..... I know Iesous loves me .....
.. but I definitely
won't be voting for any
"christian" religious law candidate ..
..... I'm under charis .....
I (Iesous) say:
"Some standing here,
shall not taste of death,
till they see
the son of man
coming in his basileum."
do you get the significance
of His statement;
.... his return
would be seen
by some of those
he was speaking to ....
as the law age ended;
and Iesous returned
in the cloud
to herald the
age of charis .....
. tithes & offerings
the rather not so
thin edge of the wedge
in a return
to the law ..
.. the law,
especially the law
of angels+moses,
is the strength of sin;
that sin is
that you are
not loved
n that you are
separated from
Theotes .....
Everyone is renewed
in the eugalion of
Charis .....
Our constant
Foundation .....
No matter what
tries to bring us down .....
.. as if
any laws
bring the change
that knowing
unconditional love brings .....
..... the highest
is kind
to the unkind
n those full of
=poneros (evil(kjv))
.... the break-down of
culture & diversity
by moneylusters
& religious zealots ..
it's colonialism at best ..
.... electioneering:
where a supposed right wing
and a supposed left wing
who both spruik neocon hypotheses,
get you to gather indignant objections
about the other;
and on the basis of this gathering;
one will vote ?? .. ha !
.... gonna vote them last
n second last
based on their indignancy ...
.... great god economics;
where you, eventually,
bail out the oligarch's wrongs ....
..... I've never been
separated from Pneuma;
except by indoctrination;
except by my awareness ....
..... "therefore being
justified by faith" .....
"man isn't justified
by law works
by the
[that is generated from]
"therefore (all)
being justified by HIS faith."
nothing to do
with you
"faithing salvation";
comes as a gift to all;
by His faith .....
.... Paul:
"to win Christos;
to be found in him;
to understand him;
not by my own rightness
which is based on law;
but that rightness
based on
Christos' faith ....."
Paul :
"It's not as though
I have attained
[all knowledge]
right now;
I suffer persecution
[from lawyers]
if that through it,
I might
lay hold on that
which also
I am overtaken of,
through Christos ....."
.. the overlords
aren't too phased
by your suffering;
they're far removed;
and usually profit
from it ..
Thank Theotes
that the Triune
loves us ALL .....
whether "gentile or jew";
..... our challenge
is to love one another .....
..... Charis is far beyond
nation or religion .....
.. it is not a badge of normalcy
to be sub-servient
to "statesmen" warmongers ..
vote out 2 party state-ism ....
they've had their "time of crime" ..
... from
the garden of eden
the law of hierarchy,
is not a natural path;
nor a spiritual one ..
..... drink life;
drunk joy .....
.. make it easy to buy machine guns ..
.. mix in some
psychotropic drugs;
and ya got an efficient
mass murdering machine ..
. power corrupts;
absolute power corrupts
absolutely ..
.. warmongers & warhawks;
always have a culture of human abuse .
.. more palestinian abuse
the "stolen land" ..
+the "stolen land" ..
.... decriminalise
n help the addicts ....
.. disband all the thuggish elements
of this dark "war on drugs" industry ..
.. the sick 1%
got richer ..
.... vote
"no foreign entanglements" ....
.. murdochrity ..
don't gossip murdoch's gossip ..
there are way better
narratives in news
than an oligarch's fear views ..
.. you can't fool all of the people,
all of the time ..
.. or can you ..
.... you are loved
for who you are;
not for who you think
you should be .....
.... throw out corporate welfare;
to the 1% ;
vote empathetic independent;
n put 2 party state-ism last ..
.. who wants corporate hypotheses
to mess up our earthlife ..
..... always remind one's self :
"See (perceive) ;
the basileia/foundation
of Theos
within you (ALL).
.... war hawks, moneylusters,
warmongers n statesmen warriors;
that pathetic product of
the 2 party state ..
..... humans being .....
live and let love .....
.. the military-industrial complex
must be brought to decency ..
.... vote out 2 party state-ism;
vote in empathetic independents;
vote in no foreign military entanglements;
make the armament mongers
liable for their products ..
.. don't become a murderer
or a murderers' assistant
for the oligarchy's plunder
and their world hypotheses ..
.. I have no interest
to group with
or fearmongers ..
I would group
with those
who "get"
the sacred siblingness
of ALL .....
.. egyptian+hebrew+roman+greek concepts of
as punishment,
were integrated into
what is called
n popularised
from the first century
until now ..
as the consuming fire of agape,
burns up
that which
is against
us, all .....
This is
The Pneuma
in which we, all,
Live and Breathe .....