Sunday, February 21, 2010

Check report on "Pastor Crocodile Dundee" in my Tumblr site.

Click this to go there.

Brian Houston : You will find what you are looking for in scripture and this life.

worship in song session with Ben Fielding and the Band and Choir

"You will find what you are looking for in scripture and this life.
The vultures find what they look for. They look for dead stuff, carcasses."

Hillsong Brisbane 21 Feb Good worship in song session with Ben Fielding and the Band and Choir.
Songs included :
“God you are my God”
“You my God are Greater still”
“Saviour, He can move the mountains”
Brian Houston gets us all to pray for people who have filled out request forms he holds and anyone in the hall who requires healing.
He is pleased to announce 4 Sunday meeting times with all the same ministry. 8am(acoustic) 9am, 11am and soon 5pm, as well as Friday 6:30pm.
Bobby Houston promotes the Women’s Conference in Sydney “Colour 2010”.
She refers to Gen12:2 and our ingredients to bless: faithfulness, consistency (more).
She talks about the good work of Compassionate.
Brian congratulates Ben Fielding; his song “Mighty to save” is the No.1 sung song in USA churches which betters “Shout to the Lord” which made No.2 in the past.
Brian gives ministry (this is not word for word, ok) from Matt.25.
(brackets indicates my thoughts or perception)
“When ordinary people believe God, extraordinary things happen.
The talent, sum of money, was given (entrusted) but one of the servants hid his masters talent. 
Life is entrusted to you, your body is given to you, even the air you breathe is entrusted to you. Different people have different spirits.
1Pet.3 a gentle spirit; 
Ps.51:12 a generous spirit.
In 1989 we were young and had a growing church. 
A youth pastor from a big USA church spoke at our church and subsequently invited me to visit them in USA. He said he might even be introduced to the BIG name leader. This desire happened and later the leader invited me to be a keynote speaker at one of his conferences. My knees went to water but I did it. 
Some years later I asked him why he had chosen such a novice to speak. 
He replied “I liked your spirit”. 
Matt.25 identifies the kind of spirit that understands the Master’s spirit as goodness 
and enters into JOY as opposed to the servant sees his Master as a HARD spirit.
Ps.119:68 God is Good and He does Good. It’s the finished works of Jesus we have now. 
Ps.11:7 God’s Spirit IS Righteousness….His smile upholds the upright (us under Jesus)

You will find what you are looking for in scripture and this life.
The vultures find what they look for. They look for dead stuff, carcasses.
The humming bird looks for alive stuff; sweet nectar. (what do I look for?).

Receive a talent and give out of what that talent produces; 
rather than lock up that talent (and promote in others to lock it up too).
A person kept asking me, “when was I coming thru his area”. I eventually went his way and he gave me a watch; I received it in a thankful spirit; even though i hate the thought that any ministers using their position to get freebies for duty or to influence. 
Hearers of this gifting (of watch) reveal their spirit by what they say or think e.g. “what did he do for him to get that gift?”; “how come he gets a gift and I never do?”;  or “he probably deserves a gift but I don’t deserve a gift”. 
We all need and can change our poor spirit to be His Spirit. 
The talent he gives you is not to be hidden. (it would be better to blow the talent than to hide it). 
The talent that Jesus has entrusted in you is to advance His domain on earth. 
The Master has a desire to restore the lost, He gives them hope through you, the church and The Spirit. People like Bill Gates is putting much of his fortune into the poor and is to be commended,
just as the church is commended for doing the same 
but we have a (better) calling to help the lost's spiritual relationship with Jesus also.
Mk.14:7 Very expensive Oil is used by this women to drench Jesus. 
Jesus receives the honour and blesses the woman that she has done a very important thing; 
and as an aside states the that we should ALSO do good to the poor. 
Its not either / or it is Spiritual relationship with Jesus and help the poor. 
Its about helping people connect with God.

a few Core beliefs of Hillsong :
We believe that in order to receive forgiveness and the 'new birth' we must repent of our sins, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and submit to His will for our lives.
We believe that in order to live the holy and fruitful lives that God intends for us, we need to be baptised in water and be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit enables us to use spiritual gifts, including speaking in tongues.
We believe that God has individually equipped us so that we can successfully achieve His purpose for our lives which is to worship God, fulfil our role in the Church and serve the community in which we live.
We believe that God wants to heal and transform us so that we can live healthy and prosperous lives in order to help others more effectively.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Reports on the Campbell meetings....

Friends of JESUS should learn from our Spiritual forebearers - in the 1700's that was....

The Methodist Revival via John Wesley in England.
His dad was an anglican rector. His mum educated him well and he went onto Oxford.
He founded a group at Oxford called Methodists due to their methodical approach to nightly meetings and fasting two days per week.
In 1738, John found wonderful peace by proclaiming that we are justified by Faith only.
In an all night prayer meeting the Holy Ghost descended and they were overwhelmed and cried out in Joy and praise. He was rejected by the anglicans so he preached open air services throughout England. 1000's of people came and were healed and delivered.
There were unusual manifestations as people were overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit such as Spiritual tongues, falling, trembling, roaring, crying and laughing.
People were healed by confirming His Grace, by invoking His Promises and calling for an increase of their faith.
The "church" derided them as Enthusiasts because they had foresakened the naturally reasoned approach to scripture.
John Wesley stated that the Holy Ghost gifts would be present in the church until the restitution.
That sanctification (the heart moving from willful sinning due to the overwhelming nature of God's Love) can only be real after the true new birth experience.
Along with John Fletcher, he is a father of modern pentacostalism.
Fletcher used the terms "baptism in the Holy Ghost and with Fire" and "looking for our Pentecost with much prayer" in his preaching and Wesley said "people turned up to watch me Burn".

further reading:
"2000 years of Charismatic Christianity" by Eddie L Hyatt.
"Miracle Workers, Reformers and the New Mystics" by John Crowder.

Daily Devotional with Andrew Wommack

Thursday 18th February 2010
Mark 1:23, "And there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit; and he cried out;...."
MK. 1:21-28; LK. 4:33-37
Many people don't associate demon possessed people with places of worship. Yet most of the demons that Jesus cast out were encountered in the church. Why would demon possessed people be in church?

In some cases, the people were there because they were seeking help. The church, like a hospital, offers people the cure and therefore, attracts those who are sick.

In other cases, the devil sows these types of people in the church to spread spiritual disease. A church that is teaching the true Word of God should either try to evangelize these individuals or make them so convicted that they move on. Sad to say, demon possessed people can thrive in most religious settings today.

We always need to show love for the sinner as Jesus did, but we should cut the devil no slack. If a person wants to keep an evil spirit on the inside of them, they should not feel at home in church.

Let the Spirit of God live through you as He did through Jesus and you will either make people mad or glad, but there will not be indifference.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Kris Vallotton from Bethel Church California.

Bethel Church is an outstanding Church 
taking the hearts and mind of Christians to new understandings.
Make Downpour Conference a date claimer in your calender. 

a small section from Bethel Church beliefs:
We are saved by God's grace, through faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Anyone can be restored to fellowship with God through repenting, believing and receiving Jesus as their Savior and Lord. The Holy Spirit, convicts, regenerates, justifies, and adopts us as we enter the Kingdom of God as His sons and daughters.
In the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live holy and minister super-naturally. The baptism of the Holy Spirit according to Acts 1:4-8 and 2:4 is poured out on believers that they might have power to be witnesses.
The victorious redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides freedom from the power of the enemy * sin, lies, sickness and torment.

Revolution Church, Gold Coast.
Downpour Conference 2010.
Info and Bookings : ring 0755260777
Meeting at the Dream Centre, Carrara.
Wednesday 17-20th March. 
Daily and Nightly;

Brisbane City Church Wayne Alcorn Values Day.

Heartfelt worship session with Darlene Zschech
and the Brisbane City Church Band and choir – so sweet to be there.

Darlene read the verses blessing her:
Ps34:4 God met me more than halfway,
   he freed me from my anxious fears.
Look at him; give him your warmest smile.
   Never hide your feelings from him.

Brisbane City Church Wayne Alcorn Values Day.

1Thess.5:24 May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together—spirit, soul, and body—and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ. 
The One who called you is completely dependable. If he said it, he'll do it!

Showed Church ’09 review on multimedia.
Started Internship program.
Champions Men’s Conference.- men for a cause.
Wayne Alcorn voted ACC chairman.
Deadlies 09 Indigenous week.
Fortitude Valley Fiesta.
Christmas in the Park series.
80th anniversary of Glad Tidings Tabernacle Church which Wayne came to pastor 9? years ago.

Wayne showed the Vision multimedia for 2010.
Vision= values  “to God, to people, to purpose”
Join Personal Connect groups;
Participate Corporately on Sundays.
Develop a culture of connect; to touch Heaven.
Its not a crowd but is family.

Jesus builds the Church.
We make disciples.
Get involved with bus driving, City Care, Festival of Hope, March 13; etc.
Disciples serve.
Join Discovery Groups for Breakthrough.
Be mentors; be Kingdom Builders; be Influencers in business; be Mission supporters.
Join our strategies and plans to connect to God, to people, to purpose.
Wayne said the model for City Care was about to be repeated throughout the world.
Matt16:18b “and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”.

Church is uncomplicated.
Teaching of apostles – is not cliché!
3 Sunday night teachings then last Sunday night of month – CELEBRATE.
Fellowship – real personal interaction – not only Facebook & Podcasts.-
not come, sit, leave, either.
Breaking of Bread – come together to corporately remember Jesus.
Prayer and Worship.
Early church did this; they met in houses and the temple and won souls because
God added those who were to be saved.
Uganda has just had 2500 souls added.
Godhead said everything in creation was Good
until they saw that Adam felt alone in his form.
When Jesus said “Where are you Adam?
It was not: “oh dear I’ve only made one human and I’ve lost him already!!!”
It was “let’s sort out your disconnection from the Three in One” Namely:

Eph.2:13 But don't take any of this for granted. It was only yesterday that you outsiders to God's ways had no idea of any of this, didn't know the first thing about the way God works, hadn't the faintest idea of Christ. You knew nothing of that rich history of God's covenants and promises in Israel, hadn't a clue about what God was doing in the world at large.
Now because of Christ—dying that death, shedding that blood—
You, who were once out of it altogether, are in on everything.

We then broke bread together – He tastes So GOOD

a few beliefs of Brisbane City Church : 
  • That the Lord Jesus Christ as both God and man is the only One who can reconcile us to God. He lived a sinless and exemplary life, died on the cross in our place, and rose again to prove His victory and empower us for life.
  • That in order to receive forgiveness and the "new birth" we must repent of our sins, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and submit to His will for our lives.
  • That in order to live the holy and fruitful lives that God intends for us, we need to be baptised in water and be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit enables us to use spiritual gifts, including speaking in tongues which is the initial evidence of baptism in the Holy Spirit.

RaptureRukus - the bliss of being Jesus homies

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Heidi and Roland Baker in SE Queensland - Check it!

Heidi and Roland Baker draw big interest!
You will need to book in, eh.

New Earth Tribe. ph 0266857702
Tuesday March 16 , 2010.  6pm  
BB Community Centre . 
We are excited and delighted to host Heidi Baker in Byron Bay.
Heidi is one of our all-time heros! 
We love that she is a woman relentlessly pursuing intimacy with Christ and living the Kingdom mandate! Heidi and Rolland have been missionaries for over 25 years 
and founded Iris Ministries in Mozambique where they have planted over 5000 churches, 
care for over 2000 orphans in centres around the country 
and have seen countless people supernaturally healed!

Revolution Church, Gold Coast.
Downpour Conference 2010.
Info and Bookings : ring 0755260777
Meeting at the Dream Centre, Carrara.
Wednesday 17-20th March. 
Daily and Nightly; 

Bridgeman Downs COC. ph 0732619777
Sat. 20th March : 7pm
Sun 21st March : 9:30am & 6pm

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

No agenda but to get to know His Love

--------The Plan is Him---------- 
No agenda but to get to know His Love; 
don't get locked in to one's doctrine !! 
-------secular or religious-----------.

(image from Forgiveness on FaceBook)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Glory Gathering with NewDay, Katherine; and Charles Stock

(I took this Glory Cloud image just before a 12hr downpour, last Saturday)

Ann Stock has her message in

Glory Gathering at NewDay featuring Charles Stock.
Katherine and NewDay band bring a blessed worship session
in their new meeting place.
Its in an industrial area on the second floor with plenty of room for expansion.

The Holy Ghost brought a worthy atmosphere to the venue in our worship.

Katherine highlights our blessed place in Jesus
and asks for revelations from the word.
NewDay church father from HIM Australia brings a blessing.
Others :
A reading from John 5 ;
a prophetic word reassuring that the first Australian nation
has not been forgotten by God and that its red heart is His red heart for them.

Charles is introduced as a man with apostolic anointing
for Harvest International Ministries USA.
He feels young and energetic under the Ages of the Ages.
A spotlight is glaring from a wrong angle as he starts to speak;

“I’ll have to get used to bright light because He is light, a person, a door.
I am inebriated not intoxicated about Jesus
there is nothing toxic about Jesus ca ca ca.
(I notice the glaring light then fuses so no more glare!)

Charles encourages from his heart :
"There are 3 couples on east coast Australia with links between them 
that will welcome the new day of Jesus to this great south land of the Holy Spirit.
There is a ring of Fire around this nation ;
the aboriginal nation has not been forgotten – 
the red heart has My Blood – 
Australia has a Door thrown open for the aussie battler to become a warrior – 
Australia has the Lord’s favour on it - 
and as Australians move across the Earth angels are sent with them. 
Katherine is a carrier of the Gospel, a fire, 
a General with a battalion of angels to become an invasion point."

Charles preaches with jumps of Joy :
"We come together for His Presence not particularly the preaching.
The preaching comes out of The Presence.
Jesus bought you at a good price – He is a Good deal maker – 
so ANY doubt about your worthiness is not justified – 
He lets the waves of Glory roll – He is FUN.
He sanctifies us in His Glory.
The prophets reward is the Revelation through him.
I like your airlines, the announcements includes the boys and girls.
I am a boy to daddy God.
In Christ you are a New Creation (new life being) – 
you are housing the New Age.
That which is coming is already in you – 
so your prayer doesn’t have to travel far!!"

Charles continues :
"He is more in Love with you than you manifest for Him.
"Let there be Light" was about you!
We were made a little lower than the angels 
is more likely translated a little lower than Elohim (Godhead) – 
the Us in "lets make man like Us".
Put on the prayer shawl Talith is like putting on the Law.
We are not under Law because Jesus fulfilled the Law and we put on Jesus.
Within you are Multiple Rivers flowing out to solve the cry of this world.

We are not to attain but to LET IT OUT.
We are to be unusual people not religious people. 
Peter says we are Aliens and strangers. 
True religion is to love the Fatherless anyway.
Son of Man was wholly dependant on the Holy Spirit as an example to us.
Jesus celebrated the Passover a day early, 
disciples just turned up waiting for Jesus was up to; 
no servants at meal time so 
Jesus became the servant and BEAUTIFIED their feet.

God has created everything based on light (E=mCsquared).
We were made like Elohim but we couldn’t have everything God had.
Religion makes you stupid; it exists in rules.
There is no agenda, no program – 
(Charles relates story of finding his wife Ann).
God wants to set you FREE – no doubts of His Love.
Love is what sanctifies us – so don’t lower your expectation –
God IS Love and He fills us with Himself –
Go to Love and stay there."

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Wes and Stacey Campbell

Wesley and Stacey Campbell, under the banner of RevivalNOW! Ministries,
have a passion to see the body of Christ rise up
to fulfill the plan and will of God,
and to grow in love and service to all mankind. HIM network.
These two are doing a great work in Jesus in Uganda for orphans.

Boyd went to two meetings  featuring Stacey and Wes at NewDay.
You will not be disappointed with their teachings and experience in the Holy Spirit.
read more on my link:

Set Free Church. Lawson St. Southport. ph 0755004414
Wes and Stacey Campbell;  Nightly.
Thursday 18th, Friday 19th, Sat. 20th February 7pm Free.
Saturday 20th Feb. at 10 am -1pm --- Class of the Supernatural --- $25 each

New Earth Tribe : ph 0266857702
Wed.17th Feb. 6pm Byron Bay Community Centre.
Sun 21st Feb.  4pm Byron Bay Primary School Hall.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cross shaped space object - To Ponder

 Story from ninemsn and images from NASA. my comments in brackets.

An X-shaped object whizzing through space at 17,700km/h is believed to be the debris left behind after two asteroids collided.
Scientists believe the object — nicknamed P/2010 A2 — is from the same cluster of space rocks that killed off the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago (is that proven?).
If the collision theory proves to be true it will be the first time the remnants of an asteroid smash have been seen by humankind — even though astronomers say collisions happen all the time.
The Hubble Space Telescope photographed P/2010 A2, which orbits in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, earlier last week.
"What Hubble saw indicates that P/2010 A2 is unlike any object ever seen before," astrophysicist Dr Robert Nemiroff from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre told The Sun newspaper.
"At first glance, the object appears to have the tail of a comet ... close inspection, however, shows a 140m nucleus offset from the tail centre, very unusual structure near the nucleus, and no discernable gas in the tail."
Scientist David Jewitt from the University of California told Reuters: "The truth is we're still struggling to understand what this means."
Experts say the orbit of P/2010 A2 is related to a group of asteroids known as the "Flora family", which produced the same asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs (is that proven?).
NASA described the object as "comet-like" but pointed out it is different because there is no gas in its trail.
The object was travelling 144 million kilometres from earth

Magnus Persson

Feb 21  : Magnus Persson, Lead Pastor of UNITED in Malmo, Sweden and Copenhagen, Denmark
Generation Church 
Gold Coast Arts Centre
Sundays 10am

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Curry Blake (John G Lake Ministries)

Latest NEWS            
Curry Blake has postponed his Australian Tour until a little later in the year.

I'll post the dates when they are released.

Divine Healing Technician Seminars: