Thursday, March 31, 2011

James, Intercessor for Jerusalem; (half brother of Jesus)

Image from Wikipedia

Along with his brothers and sisters, James did not believe in Jesus before the Resurrection.
Paul mentions that the resurrected Jesus appeared to James.1Cor.15:7
James and his siblings were among the disciples meeting together before Pentecost (Ac.1:14).
Peter asks his listeners to "tell James and the brothers about this" (Peter's release from Herod Agrippa's prison by an Angel) (Ac.12:18).
This is the first direct mention of James.
Peter's request means James is prominent in the Jerusalem church.
Paul calls James "the Lord’s brother" and implies that he is one of its "pillars" (Gal.1:19, 2:9).
Luke describes James as the leader of the Jerusalem church about a decade later (Ac.21:18).
A shift in leadership from Peter to James has occurred in the Jerusalem church.
Peter may be an "Apostle at large" and not seen as the Jerusalem leader due to his association with Gentiles which brought him and the church in conflict with Herod (James (brother of John) has already been beheaded).
James the Just is more acceptable to Pharisees and Sadducees.
He is called "old camel knees" because of the time he spends in prayer as an intercessor for Jerusalem.
Eusebius also preserves an ancient tradition that says it is the apostles themselves who chose James to be the leader of the Jerusalem church.
At the time of Peter’s escape from Herod in the mid-A.D. 40s, James seems to be the leader of the Jerusalem church.
A.D. 49, James presides over the Jerusalem Council as chief spokesperson of the church.
He has authority to finalize what things churches located in areas outside Jerusalem should practice (Ac.15:13-21).
James continues to maintain his presence in Jerusalem for many years (21:17-25).

There is no biblical account of his death.

Eusebius (lived ~200 AD, so not much credibility here to bust old political tales) preserves a tradition that James is said to be thrown from a wing of the temple (supposedly the spire the devil took Jesus to) which he survived, only to be beaten to death with a club. (possibly stoned to death).
Tradition has it that the high priest Annus II has him killed in ~A.D. 62
in the time between Roman governors Festus and Albinus.

So there is nothing solid in a tradition written ~100 years later.

By AD 66, the Jews instigated a rebellion against the Romans
which leads to the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70
(could that have been because the intercession and statesmanship of James and the Church, that is,
the Gracious Nature of Jesus is now missing from Jerusalem?).

Did James/Church just heed the prophetic word of Jesus (Matt24) to move out of Jerusalem (the stronghold of the persecuting Jews) to scatter into the surrounding countryside or nations?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Ananias and Sapphira - the enemy's attack on Grace.


Acts 4:36 through to Acts 5:11

Is this more evidence that the book of Acts
is an unfolding of the Gospel of Grace
to mankind as the leaders were given more revelation to understand?

For example,
Peter was not too convinced by his vision,
until he saw the Holy Spirit move on Cornelius and family.
Paul was convinced to do purification ritual and to circumcise Timothy.

Each one of these acts should not be used 
as a basis for a final theology on the Gospel of Grace. 


Does the text say that God struck Ananias or Sapphira dead?

Were Ananias and Sapphira radical unbelievers?

Were they joining the church just to be part of some new financial action?
(Put in some money, say you are destitute,
and wait for the division of the common fund).

Were Ananias and Sapphira only desirous of the praise
and the prestige in the community?

Were Ananias and Sapphira the first
infiltrators from a group of unbelievers
who wanted to exploit the resources of the church?

Were Ananias and Sapphira so convicted
of their duplicity and deceit
that they brought about their own demise, and/or,
had they allowed the destroyer access to end their lives?

Does this mean that The Holy Spirit
will always protect His New True Church
from destroying and deceptive spirits?

Ananias means "God is Gracious"
and Sapphira means "Beautiful".

Was Peter, once again, over-exuberant
and acting like an OT prophet mis-using the knowledge,
that Holy Ghost gave him about Ananias?
Is this an example of Peter not waiting
for some follow up information from Jesus?
Should our only response to all of this be,
“There, but for the Grace of God, go I."?



James Barron writes :

"The reader must read the context with an understanding that judgment
simply cannot fall on a believer, not on a true believer,
otherwise we don’t have a New Covenant and
all the promises of God relative to the work of His Son are meaningless.

.... every time Luke refers to a believer in the book of Acts he prefaces it by saying,
“a certain disciple named . . .”
 But in the case of Ananias and Sapphira, Luke writes,
“A man named Ananias, with his wife Sapphira . . .”
Because of this one statement one could say
Luke is clearly saying that they were not believers."

... "Also, Peter refers to Ananias as one in whom
“Satan has filled his heart.”
This is the same phrase used of Judas,
and certainly is not a phrase you can use when referring to any believer,
for the believer has a new heart and is filled with the Holy Spirit."

..."Another clue is the reference to
“the rest of the group”
that Ananias and Sapphira came from, being in fear.
The “rest of that group” that Ananias and Sapphira came from,
“dared not try” the same thing.
Ananias and Sapphira saw a good thing
and tried to buy themselves a place among the believers."

... "He has provided forgiveness for all people
and He is constantly reaching out
to the unbeliever in great patience and mercy,
but at the inception of the tiny church He was zealous
to make clear that the only currency
He recognizes in His kingdom is the currency of faith, not money."

..." Fear of judgment on the believer
is one of the false teachings out there
that many ["leaders"] use to keep the saints walking in obedience
(to a church under a man's control). 
It doesn’t work, but they try it any way.
But the New Covenant knows nothing 
of a fear of judgment on the believer.
The very “idea” is a misnomer.
 As John wrote,
“We have confidence in the day of judgment
and we have no fear for as Jesus is, so are we in this world.”"

Mark Verbruggen writes :

..."the first word of Acts 5:1 should be “But”, not “Now”.
“But a man named Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira, 
also sold a piece of property.”
 This links our text with what has just been said in the previous chapter.
Acts 4:36-37 tells us that a man called Barnabas sold a field
and gave the money to the apostles so that it could be used
for distribution among the believers who were in need.

His action must have brought Barnabas
much praise and thanks among the believers.
In fact, his name was actually “Joseph”,
but the apostles called him “Barnabas”
which means “Son of Encouragement”.

It is this event at the end of the previous chapter
which now leads into our text.
Acts 5:1-11 is not an interruption in the flow of the book,
rather, it is an integral part of the narrative.
Ananias, moved by what he has just seen Barnabas do,
decides along with this wife, to do the same thing.
The only difference is, his action is motivated
by a completely different spirit than that of Barnabas."

... The theologian John Stott writes that Ananias and Sapphira
were not so much misers as they were thieves.
“They wanted the credit and the prestige for sacrificial generosity,
without the inconvenience of it.
Their action was not done for the glory of God
but for the glory of themselves.

... F.F. Bruce writes,
“The story of Ananias is to the book of Acts
what the story of Achan is to the book of Joshua.
In both narratives an act of deceit
interrupts the victorious progress of God’s people.”

Joseph Prince speaks in this link.


John Mark writes :

... "There are Barnabas, a man filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 11:24),
and Ananias, whose heart was filled with Satan (5:3).
One was utterly truthful, the other a liar.
Here are counterpointed:
faith and unbelief,
selflessness and selfishness,
goodness and deceitfulness,
sacrifice and sacrilege,
trust in God and the worship of self,
("hubris," pride),
total commitment and base hypocrisy.

The setting was "paradise regained."
They had all things in common,
real community:
shared resources,
sensitivity to others’ needs,
security – not in material things, but in the risen Christ.
It’s the closest to Utopia the world has ever seen.

Sinners – even murderers of the Lord Christ –
were repenting and being forgiven and accepted;
the sick were being healed;
great grace was upon them all.

But in the midst of all this beauty and harmony,
the serpent enters the garden again. It’s an horrific story.
And yet, we feel, Ananias and Sapphira
were just ordinary people like us.
Don’t we sometimes engage in "impression management"
to manipulate others’ opinion of us?
Who of us hasn’t sometimes pinched stuff
from our employer for personal use?
Or falsified our tax return a little bit?
Or withheld the truth,
or covered up with a "white lie"?

Their motives were probably pretty ordinary –
perhaps even defensible.
Perhaps their generous or heroic selves were inspired
by the generosity of Barnabas.
Their fearful selves wondered what would happen
in their old age if they gave away all their assets.
Their critical selves asked questions about the "bums"
on the receiving end of these handouts.
Their distrustful selves may have raised questions
about the apostles’ honesty;
the church hadn’t appointed auditors yet !
But in the end their egocentric selves won;
they wanted glory without sacrifice,
the kudos Barnabas had received
without having to pay the price."


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Killing some sacred cows of Eschatology : (Destiny, End Time, Final Events, Judgement Day)

It is one judgment day, -  not the last days. They constitute 2 seasons.
God reveals His Judgment (both good and bad) for mankind on THAT day.
We are in the last days which is Glorious and the Spirit is being poured out on all flesh.

The New Testament role of the prophet is only to reconcile the Father's heart to the son and the son's heart to the Father.
This role results in the oppressed and devil degraded being reconciled into the liberty of the Father.
The Old Testament prophet brought judgement, fear and punishment for sin.
In the NT people who bring fear and punishment are called false prophets.

True NT prophets are characterised by Love and Encouragement in the Church. (eg 1Jo.4)
Fearful and judgmental words are always wrong for the church and the nations.

The church is not a body to call down wrath on the disobedient.
God is not angry and He has no need to kill everybody to bring repentance.

Disaster does not bring revival, only The Holy Ghost can do that.
Responses based on fear last only for a short time until the oppression brings erroneous doctrine.

Life and death are in the tongue which can be spoken into being.
Words that steal, destroy and kill are always of the devil.

Are you seen as a lover of rules, law and process or a lover for the oppressed to be free?

Some paraphrased points from Kris Vallotton to understand about the last days, which are not the one last day:

1/. Recognise our highly favoured position in Christ in these last days. That is, do not re-empower the devil, (who was completely defeated at the Cross of Jesus), with your lack of trust in Jesus' Love, Words and Provision for you.

2/. There is always a Hope and a Future for our children on this Earth.

3/. We, in His Abilities, can restore Hope to all nations and cities.

4/. All nations will know the Glory of Jesus and Earth will be like Heaven.

5/. God is always Good and His Love never gives up.

6/. Bad news should not be celebrated as evidence of the soon return of Christ.
Only the devil desires chaos.

7/. We are in the last days where The Holy Spirit will unleash dreams and visions in believers, not judgment and wrath on unbelievers. The judgment day is a separate event where only God, the Judge, is responsible.

8/. Kingdom realities and values should not be pushed into a future time period, so deadening our Joy in the Spirit, now.


Monday, March 21, 2011

Communion - Joy Time

We celebrate Jesus and His Passion for us.

We enjoy this at anytime in a week.
We love it when friends join with us.
There is no set procedure so the Holy Ghost can lead and His Joy can Presence.

The usual elements are :

Free and Open Worship in song. (DVD s or streaming can assist at times.)

Free and Open Worship in praise.

Fresh cooked flat bread (supper size) eaten and new wine (wine glass size) sipped to commemorate

the Love of Jesus.

A message from the Word of Jesus.

Relevant giftings from Daddy God's Heart for the celebration.

Join us in the Bliss, sometime, if you wish.

Essentially in a Culture of Grace and Honour for Jesus, his sisters and his brothers.


Friday, March 11, 2011

Sendai Re-Establish !. (Relief web sites at bottom of this post)

 Sendai Cathedral between Highrise (photo TrekEarth

Catholicism has a long tradition in Sendai.
Look for consolation from the non-traditional Jesus soon.

The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy.
(i.e. what has been blessed previously leads to blessing in the future).

Revival in Sendai!
In November, 1886, a noteworthy revival began in Sendai. The churches of different denominations had united in a series of meetings. Large audiences gathered, and many of the Christians were so impressed that they went into the fields or to the hills for prayer, it always being difficult in a Japanese house to obtain privacy. Others remained in the church until three o’clock in the morning. Some went to the houses of the pastors to confess their sins and seek help, while many made a public acknowledgment of their sins. Persons who had before shown no sympathy with revivals now acknowledged their mistake. The report of these things spread abroad and led to the holding of similar meetings in other cities.

While most of the churches were rejoicing in great prosperity, there were in several places special manifestations of the Holy Spirit’s presence. A letter describing what occurred in the Girls’ School connected with the English Church Mission in Osaka says:
“The blessing of a revival which God graciously granted to many of his servants in Japan, foreign as well as native, extended also to some of the older girls in the school, who gave proof that they had been drawn nearer to God. Emotions of envy and jealousy, deeply rooted, were mutually confessed and wept over, and pardon was sought for them in united prayer, and the girls began to love each other more sincerely and cordially.”


 les petits tambouriners, Sendai (photo TrekEarth

I wanted to find out which relief agencies might be most effective.
Some websites for you to peruse  that might receive your support are outlined below.
To me, the ones that are faith based would be the most sustainable into the future, so they are listed first.

I haven't been able to find any local Sendai Fellowships that I could recommend, yet.
Here are Tokyo based ones with Australian connections.
which is associated with

Faith Based Relief Agencies are :

Australian based Relief Agencies are :
