Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Good News Story from Haiti

The Haitian President canceled the annual Mardi Gras Parade, calling instead for 3 days of prayer and fasting starting on February 12, 2010. At least 1 million people went to the presidential palace at 6am calling out to God for forgiveness and healing of the nation. The prime minister wept for an hour then left. One of the organisers, Rev. Rene Josephs (Loving Hands Ministries) led worship. Then the PM returned with the President and were prayed over.  For the next 3 days between 6am to 6pm Scriptures and prayers were spoken, repentences were declared and songs of worship sung. There were 3000 confirmed conversions over those days and of those 101 had been Voodoo priests. The Holy Spirit is still raining down in Haiti and Jesus had turned the evil of the devil into rejoicing - He is Wonderful.

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