Tuesday, December 18, 2012

His Eternal Now .....


Peter ! - Give up your sword .. for .....


other "before the law" things : ..

image from charisma ministries on facebook
.. slicing and dicing !!

tithing - wallphoto

(image from Charisma Ministries on facebook)

I don't make, and I don't intend to make, money out of my viewpoints.
This keeps me independent from
popular, acceptable, influences
and directives from groups.
..... "Grace is my Embrace" .....
I give into some projects that I feel might be grace focussed.
I have no problems giving money to groups, for the costs of my attendance.
the addiction of groups to money collection
is a red light warning to me of a religious controlling spirit ..
too funny .. someone commented on this wallphoto .. :
"tithing was before the law" as a way of excusing tithing, so,
the next post wallphoto in my blog was put up .....

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Time to review some Eschatology ?

This is only a starting place.
I haven't thought this through, in a revelation of Grace, yet.
Before having anymore revelation and study, 
generally, I think that when Christ returns,
the eklesia (the ones He identifies within His Body)
will be raised to meet Jesus as He returns in His resurrection body
to take dominion on Earth, probably from geographic Jerusalem.
This "rapture" happens within big tribulation on Earth. 
(i.e. it could be most anytime !!)

Non-eklesia will still have mortal bodies and live 
on a prosperous and peaceful Earth 
for a 1000 years (millennium).

Rebellion is an option at the end of this time.
Subsequently, rebellion is annihilated. 

Righteous judgement time for the non-eklesia. 

New Jerusalem is established in a New Earth.
Enter the Ages of the Ages; 
which is Theiotes' Original Loving Intent for us ALL.


so here are some Dogmas and Terminology:

Diagrams and discussion from Grace Institute

Daniel's 70th week discusses "the prince" 
who will set up the abomination of desolation.
Jesus refers to Daniel's prophecy, 
calling this time the "Great Tribulation."
This seems to correlate with Paul's "man of lawlessness" 
and John's "beast" seems to have similar characteristics to Daniel's prince. 
This is known as the Great Tribulation. 
Following the Tribulation comes a time, 
known as the Millennium, 
where Christ rules as King.

Preterist Views

The Preterist view states that the events of the tribulation 
were fulfilled in AD 70 when Rome destroyed the temple in Jerusalem. 

"this generation will not pass away until all these things take place" (M24)

Most preterists see the millennium being fulfilled by church spiritually 
in the age of the church see Amillenialism (diagram below).

Daniel's chronology would seem to indicate the 70th week 
closely follows the cutting off of the Messiah.(D9)

but Jesus indicates that the Second Coming 
would follow closely behind the tribulation, 

but it also states that the Second Coming would be obvious to all.

Most scriptures do not show any interval 
between the return of the Christ and the judgment, 
which is literal interpretation of the Millennium.(pre-millenialism)
There seems to be an immediate fulfillment 
reflected in the destruction of the temple in 70 AD, 
there are a number of predicted elements that have not happened yet. 
This suggests a yet future, more complete fulfillment.


Amillennialists do not believe in a literal 1,000-year reign of Christ with Israel. 

The church has replaced Israel and is now inheriting the promises of Israel.

The millennium is being fulfilled symbolically 
by Christ's reign over the church in this present age.

The tribulation is seen to have already been fulfilled either 
in the destruction of the temple (preterism) 
or in the struggles of the church throughout history.

This is the predominant viewpoint in "christianity". 
It was first articulated by Augustine,
(the viewpoint of Roman Catholics and the reformed church.)
The viewpoint is largely an outgrowth of Replacement Theology. 

The New Testament affirms that the kingdom of God 
was ushered in with Christ's first advent 
and is continuing through the Church today.

"The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; 
nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is' or, ‘There it is!' 
For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst.(within you)”(L17)

Also note, the book of Revelation uses many numeric symbols, 
and the number 1,000 may mean merely “a really long time.”


Postmillennialism believes that the Church (??)
will bring about the millennium 
prior to the return of Christ. 
As the Church works to accomplish its mission (??) 
to bring the world to Christ 
and thereby brings about social justice and peace, 
the Church will create the millennial reign of Christ (??), 
after which Christ will return. 

The Tribulation is seen to have already been fulfilled 
either in the destruction of the temple (preterism) 
or in the struggles of the church throughout history.

This was a popular viewpoint in the early 20th century 
as the Church was refocused on missionary work and social action, 
and technology was making impact on eliminating disease. 
This viewpoint all but died out with two world wars and a great depression.

The scripture does indicate that the kingdom of God 
will continue to grow 
and eventually transform the entire world (Mt13:31-33), 
and that the Church will continue to be built 
and not be overcome by Satan (Mt16:18).


Premillennialist believe that the millennium 
is the literal reign of Christ with Israel (??) 
over all the earth.
This is distinct from the subsequent New Heaven and New Earth, 
because both believers and unbelievers will live in this new era. 

The Church will have already been resurrected  (+++)
and will reign with Christ at this time.

This viewpoint is the plainest interpretation of Rev20 
and matches with much of the Old Testament prophecies 
regarding the future of the nation of Israel.


The term rapture is found only in 1Thess4, 
and for most of the Church is equated with the return of Christ. 

The debate of the timing of the rapture 
is only relevant for the pre-millennialist, 
as both amillenialism and post-millennialism 
believe that the Tribulation is already complete.


Pretribulationalists believe that prior to the coming Great Tribulation, 
Christ will have a secret coming,
where He gathers His Church and takes them to heaven,(??) 
leaving only unbelievers to go through the tribulation. 
This removal of the Church 
signifies the return to the time of Israel as God's primary focus.(??) 
Many will be saved during the resurrection, including all of Israel.(??) 

At the end of the tribulation, Christ returns with His church, 
raises those who died in Christ during the Tribulation (??) 
and those who survived the Tribulation 
will enter the time of the Millennium in non-glorified bodies.

The pretribulational viewpoint, then, sees three resurrections: 
1) the saints raised at the rapture, 
2) the saints who died in the tribulation raised at the second coming,(??) and 
3) unbelievers raised at the end of the millennium.

There are several scriptures that indicate that believers 
will not experience the wrath of God (1Thess2:10, Rev3:10), 
which is taken to mean the Tribulation. 

In addition, after Rev3, the Church is not mentioned in the book of Revelation.

Finally, the millennium is populated by people 
who do not have glorified bodies (and actually die!). 


This viewpoint is very similar to pre-tribulation viewpoint, 
except that the rapture is seen to take place 
3 ½ years into the Tribulation rather than at the outset. 
There is a lot of emphasis on the second half of the Tribulation(Dan9:27), 
and there seems to be some significant events take place at the midpoint.


Post Tribulationalists believe that the rapture and the return of Christ 
are the same thing. (++) 

There is no overt indication in scripture of a secret return of Christ. 
One would have to have a preconceived theological system 
to read-in a pre-tribulational rapture into 1 Thessalonians. 

This viewpoint has been the longstanding viewpoint of the church, 
and pre-tribulationalism has only developed 
since the rise of dispensationalism in the late 19 th century.

The passages referring to the church of God 
not facing the wrath of God can just as easily 
be interpreted to mean the final judgment, 
or that God will provide divine protection for the church (++) 
in the midst of the tribulation. 
Furthermore, Jesus, in Matthew 24 seems to indicate 
that believers will go through the tribulation.


"End Times in a nutshell" by Michael Patton 

Preterist: Belief that the event(s) (such as the tribulation) happened in the past.
Historicist: Belief that the event(s) happen throughout history.
Idealist: Belief that the event(s) are symbolic or parabolic and are always present.
Futurist: Belief that the event(s) are yet future.

Three main events in the book of Revelation:
Tribulation - Matthew 24 & Revelation 4 - 19
Millennium - Revelation 20
The Second Coming and The New Creation - Revelation 21

POSITION / EVENTTribulationMilleniumSecond Coming
Historic PremillenialistH, P, [F], IFF
Dispensational PremillenailistFFF
AmillenialistH, P, IIF
PostmillenialistH, P, F, IHF
Partial PreteristPPF
Hyper PreteristPPP*
*Outside of the orthodox teaching of scripture

Differing positions by how they treat these three events:

Historic Premillennialist

Event #1: Tribulation: historicist, preterist, [futurist], or idealist
Event #2: Millennium: futurist
Event #3: The Second Coming and The New Creation: futurist 

Dispensational Premillennialist

Event #1: Tribulation: futurist
Event #2: Millennium: futurist
Event #3: The Second Coming and The New Creation: futurist


Event #1: Tribulation: historicist, preterist, or idealist
Event #2: Millennium: idealist (normally)
Event #3: The Second Coming and The New Creation: futurist


Event #1: Tribulation: historicist, preterist, futurist, or idealist
Event #2: Millennium: historicist (normally)
Event #3: The Second Coming and The New Creation: futurist


(considered orthodox Christianity)

Event #1: Tribulation: preterist
Event #2: Millennium: preterist
Event #3: The Second Coming and The New Creation: futuristic
(believes Christ came in Judgement, but that this was not the 'Second coming')


(considered heterodox by orthodox Christianity)

Event #1: Tribulation: preterist
Event #2: Millennium: preterist
Event #3: The Second Coming and The New Creation: preterist 
[this is the heresy]



So at this stage, i think, that puts me as a :

POSITION / EVENTTribulationMilleniumSecond Coming
Historic PremillenialistH, P, [F], IFF

more later, maybe

Monday, November 19, 2012

John Lennon wisdom .....



I'm so over bullies legislating, 
supposedly on my behalf, 
in democracy and religion. 
The political party/celebrity experiment is the new tyrant.

(personal twitter from 7 Nov.)

Patriotism is a religion,
with sentimental appeal.

mediated and intercedes
for ALL nations and people.

I can't disregard that statement by Samuel Johnson :
"Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel."

Twitter ..... more .....

I use twitter as a notebook for ideas. 
Sometimes they aren't fully developed, 
or expressed !! 
hahahe !! 
mostly they are .... 
just sayin .....
Enoch enjoyed God's favor by faith,
in spite o Adam's fall;
[in Enoch] 
God proved that faith defeats death ..... (H11)
(the lack of Enoch's corpse 
prophesied Resurrection in Messiah)
"Firmament to divide the waters" 
- Augustine pictures that 
below is time&space 
above is eternity beyond limitations 
where the logos 
is read in 
Jesus' face ..... (Capon) 
Da party has been on for 2000 years,
da Lamb completely dealt with my failings.
His 2nd world appearance 
has to do with 
life eternal, 
4 all desiring life eternal ..... 
As mediator, 
Jesus' death 
ended the old & brought In 
the new testament 
qualifying us to be part of His full inheritance. .... (H9)
Only 1 act : 
the offering His own blood 
was needed 4 Him 
2 enter da most sacred place o Grace,
& there 2 institute a ransom 
o perpetual consequence ..... 
as my High Priest of an eternal Order,
entered the Most Holy Place 
by offering His own blood 
on behalf of the failures of all mankind.
Jesus, only,
is my covering : 
of skins, 
of pitch, 
of gold, 
of retribution, 
of blood, 
of mercy, 
of grace .....
That amazing thing that 
Jesus did, at the cross, 
means my knowing, 
of the Tri-une God, 
is never again 
from a sin consciousness ..... (H8) 
U might be a 
good speaker,
& gifted;
but Holy Spirit 
is my revelator,
and my counsellor
of the Glory of Jesus 
which covers Earth.
..... Jesus is ..... 
..... I am .....
Our knowing is from the heart; 
not from 
or doctrines. 
Everyone (least to ranked) will know me innocently.
We are His people by Mutual Desire,
not by compulsion. ..... (H8)
The sinless sacrifice Jesus offered 
was Himself for All; 
which never needs repeating 
(it is totally potent for All). ..... (H7)
In its ability to re-unite God with mankind, 
the law did not succeed,
not even once. 
Now we are competely represented 
by the eternal High priest. ..... (H7)
I'm lookin for an 
eklesia en charis ..... 
not a club with a better set of rules ......
I spend little time on the creation-evolution debate -
each operate on belief .... 

I spend time enjoying my amazing existence in His universe.
For religionists who think their god can't look on sin !
..... I remind myself of 
& that God-Man 
who made Himself Sin personified ..... 
Garden of Eden - possibility for sin nature .. 
Post-Eden          - impossibility for no sin nature ...... 

Post-Messiah     - impossibility of sin nature .....
Confess with my mouth
to the Supreme Jesus Christ -
..... is it not as easy as singing 
"All u need is Love" 
with its resultant joy & peace; 
or da new order of
"Call out da Instigator" ..... 
Our hearts & minds 
are securely anchored 
within the most holy place of God's immediate presence; 
Jesus has removed EVERY obstacle. .... (H6)
"Meat eaters" 
[Grace acceptors] 
get developed faculties 
to perceive 
that which is relevant 
from that which is irrelevant ..... (H5)
The revelation of [bestowed] righteousness [by Grace] 
is the meat of God's word. 
Babies remain on milk [law given by "nursery teacher"] ..... (H5)
..... True Grace is never frustrated, 
never under pressure, 
and never dependent on one's integrity .....
He is the divine spectator of the world He created. 
God looks at everything in admiration, 
& whatever He admires, 
He simply lets be. ..... (Capon)
We are all fine wines in God's cellar. 
He has all of eternity to give us the aging we deserve. .....(Capon)
... Sea of Joy ... 
.... Water of Love .... 
..... Ocean of Grace .....
Better keep tabs on those translators ! 
2 make (grk) orge = "my passionate desire"
mean "I swear in my wrath" 
is pretty slack & religious !! ...(H4)
My desire is in Jesus, 
not Moses.
40 yrs o signs & wonders 
in da wilderness
(including daily manna & daily water from rock) 
brought distrust not rest !
God put da Earth again in da hands o man 
(Christ made us only a little lower than Elohim) 
but man hasn't taken his place wi Jesus totally yet !
What is it about man that God can not get him out of His Thoughts ? ..... (H2)
Signs, gifts & miracles of Holy Spirit 
complement (not distract from) 
& confirm this great message of salvation (by His Grace) ..... (H2)

The angels are not in control in this dispensation,
that has been redeemed by Christ through the cross; 
you in the Spirit of Jesus are ! ..... (~H2)