Monday, May 25, 2015
some DON'T "get it"; like the older brother .... some "get it"; like the wasted son.....the party continues regardless of religious perceptions - May posts
.. I'm not ..
a sinner
saved by "grace"..
..... I am .....
a child of Abba
rescued, re-enlivened, released,
Theos Kharece .....
.. hate the sin
love the sinner ..
huh ??
..... we're dead to sin
love the all,
no lines in the sand,
that's who
Theotes Charis
IS .....
.. religionists ..
are sin believers ..
where your response,
to their idea of sins,
has the final authority ..
ha !
that has not been so
for at least
2000 years .....
Time to move
Eugalion Charis
fullness .....
.. the warmongers idea
of triumph
is NOT
Pneuma's idea
of triumph .....
The Love of God
is spread abroad by
Pneuma Haggios ......
.. sin believers
are invariably
eternal hell believers
(the place you pay
for their view of sins
you have committed)
Charis understanders
are non-eternal hell believers
(Christos has taken
sin and death
out of any reckoning)
We are actually all
rescued, re-enlivened, released .....
.. the power of sin
is the law;
Adam broke law ..
Last Adam Christos
(did away with)
the law ..
Theotes good opinion
of ALL .....
.. so why does religion
based on
sin believing,
sin preventing,
sin punishing,
persist ..
O, probably
ay ..
..... Adonai .....
good, pleasant, agreeable,
to everyone;
and with
compassionate love
pursues all of us .....
... "thieves and robbers"
greek word for robbers
was used for insurrectionists, too;
as Josephus writes.
Insurrection was dealt with
as harshly as possible
by Rome.
Iesous was treated as an insurrectionist....
.... if
"making followers of nations"
is a governmental change ....
it's definitely NOT establishing
O.T. Law ver.2 ..
my desire,
for governments,
is to experiment in
Charis and Agape .....
..... By charis
you are
rescued, re-enlivened, released,
through faith;
faith not from you,
it is gifted from
Not from hand or mind
(self works)
lest some boast
(about how to do faith)
.... we are all
in prodigious party time ....
.. some DON'T "get it";
like the older brother ..
..... some "get it";
like the wasted son .....
....the party continues
of religious perceptions ..
Nothing would honor the fallen more
than campaigning to stop the machine
that made them lose their lives in the first place.
Pray for peace.
- Caleb Miller
.. ha ! .. I remember when
those associated with
(conservative side)
used to say
We will not give extremism
the satisfaction of publicity ..
seems they like the idea of it, now ..
very helpful to keep the masses
seething for retribution;
so warmonger policies
stay rewarded ..
.. "we will not give them
the oxygen of publicity"..
said in a superior voice.
ha !
.... rob hirst's drumming
makes the backsliders
even more fun ....
..... de-light-full
circular continuum
from Iesous :
I am come,
light in the kosmos;
those persuaded
aren't in darkness.
Those unpersuaded
I condemn not.
I came to
rescue, re-enliven, release
the kosmos.
The unpersuaded
will have darkness now
but resolve,
in this word of light,
in the last day.
.. the law makes ten criminals
in the hope to maybe restrain
- Voltairine de Cleyre
..but hey
it makes you look like
an action person..
ha !
.. more for "eternal hell" believers :
It's not a literal
cutting off of hands,
or plucking out of eyes,
it's not a literal hell ..
It is figurative language
and descriptive drama,
used and promoted
in those days
and probably believed
because of molech
type "gods"..
Inner anarchy involves ...
- being willing to question those things that we were told never to question
- being willing to question those things that would never occur to us to question
- being willing to question our most cherished belief-systems
- breaking our dependency on others to do our thinking for us
- breaking our tendency to externalize authority to sources outside ourselves
- re-thinking our hero worship and putting people on pedestals
- growing in confidence in listening to and trusting ourselves
- holding our own in the face of criticism and disapproval.
from Jim Palmer
.. no need to wait
for "revival"
you are revived now,
revived from within .....
it's an outflowing
from within you
not an inflowing to,
or upon you ..
that's O.T. stuff ..
a person might help
with one's presuppositions;
Pneuma is
not imparted
from a "leader"
.. just because
you have
rejected religious groups,
doesn't mean that you
have separated
from religious thoughts ..
.. the O.T.
isn't the truth
about Theotes ..
.. it's a hotchpotch
understanding ..
most of which
they got wrong ..
The Godhead's
NATURE ......
Love, Grace & Glory
to all humans .....
.. walking after the flesh
law, process,
hierarchy, judgment
on your siblings ..
.. even if you can demonstrate
some spirituals ..
.. it's not freedom
in Pneuma .....
.. the one that hates
one's human siblings
is in the dark ..
..... the one who loves
one's human siblings
is in the light
and won't be tripped up .....
Self examination has nothing to do with finding hidden sins and flaws in you;
it is all about realizing Christ in you!
2 Cor 13:5,8
-du Toit
.. law
is not
the opposite of
charis .....
for they are not
anywhere near
equal .....
.. the sooner
religious groups / corporations
and business corporations
pay the same tax
as we, the great unwashed,
the better for all of us ....
.. there ..
finally said it .....
yay !
....I search for people
who understand
the need to de-merger
the pastoral,
five fold gifting ministry;
i find groups
making an industry
& money out
of their "movements" ..
..... c'mon
let's all just party
in the spirituals
& freedom of
Pneuma ....
..... Iesous .....
is actually
the end of religion
for everyone .....
There is no solution for it.
There is no conqueror.
The winner generates so much hatred he is ultimately defeated."
-Michel Simon
.. Is Harry Windsor
the warmongers'
cute salesman ? .. +
.... ha ! .. Just heard
Harry Windsor is promoting national service as a panacea for his world ..
We do not end up in Christ
We are in him to begin with!
There is no relevance in a message
that does not reveal this
Ephesians 1:4, 1 Corinthians 1:30, John 14:20. 1 John 5:20
- du Toit
Why Do All Revivals End?
Many Christians are seeking for revival,
and even during the midst of revival
they are striving to fan the flames of revival so that it does not end.
But all of them end!
Christians are striving for something that they already are.
They do not need revival.
They need to wake up to the fact that in Christ they are revived
and they are revival without end.
EnJoy the fire!
- Eric Wilding
Today I was reading about Voltairine de Cleyre (1866-1912), an American anarchist and feminist writer and orator. She was definitely a lighting-rod, which her below quotes attest:
"The paramount question of the day is not political, is not religious, but is economic. The crying-out demand of today is for a circle of principles that shall forever make it impossible for one man to control another by controlling the means of his existence."
"A man won't steal, ordinarily, unless that which he steals is something he cannot as easily get without stealing; in liberty the cost of stealing would involve greater difficulties than producing, and consequently he would not be apt to steal."
"I think it can be shown that the law makes ten criminals where it restrains one."
"The love of material ease has been, in the mass of men and permanently speaking, always greater than the love of liberty."
"Every person who ever thought he had a right to assert, and went boldly and asserted it, himself, or jointly with others that shared his convictions, was a direct actionist."
"The question “Why I am an Anarchist” I could very summarily answer with “because I cannot help it,” I cannot be dishonest with myself; the conditions of life press upon me; I must do something with my brain. I cannot be content to regard the world as a mere jumble of happenings for me to wander my way through, as I would through the mazes of a department store, with no other thought than getting through it and getting out."
"This is what the government is, has always been, the creator and defender of privilege; the organization of oppression and revenge. To hope that it can ever become anything else is the vainest of delusions."
"From the birth of the Church, out of the womb of Fear and the fatherhood of Ignorance, it has taught the inferiority of woman. In one form or another through the various mythical legends of the various mythical creeds, runs the undercurrent of the belief in the fall of man through the persuasion of woman, her subjective condition as punishment, her natural vileness, total depravity, etc.; and from the days of Adam until now the Christian Church, with which we live specially to deal, has made Woman the excuse, the scapegoat for the evil deeds of man."
- Palmer
.... Ooo yeh
religion re-binds
(that's its meaning)
..... we are totally released .....
I don't so much
support marriage in law,
the law has never perfected anything;
I absolutely support
the voluntary vows
of two (in the west) people
who love, care and grace
one another .....
..... voluntary vows in
kharece, honour, love
are way more meaningful .....
.... same sex couples
should be able to marry in law
if that's what they want;
marriage law for heterosexuals
isn't a panacea;
what's the divorce rate ?
what's the violence rate ?
maybe same sex couples
will make a better go of it ....
Jesus is how God is like.
All other impression is idolatry.
He touched dead people
when the Law says no.
He allowed a woman who had issued of blood to touch him
when the Law says no.
He touched a leper
when the Law said no.
He healed a man by forgiving him outside the temple
when the Law says forgiveness is only available through the temple.
He said promising people beyond a yes and no is of the devil
when the Law says you must swear by this and that.
Have you ever wondered
if God thinks of the Law?
- Simon Yap
.... there are three things
that are too wonderful
for me,
four that I do not understand:
the way of an eagle in the air;
the way of a serpent upon a rock;
the way of a ship
in the midst of the sea;
and the way of
a man with a woman .....
celebrating Earth .....
celebrating Life .....
.... If the group
you might call "church"
aren't partying in
eugalion kharece,
dead to the law of sin,
they have NO influence for me;
they have no covering
on me;
they have no fathering
in me ..
Ekkesia are those
who know
they are siblings with
Charis Christos;
who know
they are offspring of
Abba Theos Charis .....
..... ecstasia .....
The adoption of SONS
does not talk about acceptance into the house of God.
What it means is the proving of your son-ship in giving you immortality.
-B Brits
Rom 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also,
which have the firstfruits of the Spirit,
even we ourselves groan within ourselves,
waiting for the adoption, to wit,
the redemption of our body.
.. every
religious ..
..... I'll group
for a mutual party
of healing bliss
adding nothing else .....
.. work for ya money;
work for ya "causes";
at home ..
..... group for
love, joy, peace .....
.... ha !
found $1.9billion to kill people;
but $30million for
solutions to domestic violence ..
warmonger pals would like that ..
.. cute ..
.. dread deficit defying
can find $1.9 billion
to kill humans ..
Please tell them no
& vote for love .....
..... Iesous Incarnate .....
shows us,
quite openly,
on the cross,
that there is nothing
quite as vicious,
and natural life killing,
and destructive
as the religious spirit ..
.... everyone
has a belief system;
I wanted to go after
the best possible one ....
..... Blissed .....
that the One
who believes in me
came after me .....
..... Redemption & Drunkenness;
Enlivened to Ecstasy .....
.. putting the
cross of Christ
to none effect
is saying that
Iesous did not "save"
the whole world;
saying "salvation"
your qualifiers
to be effective ..
..... The Theos of Agape .....
doesn't do fear to
rescue, re-enliven, release;
Theotes IS Love .....
.. take up your "cross"
to die daily to yourself
to construct someone
who is not yourself ..
That looks very like
self-will worship to me.
..... Theotes loves you
for who you are .....
not who
you or she or he or they
require you to be ..
Kharece & Peace .....
.... word up (2) ....
Hermeneutics &
Exegesis = text interpretation.
Semiotics = sign meaning.
Presupposition = requirements
for a belief system to make sense ....
.... word up ....
Eisegesis = creative interpretation
Exegesis = "scholarly" interpretation
"Heresis" = wrong interpretation ..
.. it's weird
how the news media
bring us the gossip ..
then their solutions ..
then we just keep repeating
their gossip & their solutions,
in our daily conversations
like its the only news;
the only solutions ....
..... empathy flows
from an individual's heart .....
.. not from corporations and clubs ..
“There is only one cause of unhappiness:
the false beliefs you have in your head,
beliefs so widespread, so commonly held,
that it never occurs to you to question them.”
― Anthony de Mello
.. more like sheep
being turned into goats
by our "leader" wolves ..
Ha !
Nah ..
any religious
re-binder ..
includes politicians ..
It's not our job to save a dying system but to replace it.
- Palmer
..... Prodigious Marriage Feast .....
Eat, Drink, Sing, Dance,
Enjoy Such Favour .....
..... Make Love .....
Not war ..
..... Live life wisely .....
it happens to be
an edgy, intriguing world ....
.. but even if you don't ..
.. or you are "unlucky" ..
..... you are totally accepted
In the Beloved
and loved eternally .....
..... makes ya day .....
...... makes ya eternity .....
Mary called on the one
"anointed with the oil of gladness
above his partakers"
to keep the party going,
He turned a lotta water
..... into wine .....
Prodigal Party !
Yay !
.. this last days,
armageddon mindset
seems to
embolden the religious ..
(religious includes
It's bit of a worry
in the nuclear age, tho;
maybe they will
nuke their disappointing world
to provoke their
god of victory ..
.. if your "motivation" is
to fight sin;
(whatever that means,
"sin fighters" get weird ideas
about its meaning) ..
bringing your judgement
of right and wrong
as "light" ..
remember .....
we are all FREE
from the strength
of the law of sin and death ..
..... guess who
finished it
off ....
.... the "receiving" part of
Pneuma Haggios
the revelation,
the realisation
that the temple
has always been you,
it's a flow out
not a pour in .....
.. stuff classified
as armageddon
was spoken to this
(His) generation
The generation
talking with Iesous,
as Theos Incarnate.
They are to live through
this end of the age
of temple worship destruction.
It is so wrong
that it has become
a lucrative guessing game
for the last 2k yrs ..
this generation saw
or experienced
..... His death on the cross;
is definitely NOT
penal substitutionary atonement
to an angry god ..
Theos himself absorbing
the consequences
of sin ..
so you
can live life
Beautifully .....
.. Moses:
"God sends rain
on the righteous,
drought on the wicked"..
"God sends rain to
..... guess who knows
the Heart of
Abba Theos .....
.. don't call everything
a conspiracy
like THEY do;
don't live in dread
of what frightens
.. THEM ..
.... seems the record shows
the "fiscally responsible"
get us into way more debt than
the "fiscally inept"
tweedleLablaw ..
both here & in USA ..
.... ha ! who woulda thunk ....
.. thru Moses
came the law ..
..... thru Iesous
came charis .....
has seen
Abba Theos .....
.... so should we find
relevance in :
law and retribution ..
charis and agape .....
.. some people are
so religiously minded
they are no earthly good ..
heavenly ..
.. O.T. ..
if amelikites beat the israelites,
they said
god was punishing them ..
if the crops failed,
they said
god was starving them..
..... Iesous showed
Abba Theos is
totally for us .....
In the book Inner Anarchy,
I refute the traditional teachings of the Christian church and cover subjects as:
the misguided Christian version of sky-God;
the born-again myth;
the false story of the second coming of Jesus and the rapture;
the lie about separation from God;
erroneous teachings about the afterlife and Heaven;
false teachings about why Jesus died on the cross;
the absurdity of God's judgment and Hell... for starters.
It's unfortunate that Jesus ever got associated with this mess.
The truth that Jesus taught and demonstrated is much better than any of that.
Read Inner Anarchy at your own risk.
- Jim Palmer
..... the secular is
sacred too .....
life is amazing .....
..... Live life wisely .....
it happens to be
an edgy, intriguing world ....
.. but even if you don't ..
.. or you are "unlucky" ..
..... you are totally accepted
In the Beloved
and loved eternally .....
.... once upon a time
it seemed surfers were anarchists
in the true sense of the word :
individual freedom
to think & "govern" themselves ....
.. now like gud corporate citizens
it seems like
most desire the money & recognition ..
.... out in the waves
there are many "isms"....
localism, surfcraftism,
racism, ageism,
sexism, religionism,
all having its base
in elitism ..
.. tweedleLiblaw
supporters get so threatened
when more parties get elected;
they call it :
"difficult to govern" ..
nah ....
it's called
parliament ....
It's only difficult
for the vested interests
of the status quo ..
I just received a challenge ...
"Jesus spoke about people going away into destruction ... Surely this means that not all can be saved"
Here's the verse:
Matthew 7:13
"Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to DESTRUCTION and those who enter by it are many
1. People read the word "destruction" to mean a permanent state of damnation that is irreversible
2. To our western trained ears it surely sounds like that
Until we see how the bible uses the word to mean something very different
Look at the way the word "destruction" is used in this verse
1 Corinthians 5:5
you are to deliver this man to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit is saved in the day of the Lord.
1. Handed over to Satan?
2. Until the very day of judgment - day of the lord!
3. Sounds like being lost permanently but
4. Salvation follows being being destroyed!
The words "so that" are a purpose clause in greek and English
"Hand him over to satan for destruction SO THAT (purpose) his spirit is saved on judgment day!"
Salvation at the very last day at judgment day
Which sounds like after death!
Destruction is not permanent in the bible
It is corrective
Good News!
Even those handed over to Satan (whatever that means!) are saved!
- Santo Calarco
.. our duty ..
is not
to stamp out evil ..
with all its bloodletting ..
.. that's product of
the failed tree of
knowledge stuff ..
law stuff ..
..... ours is to enjoy
release .....
..... Love for All
All are in Love .....
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