original intent: 
spontaneous, poetic and practical ..... 
A spectator hears and sees his true origin, 
but decides Grace is to good to be true 
and returns to his usual way of seeing himself ..... 
Welcome with sensitive embrace, 
the Word that powerfully conceives new life into your life ..... 
Ponder one's true origin in the Word made flesh ... 
pondering one's problems is how frustration is conceived. ..... 
Giving voice to one's anger 
only distorts the actual situation
and won't compliment God's righteousness 
that is you ..... 
I once teased the puffed up and religious types;
now I content myself by saying less,
giggling more,
and looking for opportunities 
to bliss or bless !
.... cooked banana pikelets (no flour) 
served with yoghurt and maple syrup ; 
after meeting a Canadian friend - 
yum !
GOD will thoroughly equip YOU, 
and give expression to His design in you 
with His DELIGHT, 
realized in Jesus Christ ..... 
Jesus is the accurate expression 
of God the Father's Glory in human form ..... 
God the Holy Spirit 
raised Jesus from the dead 
as the Supreme Shepherd of the sheep ..... 
God made PEACE 
with ALL the human race 
through the Blood of the ETERNAL Covenant ..... 
GRACE is our embrace. YES ! ..... 
Prayerful worship 
and co-seeing 
inspires a beautiful life ..... 
Trust only the GRACE guides' instruction ..... 
Messiah is the FINAL sin offering ..... 
"U are never anything but glorious!" (2C3)
"crying shame that our conduct doesn't always reflect it"..
[heha..missed it completely]
"Your first cult is always the deepest." 
Hahe .... 
witty and true heading for a newspaper article ......
Indulge in the benefits of grace not sacrifice .... 
We aren't finding our identity/security 
in a walled city of popular legalistic religious opinion.
Our interest is captured by New Jerusalem.
Our voice of thanks giving replaces any sacrifice ..... 
We ARE participating in a MASS JOINT-CELEBRATION 
of HEAVENLY and EARTHLY beings;
the ekklesia
(surnamed in Theiotes cos o Christ) 
are the mirror of HIM in Heaven.
We've been WELCOMED to an invisible mt Zion;
city o PEACE (New Jerusalem),
the RESIDENCE of the living God,
the FESTIVITIES of an angelic host.
From the leader to the animals, 
everyone was terrified 
when they agreed to live under the law, 
given on Mt Sinai .. 
Esau could not get Isaac to change his mind ......
but God's mind is made up about our salvation ..... 
( we are SO favoured because of Jesus ! )
I like to ask myself: 
Am I living out of a book of rules and achievements; 
or out of the new book of love and grace ? .....
performance driven mindset 
triggers the lawsystem into action
and distorts the picture,
a fleeting moment of "pleasure" 
[for the carnal mind]
appears more attractive then grace ......
this is a grace-race not a law-race.
Compete and compare mode 
creates the opportunity for resentment to flourish 
which poisons many ..
True friendship 
can only be enjoyed in an environment 
of total forgiveness and innocence. 
Pursue peace with all people. ..... 
.. we are liberated freedom beings;
made innocent;
free to love and forgive. 
this was bestowed,
after our free choice 
to kill God's Son ..
Typical religious threat : 
" if 
[insert something that is annoying] 
doesn't stop [repent] 
then god will 
retribution ..
Typical religious logic:
if a person is raped 
and becomes pregnant 
then god intended for that baby to be born.
(and some rapes can be more justified,
e.g. like when it's ya step-father)
Just sayin:
the Grace I'm talkin about is NOT:
gud manners;
an ability to speak, sing, play well;
occasional mercy, love, generosity; 
it's scandalous reconciliation !
Jesus braved the cross,
despised its shame;
as He saw the Joy 
of His Dominion 
to fully endorse man's innocence. 
Forget the shadow dispensation 
that was the law and the prophets, 
to fix your vision on Jesus, 
the fountainhead and conclusion of faith. ..... 
... silly to carry any baggage 
of the old law-system 
that would weigh 1 down.
Make sure you don't get your feet 
clogged up with sin-consciouness. 
I'm so over bullies legislating, 
supposedly on my behalf, 
in democracy and religion. 
The party/celebrity experiment is the new tyrant.
Eschatological scenarios 
formulated under fear,
greed and mass destruct'n 
probably fall short of what 
Jesus spoke thru, 
in the Gospel of Grace !
Funny ..
They vote for a man not Christian in "right" party 
and rail agin a man who is "Christian" but wrong party .. 
Can u see it as not Grace !?
"The worst, and most confusing of doctrines, 
aren't preached, 
but sung." ~ Jeff Turner
Harmatia (grk) 
from "ha" = "negative" 
and "meros" = "form" or "portion"
i.e. without 1's original form;
fall short of one's allotted place;
often called "sin"
"the knowledge 
of His Glory shall cover the Earth 
as the waters cover the sea" 
doesn't exclude that 
His Glory is kneaded into the Creation, 
right here, right now.
..... He is the Builder ..... 
..... He is Ecstatic .....
..... Dance yes we Dance in the late Rain .....
..... Good News travels light .....
Those who respond to His desire to draw near, 
soon realize by faith, 
He is life's most perfect Gift ..... 

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