Maria and the NET band brought a bliss worship time.
Technical problems early but Maria said the night would be a great time.
She was right; plenty of Joy.
Here is Supressa’s message as best as I remember:
The truth spoken early is helpful but late can be harmful.
Tell people you are a Christian so they don’t include you in their incense prayers.
My mother was the type to forbid me to laugh today
because I would cry tomorrow if i laugh today……
but Jesus changes everything…….cheka cheka, cheka
My old church would read bible then get us all to face the wall until we cried over what we just heard…..
but I laugh: ca ca ca ca …….
i was in trouble with the preacher… why do you laugh?……cos He makes me happy…….
The daughter of the king was sick….he makes a decree
“the man who heals his princess will marry her”.
Two doves were in a tree at night ….talking…”our blood will heal her”….
A sojourner heard this and caught the doves…
and they cried out isyou, isyou, isyou….
“Yes what I heard in the dark I now proclaim in the light.”
We are the daughter of the King healed by the blood of The Dove.
Mystery of the New Covenant :
why needed when abrahamic was based on faith.
What new ministry does it release…
Gen17:2 abraham was the best accountant because
God said if he could count the stars he would know the number of his seeds… ca ca….
Egypt & Israel are the hardest places on earth to preach.
Ministry of Abr. covenant is to circumcise….
can be mis-used…sons of Jacob circumcised village then killed them!!!
The Abr. Covenamt joined by pain…
But the New Covenant joined by GRACE.
Heb.8:6 Jesus is a more excellent ministry because the Old did not accommodate ALL People.
I was born into a witchdoctor family…
at that time, witches were being slaughtered everywhere….
the killers religion was not accommodating to ALL.
Jer.32:40 Everlasting covenant described…
GOODNESS never stops…He just POURS it in more & more…..
Jer.6:17…restore and heal wounds.
What a deal…
His son gets wounded and you get healed..... NEW and so GOOD
In the OLD you wounded yourself and God healed….
Now Jesus takes the wound; and YOU do the healing…..
In village there were girls who weren’t married
because they needed special “make up” anointing……..cheka cheka cheka….
They asked for this anointing and they woke up beautiful…ca ca ca…
That year there were many marriages.
A woman in Korea was very poor so she asked for anointing to be rich…
She started a t-shirt industry and sold out. And kept selling out…
she became a millionaire in the GFC last year….
you know what was on the t-shirt?...
my face and the face of a lion …… ca ca ca.
The suckling goat gave Peace all the days of summer….
The New Covenant IS the party covenant……
Don’t do your guilt in front of Me.
Take the Joy of the New Testament…
Come on EAT My Body; Drink My Blood……its Joy.
I had a dream….
I came on a funeral and I could see the dead person in the cask and his face was FULL of LAUGHTER.
I see this same dead face the next day in a casket….
I realise that Jesus will raise him so that’s what I do and he is raised from the dead.
As he becomes conscious he evacuates his bowels…such a BAD ca ca…
He said when he was dead he was fighting darkness;
he was being pushed towards deep darkness when a very Bright LIGHT snatched him back to Life.
More rejoicing in worship. A blessed time.
I like the bit about Jesus takes the wound and you do the healing. And the new covenant is the party covenant. Thanks.