Thursday, March 25, 2010

Kris Vallotton, DownPour2010, Epic season & epochs

"round table equality makes for "we get what we deserve/earn" rather than "we get what we don’t deserve i.e. an inheritance" "

We are transitioning epic seasons where we move from rent-a-cop guarding an idea of The law.
The pharisees couldn’t discern The Word made flesh 
but prostitutes could and devils could; the sick could;
looks like the experts didn’t know the seasons like the son’s of Isaachar – the Epochs of God.

One Epoch season was to cross the Jordan – a New Song – a New Way –
John played a dirge no one mourned.
Jesus played a flute no one danced –
a New song is a new Epoch – season –
Foreboding : crown of thorns; thorns of thinking ;
John was beheaded but Jesus was crucified; why?;
the old prophetic ministry was to be no more,
the least in Jesus’ Way would be greater than the great O.T. prophets.
Acts19 people had to be updated from John’s to Jesus’ Baptism.
Israel in the wilderness were on manna welfare –
cross the Jordan, manna stops, need to change;
need to stay current with God;
manna collector experts were no longer current thinking of God;
you would have starved with manna thinking in Canaan;
do we look for His voice or do we stay with an echo; do we shine or reflect;
God always gives us choice to see what we will do.
2 trees in Eden, believe God / believe devil; bring swords / use swords in Gethsemane;  
always a choice.
Pastors want a Domesticated Lion of Judah.
Pastors think they are doing well by developing regulations so the church can’t do wrong;
i.e. the choice now is the pastor’s reaction to a problem he doesn’t want again.

The choice now is stay with this denominalism or go to apostleship.
Denominations gather on what they agree upon and divide on what they disagree on.
It is perpetuated because of our protestant past;
so now live in a protesting culture instead of a culture of family;
our God identifies Himself as Father God; brother Jesus; sons and heirs;
we need to learn not to conflict, so as to reap offense – we think unity is the lack of disagreement –
we are thinking beings – therefore new ways and opinions are formed –
we can view from Heaven and be part of timeless and infinite Wisdom.
Born again potential.
Judas spirit: he was off, gone, out of there, at the mention of covenant; But won’t die (to self?)

The Elijah spirit now turns the hearts of the fathers/mothers to the sons/daughters 
and the sons to the fathers;
round table equality makes for "we get what we deserve/earn" rather than 
"we get what we don’t deserve i.e. an inheritance".
The culture of Jesus is not to hang with people we agree with;
that’s just looking after your own comfort;
remember, crisis always gives opportunity for the supernatural.

The Book is important, it’s held in high regard by God but it is not all there is to Him.
He is bigger than the Book; all the Book is in Heaven but all of Heaven is not in the Book.
We can know the Book but still not know the Author, hence pharisees don’t recognize Grace.
Stop punishing people for having original ideas which might be occasions for the supernatural and
give Heaven to Earth occasions for us;
we want to stop this protesting dividing culture we've brought into the church.

I have written from notes and memory of what Kris said;
its not by any means all of what he said (he's a man firing on all cylinders with understandings);
i've got more to publish later.
Communicate with me via email at

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