Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth

... rightly dividing the word of truth.......2T2
[....use words that lead to the Heart of Daddy God and to the Trust in Jesus ... ]

Self-will can't apply the Word of Truth.
Ask The Comforter to show His Will for the Word of Truth.
Be sensitive for His answer.

One basic understanding is essential.
We need to divide the Old Testament based on discipline by rules
from the New Testament justification by faith in Jesus Christ.

OT was "forgive so you can be forgiven."
NT  IS    "you are forgiven so forgive."

OT : "I am sent only to the House of Israel".
NT : "God so loved the world".
Both occur in the accounts of Jesus before the time of the Cross.
Only the ones defined by His Inclusive Grace stand forever.

OT : Repentence will bring you to the goodness of God.
NT : The Goodness of God will change your mind about Him.

OT : Hey Moses whatever God wants of us for righteousness, 
        "we will do it".
NT : We have been qualified for Righteousness by what
         HAS BEEN DONE in the SON of MAN.

Our inheritance has always been in the promises given to Abraham.
That time period during the exodus
from Egypt(fallen world) to Mt Sinai(rules) for the nation, Israel,
was a snapshot of Grace,
God loved and provided even though they sinned.

Jesus was never forsaken by His Father.
"...It was God [personally present] in Christ,
reconciling and restoring the world to favor with Himself, .... "2C5

Jesus on the Cross verbalised and demonstrated
how forsaken was mankind before His Gift of Grace.



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