Sunday, September 25, 2011

It only takes a remnant in Christ for world change ...

Lance Wallnau - exponent of the 7 Mountains of influence in the nations.
Lance uses the arena scene from the movie "Gladiator" to illustrate how even an atmosphere in a natural colliseum can be changed when the remnant act as one.
He reminds us that the supernatural needs fruit in the natural otherwise it is invisible to the nations.
Discipling Nations requires teaching.
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, ... M28

(satan deceives nations by whatever blinding veil he can find.)

[[[ ... having gone, then, disciple all the nations,(Young)
So wherever you go, make disciples of all nations:(God's Word)
Teach them to do all the things I have told you.(New Life)
... teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you;(NKJV)
... teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have enjoined you.(Darby)....  

..... disciple is from the Greek term maqhthv" (matheˉteˉs)
refers generally to any “student,” “pupil,” “apprentice,” or “adherent,”
... as opposed to a “teacher.”   .......

.... it is a different word from that for discipline = paideía
= cultivation of the soul by correcting mistakes and misapplied passions - 
... it has punishment, but only by implication ... ]]]]

The overt punch of preachers comes after the covert blessing from the teachers.
So it is more likely that you are a secret agent discipling the city leaders.

In Sheep Nations leaders have love and care for all people.
In Goat Nations leaders have love and care only for themselves.

Your perspective on a city often defines your assignment.
Your compassion for the lost.
Paul (A19) saw a city bound in the demonic so he demonstrated.
Divine appointments are you moving in the supernatural at the right time, right place.

The secular is not a "bad" place to start.
The Media is a powerful mind molder so the controllers strongly defend it.
But the Arts can be an equal opportunity area for the creative spirit.
The Arts are a secular escape to "rest" and "meditation".
A secular sabbath where minds can experience new possibilities.

Science and Business has space for you to be visionary,
(i.e. see what is required to be helpful to His Earth).
Execs in 7M businesses enjoy soaking and worshipping in problem solving prayer rooms.

Problem - distress - soak and rest - dream, see, hear or await His solution - develop and deliver.

Actualisation is finishing your assignment.
Clarity is your power - Passion is your fuel.
This passion is not from your love of money but your romance with Jesus.
Though natural riches will be seen in your life by onlookers.
It is important to know what will control you when you have big success.
If you fail and are controlled by ungodly forces upon success,
remember, you can learn from it, then start again !

Convergence is when your gifting, calling, destiny, will and success
is in alignment with your Father's.
It is the science of being in Jesus.
Go to your "Me" mountain, let Him change you to be in Jesus.
Then go to your work mountain, change its culture to a Kingdom culture.
e.g. one company employed widows on at the front desk
where they also operated in intercession and word of knowledge
to prepare for those coming to the business.

Initial articulation in Business/Science and Government mountain requires
engendering confidence from an authorised utterance.
Today's utterance is steered by tertiary education and self interest.
Success brings confidence in the prophetic utterance.
Purity in Loving His Presence and going to the Father,
listening to the "lesser" inputs in your life will give you a believers edge in puzzle solving.
Find strategies from Heaven to stop hell on Earth.
God's Angels partner "killer" David sheep!


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