Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Supresa Sitole

Supresa is Director of Pastors for IRIS Ministries where he helps oversee the rapidly spreading revival in southern Africa which has witnessed close to 7,000 new churches being birthed since 2000. He is so full of the joy of God. 

Last Saturday, New Earth Tribe Byron Bay (Maria and Phil pictured above) sponsored Supresa for two joyful sessions.

Katherine and Tom of New Day Ministries, Brisbane, brought about the introductions.

Session 1:
Wonderful worship time with Maria & Dan & Phil and NET band – a bliss time.

Supresa brings the message to us; 
sort of like these words below, but being there was important! : 

My 1st time in Europe we had a certain time for our talks. I get up & we start laughing…cheka cheka cheka….by the time we stopped laughing my session was over….but we all enjoyed the good laugh.

An African owl attracts its prey (the rat) by casting a fluttering shadow over its hole. The rat thinks it is a butterfly (it eats burtterflies)…it comes out to eat and is eaten! (aaaw said the group)  It’s enemy got between the light and the rat and made a distraction for the rat. Our life is under The Light of Christ. Don’t get caught up by the little shadows in your life…. Are you all right…Let’s have fun….. cheka cheka

I met Heidi in 1985. All she said was look after these kids here, pray with them.

I went with Roland Baker to see some tribes. 3 hour walk to the big river, it was above our heads but we walk not on the water but stay waist deep above the river bottom! That’s still Good tho, eh cheka cheka…We still got leeches tho… most people were trying to rip them off but Roland takes out his camera and calmly gets the images; then he uses the fire to get them to leave. You ok ?.. cheka cheka.

The purpose of an anointing is to go to that purpose – then that level will lead to another anointing – we go higher by allowing each anointing – be hungry and ask – so that you can go from glory to glory – 5 times, 10 times, 15 times, ask for more to get from place to place.

Its all about friendly – thanks for the good worship – praise and dance – praise while exercisement – better than running on a belt !! cheka cheka…

1Sam.16:13 Samuel anoints David as a boy The Holy Spirit stays on him from that day. The Holy Ghost takes David through the lion, the bear and the Goliath incidents.

2Sam.2:4 David anointed again by the men of Judah to be King of Judah. Why does he need another anointing? His first anointing was a prophet’s anointing with deliverance and strategy i.e. what to say and what to do at the right times. This Judah anointing is for the next level – Judah means praise – the next level is to PRAISE and to build the House of PRAISE.

GOD IS SMART…where God goes the people get blessed. Where (Adophus??) was born… that area has a big suicide problem – we spoke against that suicide spirit in that area and now there is no more suicides in that area. (cheers of praise for Jesus!!)

The 2nd anointing gives David the level of praise.. & dance (he dances out of his clothes)… and it brings with it ....Overcoming.

When I was 17, Reinhard Bonke came to Malawi. We sing 1 song for the first hour..the same for the 2nd hour…the 3rd…the fourth…then one crippled person gets up out of the wheel chair and waddles off !! by the time Reinhard turns up there are 25 wheel chairs in a heap….ONE song brought the atmosphere of God to that place.

Judah = Praise, and David was going to be the King of Praise.

2Sam.5:3 A 3rd anointing; this time the elders anointed David the King of Israel; the elders are for counselling not leading.

George & I went to a village which was a furnace of witchcraft; lots of people were dying there….we rented a house there and later we walk through the village praying…..enjoyable time…then back to house to sleep…now that night 7 witches get together to go to our house to put a case…they always do this naked!!...they come to our house and see that it is burning up…they think that’s good we’ll wake up the village….the villagers come out with machetes, the fire is no more and the witches are naked….the witches like the leeches were driven off by The Holy Ghost Fire!!!

He wants us to overcome and expand; we want the Spirit of Expansion on us…....getting and receiving more in 2010 – more new people for NET  ............don’t block the Light…..never enough, we always need another touch……David gets the anointing from the elders = counsellors = The Holy Ghost.

Those that want expansion into the schools; into the medias; into the community come forward for anointing prayer now ……………………………… .
”I don’t know why you all aren’t up here!!"
(with that encouragement, we all move forward for a blessed time of prayer).

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