Sunday, March 4, 2012

Jesus is the Fulfillment of the Tithe .....

In this freedom I stand :
ALL Believers in the Gospel of Grace are Kings and Priests.

I know preachers, I respect them,
that have made a special category
for the law of tithing.

(yes, i know about Abraham's
and Jacob's occasional tithing
before the law of Moses was enacted).

I recently tweeted :
"Circumcision is before the Mosaic law; 
it is NOT part of gospel of grace 
and neither is tithing! 
Love Offering for specific costs 
and "charity" is part of being loving,
funding a religious industry is not." (tweet expanded ... haha)

I hope this (special law category) is just an interim in groups
in the progression to Freedom in the Gospel of Grace.

To be manipulated to give money,
takes away from the Gospel.

Hearing words like:

"Give and it shall be given to you ..."
"God loves a cheerful giver ..."
"bring in your tithe to open blessing from Heaven ... "
"plant your seed and you shall be blessed a hundred-fold ... "

in relation to tithing your money, etc,
only brings a burden, an expectation, and a fear
that I am doing the wrong thing by not tithing.
(usually, the words are used out of context, anyway).

Jesus IS Perfect Love, He casts out ALL fear (and performance).

Now to contribute to the cost of presenting the Gospel of Grace,
is an Inspired act of generosity and love,
as is contributing to a relief project.
As most say, this usually works out to be more than 10%
but it still allows for less than 10% !


an interesting Facebook discussion initiated by Bertie Brits posting :

I Gave a teaching on tithing tonight and really enjoyed it... 
Jesus is the tithe, 
let us eat His flesh, for His flesh is the meat that came to the storehouse for our freedom from the curse. 
Some say I am going to preach myself financially bankrupt if I continue this way ... haha

Mark Boyce : Jesus is the first born from among the dead - 
the first fruit of everything pertaining to life. He is the true tithe.

‎Arne Aabn : "1st" fruit. tithe is 1 in 1/10.

Mark Boyce : The first fruit of "everything" is the tithe. 
Also, the Levitical priesthood was done away with at the cross. 
We are now the royal priesthood and we eat and drink the tithe - Jesus.

Bertie Brits : Jesus came to fulfill the Law and the prophets. 
How does that apply to prophet Mal. 
and the tithe mentioned as that which will come to take the curse away?
would you say Jesus is the scapegoat? 
If you say yes give NT scripture please. 
Without using the aleph Tuv and just the prophetic word in mal3:1 
and onwards to the end you can prove it. 
Remember Ps40. Jesus said God had no delight is sacrifice and offerings. 
(the context is the law and what they had to do for God) 
but He said in Ps 40 and HEB it was all written about Him. 
Simply ask Jesus if His works on the cross could fulfill that which is promised 
when you tithe according to Mal 3 and see what His hands, side and love can convince you of.

Gary Knoetze : if Jesus is the Sabbath Rest, 
if He is the Seed that God sowed, 
if He is the firstfruit, 
if He is the Lamb, 
if He is the fullfilment of the types and shadows, 
then why isn't he the tithe?

Walker Shurz : Other "grace preachers" that I have heard -- 
Andrew Wommack, Ed Elliott, Jim Richards, Joseph Prince and Allen Speegle 
unanimously agree that the tithe is 10% of our money given into the kingdom and work of God.

Bertie Brits : Most (not all but most) churches I have been teaching this message 
at the people have more joy in their giving and the giving radically increased. 
(not that that would be the reason for preaching it, 
if they stopped to give or gave less it would not stop me preaching this. 
We cannot preach for money from the people). 
One of AWME schools told me after I preached there they had the highest giving in the history of the school. 
I don't want to sound arrogant for I am not in my heart 
but believe we all can learn, even these great preachers, 
that I respect with all my heart and that has only been good to me. 
truly the tithe was something you are in remembrance of God 
as well as food for those who could not provide by their own works. . Duet 14:22-24

Bill Watts : Thank you for taking a stand for the truth Bertie. 
The biggest enemy to grace is not the law but partial grace. 
I don't understand how some of these folks preach so strongly against mixing grace and law 
but then compromise on the tithe due to fear of man and lack of trust in God to provide for them.

Bertie Brits : Is it impossible for Jesus to be the meat that came to the people 
that could remove the curse and cause us to be called blessed? 
Just read Mal 3 as prophetic word to be fulfilled by Jesus. 
If you don't agree what can I say? 
You are just missing out on a wonderful part of freedom to be offered to people who live in guilt when they don't TITHE. O my goodness, to think that their are people believing that if you don't give 10% you stealing from God. 
My prayer is that God open the platforms of the world for the message of JESUS IS THE TITHE.

Tithe was what they ate in remembrance of God - how clear do you want it? Deut 14

San Burke : Simply put, Jesus is the fulfillment of every requirement under the law. 
This is the gift of Grace!


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