.....(since cross) we all are co-crucified co-dead co-buried co-resurrected co-ascended co-seated in Christos beside Abba Father so He can:
(Grk) kolasis - used once in NT; is translated punishment by kjv(mt25) but meant pruning in ancient greek which by analogy -> new growth
Theos came to us as human; reinforcing in us that it's ok to be human; so the "law-god conscious" killed him.. so Pneuma dwelt in all flesh!
.. it is completed; Christos in us, all, us, all in Christos; all are active or inactive kings & priests; the activity is your call .....
"All authority is given to me in Heaven&Earth" "god of this pre-Jesus age has blinded minds" "this ruler is cast out".. Christos in YOU all
*the admission to my religiousness in the past to a wronged friend; can easily backfire when their religiousness is included in discussion.
..... belief, faith, trust ..... is a joy, a bliss, a rest ..... NOT a line in the sand; NOT a test; NOT a call to war ..
..if your rescue&enlivening&freedom is based on"self-humbling" "if my life be counted worthy,lord" go get another theology NOT based on you..
.. you forgiving others has no bearing on their end game; it has much bearing on your now game; forgiveness as a release, a freedom ....
.. legal retribution .. vs ..... charisic restoration ..... ..... the choice is yours .....
Economics is based on services. Serving is the economy of Earth. We, all, are involved as servants.
Fire and Theoites : he is a Consuming fire; Rivers of fire from the Throne flow outside NewJerusalem to lake of fire Pur; all nations washed in fire mediated Blood and join the bride.
.. so, religious spirit : by no belief, Adam's fail gives death to everyone .. .. but only those who fulfil belief prerequisites in addition to
the Son of God winning our lives, can Live ??..
.. I see how it's repackaged
and rebranded but it's a GIFT, people; a gift is free; it's a FREE gift ! 1 never earns a gift; it's not reward for effort ..
the victory o grace brought heaven to earth; the door is Iesous ..... the vail o the law ripped by the cross; 70AD fulfills prophecy .....
.... Yahwey is the God of justice.... so here's the thing.... He's to rise up to show you compassion; for He longs for Charis..... (Is30)
..... since Word Incarnate; there is no duality; no separation; no us & them; no accepted or rejected; no better or worse; no 2 just 1; by Theos Charis
I Am who I am .....
..religious clubs.. AKA churches; synagogues; mosques; temples;
high places; politic .. are the main progenitors of bad seed; i.e. we humans are separated from God
. vindictiveness .. is NOT a fruit from Pneuma .....
Read widely, fearlessly, freely .... find thoughts resonating with your adventurous, creative, loving, spirit .....
.... Son of Man .... vicarious humanity; rescued our true identity, resuscitated our life, restored our freedom .....
.... in God's economy Christ represents us ..... He redeemed our true identity of complete well being ..... (1C30)
.. if religious lawyers persecuted me and sent thugs to home invade; I would really appreciate it if Iesous and his angels pressed them. (2Th1)
.... all who go down to the dust
and even the one who could not keep himself alive
shall bow before God .... (Ps22)
always scary to meet people with an idea that their joy will come from throwing another undeserving human into their eternal fire ..
the patterns of this world is reward for effort .. ..... for Heaven on Earth it is riches in trust .....
if you are waiting for your "lord" to avenge your view of good and evil .. your lord is not Korios ..... Christos reconciles the world..
status about relating grace to those who would benefit: drunk man
couldn't accept grace;
cos his god required retribution ?! also, strangely: men in prison side with law;
most think there is no hope for them ?!
. there was infinitely nothing; then 13.8 billion years ago there was an explosion; now there is infinitely everything .. seems legit !
not !
... contemplate how Jesus said to pray; full of facts, demands to Daddy God, and relationship .....
... everyone's portion is the Pneuma without measure ..... that includes you .....
.. healings happen in relig's groupings fr tradit'l to cultic; it's not a confirmat'n of corporate doctrines; it's Pneuma loving individuals .....
complexities of the simple X: ya can't disqualify from something ya NEVER qualified for in the 1st place ..... ..... Sweet rescue and enlivening and freedom .....
only takes a mustard seed of faith to throw the mountain of law into the sea of forgetfulness .... .. up for it ? ..
is the joy of being in the family of Abba and knowing true love and charis ..... .. nothing like churchclub organising n defining the "world"
..... Pneuma Haggios ..... infuses everything like the woman
kneading yeast
into the whole lump.... .... evangelism
is revealing everyone's inclusion in Pneuma's infusion.
some inclusionists
"free will" is key to their
"salvation".... ....but then say:
their god can go against "free will", to put us into an "inclusionist hell" ..
I hear these grps have "hell";
with doubts to their "salvation";
e.g. Calvinism = am I chosen?
Arminianism = by belief, so, have I believed "strongly enough"?
Inclusionism = only those that "free choose".
..advert :
"Life's better
in boardshorts"; prompts ..... Earthlife
is so much better, when ya know you and everyone, are seated in Iesous .....
.. exclusive human ideas of justice by a retribution in a human thought-out "hell".. that's NOT euangalion.. ..... the gospel of charis scandalises one's "nice" ideas .....
.. there are consequences of seeing ourselves
in hardship and annoyances (evil); but they're NOT connected to Theos .. .....Iesous freed ALL ..... we are ALL Abba God's Children .....
.. no man has "seen" Theoites;
Moses, at best,
saw His backside,
moving away;
and interpreted Him in law ..
..... Iesous, the man,
"saw" Him,
and was Him;
interpreting Him
In Grace and Love .....
.. unless you give up everything ..
.. i.e. give up everything
that gives you status
in law based thinking ..
..... be a "Paul",
count it as dung .....
..... it is OK .....
..... and it's all gonna be ok .....
..... we are rescued+reenlivened+freed
without religion ..
..... euangalion .....
is shown to the dead by
Iesous .....
... and preached
to spirits in prison
from before Noah ..
... so all LIVE !
....maybe one day,
we vote for
Graceism = freedom with love&forgiveness
from us,
as children,
encouraging one another,
as Iesous
to ALL.
barbarism = force without freedom&law;
despotism = law&force with-out freedom;
republic = force with freedom&law;
anarchy = law&freedom with-out force;
..... to .....?
.. the wrath of man works not ..
.. wrath of God as a metaphor,
in the experience of humans ..
.. "correct" understanding ..
won't give
has won it for you
to walk in now .....
understanding helps relationship tho ..
.. sneaky religion ..
it says
one comes "out of the world"
by getting the law
as the "test" of rightness ..
but that
"the patterns of this world".
.. this isn't N.T. process ..
Jesus describes, the synagogue process,
for dealing with offence ..
People are not bound and demeaned
in heaven ..
..... People are loosed and free .....
.. "gave them over to" ..
as God's way of saying:
"ok, do it your way;
let's see what happens.."
..... not a condemnation,
and never an
"I give up!" .....
.. no use ..
accepting the status quo;
enduring "my lot in life";
waiting for the final solution
to this "pagan" mess;
through the second coming ..
Our Hope is Now !
.. stop trumpeting
"it's getting worse",
with sober "joy";
cos it means
"evacuation day"
is soon ..
..... you're Pneuma
IS free,
NOW .....
..... Iesous
free choice
to everyone .....
one can opt for
the courtroom ..
the grace room .....
both eventually restore;
but one option
is so uncomfortable.
.. the cover of the ark of covenant;
the ark (coffin-like) reps death;
with the law kept inside ..
..... then there is the mercy seat .....
the cherubim staring gobsmacked,
at the Lifeblood of Love .....
.. the teutonic "hel" = cover;
as in burying the dead;
probably, later linked to
teutonic stories of fiery hell ..
then enters English language ..
..... Eternal Life .....
is to be loved by Theoites .....
that is knowing the Father .....
as Iesous knows the Father .....
ands that is bequeathed to us, ALL .....
..... so eternal life is NOW .....
OK .....
.. in "bible study"
as in other "study",
becomes god ..
..... truth flows
pneuma alaythia .....
.... no one is blessed
for believing doctrines and systems;
every one is blessed
in trusting
..... Iesous .....
the heart&soul
of prophecy :
"as I am lifted up
from the Earth,(cross)
I WILL draw ALL humans
to me."
... Prophetic Blood Oath.
watching people
who know the law,
& greedily manipulate the law;
so they can say:
"at all times
I have acted within the law".
... actually ....
..I am NOT looking for "leaders"
to make my life complete..
I do look for "celebrators"
in Abba's family of ALL mankind.
.... enjoying goodness
is enjoying Theos .....
everyone loves that feeling .....
and the only one who
is good
is God .....
. Nicolaitian
from nike = victory (self-effort);
..... just rest
in the finished overcoming from
..... Iesous .....
(the Tree of Life)
..... Live Life .....
in Doxa .....
[Theoites' good opinion
of you] .....
.diablos only needs you
to believe one lie..
..first one,
you don't know enough
about good&evil.
..last one,
you are separated
from Love.
the nations"under babylonian rule
bring plagues on themselves;
but they(plagues?)end up in the lake o fire,as"the nations"change mind/heart
. apokalupsis (grk)
= revelation
NOT "an horrific warring mess"
.. it uses symbolic language,
popular in the day...
(dream icons spoken)...
His salt
(not yours)
has saltiness...
"The salt of his Fire is GOOD"
I.e. restorative,
burning up ur chaff.
use salt wi ea other this way.
.... this book has been recommended to me :
"the evangelical universalist"
by Dr. Robin Parry ....
.sin isn't a problem
for Iesous .
but it certainly
messes up
& we humans
need every assurance
that we are made ok
with Theoites.
call people
into the awareness
of the existing reality of
the Spirit Jesus'Love
within them.....
. we die & become ungatherable like spilled water on the ground.
Yet God .....
(cont. prev.)
- +..... Yet Yahwey does not take away a life; He devises means so that the banished ones are not expelled from him. (2Sam14) -no tortuous hell+..... Adam became a living person.... ..... Iesous is the life-giving pneuma of love .....+.. the weird way David "thinks": .. "[deliver me from my guiltiness; and I will praise your justice]" (Ps51) fits the restorative in Theos+* Iesous * the same as the Father; always subverts the pride of the experts with words of love,charis&recreation: gehenna is restorative !+.. normality .. is just another religious club that one is urged to join and defend ..+. Judaism ver. 2.0 .. .. born again O.T. .. .. church club majors in them ..+.who do people say that I am ? ..ok,now..... .....who do you say that I am ? ..... who revealed this to you ? ..... Ok,
stop worshipping your "leaders"..+
..... New Heaven and ..... New Earth IS NOW ..... Just Enjoy Him .....
And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world. (1J2)
.... Now .... the present .... is outside time and space; we seem to instinctively know that .... like Theoites does .....
..... He said to me : "It is done ..... I am the alpha and omega". (R21) .... the amazing journey of Theoites ....
..... living by / in the faith that Jesus, the man, possessed, means you HAVE the same son of God-ship ..... quit ya"self-faithing"it!
... virtues are nice .... and I am not virtue rescued&enlivened&freed ....
.. leave ya distract work at the altar; and go love the ones ya have wronged in ya trippin .....
... street called straight; .... street called abundant; .... street called fat; the same street in Damascus, where Saul got fat vision !
. they pour out drink offerings to other gods to arouse My anger. .. they harm themselves, (because of their thinking) not Me..... (Jer7)
What ever you thought you needed to do, Iesous did it for you. Now, just enjoy, LIFE ..... Euangalion .....
* the line that separates here from there cannot be crossed. It is the line of death, which is, nevertheless, the line of life ..... (Barth)
..pur =fire(purificat'n) ..kolasis =prune NOT punishment, torture,destroy. •Brothers, sheep, goats; ALL have a time o restoration. (M24,R11)
.... aionios = pertaining to a time period. .... aidios = eternal. aidios is NOT used in relation to gehenna ..
..hell is good.. (M9) ..hell is purifying.. ..hell is preservative.. ..hell is restorative.. ..not torture. the Fire o Passionate Love .....
..the edginess of being; ..the excitement of free choice; ...the uncertainty of luck; ...Theos allows these; and He takes final responsibility.
"becoming" means "arise as being the being that one is/was all along"..... the Lamb has"charised"us; we ALL arise as being children of Theos
."running a good race" isn't u changing into a good person by ur observance of"airs and laws".. .....it is understanding
that in Kharece u are good
"let no corrupt word (the law of performance) proceed out of your mouth .. only those that give an understanding of Charis ....." (E4)
Demas"loved the world"; Demetrius"well spoken of"; (same person) Theos"so loved the world"; "the world" is NOT the problem the religious think it is !
.. allow people driven by fear; to be our "leaders" .. .... mmm .... .... seems legit !
.. NOT ! ..
..religious.. group wi ppl sing 2 a distant god, lament there is no heaven on earth, crying out&praying constantly 4 what we already have!
..... eternal life ..... IS KNOWING Abba and Iesous ..... (J17)
atonement.. propitiat'n.. it's the CONSEQUENCES, in life of missing our true identity(sin) that Iesous nailed to our X; NOT His retribution
..endure.. to the end o earthlife, by NOT going back under carnal law (all law is); has you rescued&enlivened; right here, right now .....
..strange & diverse teachings; are the ones that put us back under law and process to earn our righteousness.. society is addicted to it! ..
.. the movies I see .. are never as good as the book.. and more particularly, never as good as my mind pictures .....
.. stop your: arguments.. confusing speculations.. debates.. controversies.. generated by the law.. and lineage.. it is FOLLY.. ! (T3:8)
I would always choose
to be ecstatic in thoughts of Iesous ..... than to be morose in the thoughts of diablos ..
... we were once
directed by executive angels, but now we are
personally cared for by Theoites who IS love .....
.. is Ro.3:20 clear enough, for every1, to seek non-religious nous?
..not 1 will be
declared righteous in His sight, by observing the law ..
.. take up ur cross .. the religious use it so u get ya act on; get ya stoic in rules .. ..wrong.. it means U R as dead to the law as Logos Incarnate is !
. It bewilders me that people will pay "experts", to instruct and care for them, in their lack of spirit ..
"Everything must change" Brian D Mclaren. If violent correction is ya 2nd coming theology; Then violence,threat,coercion is ya solution, ay
..the origins of religion(pathology): ethos-(follow an"expert") pathos-(follow a"sentiment") logos-(follow a"logic") and then convict a no. of ppl.
.... kátharsis only possible through ..... charis ..... (the cleansing purge of emotional tensions by experiencing His Unconditional Love).
. self-development by obeying self-assessed principles, still leaves one with self ..
so, if I know the rules, I can exploit them, to my own advantage over others ..
... so, the only reason you would be "nice" to me, is that it is against the law, to be "nasty" to me .....
.... all, together, made alive with Christos, even when we were dead in false identity; He sat us in heaven with Theoites ..... (E2)
. fear is linked to punishment, perfect loves casts out fear .. ..... who IS Perfect Love ..... the lamb slain&raised from the start .....
. the elder said: "behold, the Lion of Judah has prevailed"...
"as a lamb that is slain".
so much 4 ur predatory,conquering lion god.
note to self: check authors; Wink, Torrance, Lewis, Barth,
.. death, destruction, vengeance .. is restorative for mankind, in the heart of Theoites ..... .. but wanton in the heart of man ..
. If ya get the more criticism from ya natural family n ya relig's group, than you ever do from the heavenly family; should stay away ay ..
..... we ALL are rescued,re-enlivened,released by Charis ..... through the faithfulness of The Gift of Theos ..... (E2)
..... Iesous expires breath, Man inspires life, Theoites as Pneuma like air, like wind, to ALL humans .....